
S1E3: What is This Mess? (Part 2)

I opened the door and saw her stared at me with her arms crossed over her chest. "You late. Where you've been?" I closed the door and took a deep breath.

I put my bag on the couch and sit. "I stuck in the traffic." It's not an excuse. "Can you... not tell a lie to my editor, Rose?"

She furrowed her brow. "What kind of lie I told to your..."

"My editor said you were my wife. You can change my lunch, but seriously!? A salad? You almost made me passed out during the event!" I stared at her. I'm tired and now we're arguing.

"Ms. Denada trusted me to take care of you, and I will not let her down!" She said with a lofty voice. It will become a long chilly night for us. I can tell she was stubborn lie me. It's not my fault.

I walked to my office door and turned the switch on. It's been a long day for me. I'm tired, need a rest, and a drink. Wish you came at the right time, Rose. Maybe I'll consider to live like a normal person.

I leaned on my chair and stared at the ceiling. A painful memory of my break up playing like a movie in my head. What if I died? Will she cry for me? These questions never get answered by its own.

I wonder why she left me? Am I not perfect for her? If there's someone else in her life. Why would she didn't want to tell me? Why she didn't want to fight for me?

I wiped my tears, closed my eyes. Oh, God. What if I couldn't bear it?

*knock... knock...

"Come in!" I wiped my tears, cleared my throat. She approached me as she brings a tray in her hand. Rose puts a plate of boiled chicken and a glass of a juice? On my desk.

I scoffed. This is a joke, right? A plate of boiled chicken, and I don't know what kind of drink she gave me. "Are you okay?"

I looked at her appearance as I turned my PC on. "No. I'm not okay. It's that necessary to wearing your uniform?"

"You don't like it?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrow. "I'm not saying that I don't like it."

"Ms. Denada said to me that you... have allergies." Oh, here we go again.

I scoffed, then sighed. "Why you asked twice? Am I a person who will tell a lie about myself?!"

Why in the hell was she good at cooking!? Oh my God. I took a deep breath and put on my fork next to the plate. "Seems like we're have a winner here." I admit her cooking skill was astonishing.

I admit her cooking skill was astonishing. Shit, this bad! I can't criticize her food, or say a bad thing to her.

I cleaned my plate and wiped my mouth with a napkin. "I... like this menu tonight, but..." Dear God, please give me a strength to not let me fall in love with her.

"You need more chicken?" A mischievous smile drawn on her face. I can feel my heart want to jump out. I'm looking at my glass and furrowed my brow. "it's... celery and carrot juice."

Did she want me to become a vegan?! She picked the dirty dishes. "Do you need anything else?" I shook my hand.

"Um... wait." She looks at me. "I'm sorry about misunderstanding earlier. It's... a long day for me." Why I'm apologizing to her?! I did not make any mistakes.

She nods and walked away. Rose was more like my maid rather my nanny. I want talk to her tomorrow. I picked my phone and opened my Instagram account.

I wonder why Mark Zuckerberg keeps going if he dropped out from his college, but how he survive? How he can make it? I pondered and stared at my monitor.

I want to dead, but why the earth rejects my sacrifice? It's better I'm updating my story rather than... thinking about this never-ending loop. I opened my browser and start typing the last history.

I heard something ruckus outside. In response, I picked my baseball bat and walked to the source. A burglar? What a burglar did inside my cat's cage?

I opened my cage door. I saw Rose grabbed Twinkle. "What the hell are you doing!?"

I approach her, looked at her arms. I narrowed my eye, clenched my fist and puffin' my chest. "What did you do to him?!" I snatched Twinkle's weak body, tried to wake him up.

"I just heard they... screaming loudly and... I saw him like that!" She said in her defense.

I rushed to get back inside and picked a hairdryer. I tried my best to remain calm. Rose tapped my shoulder. "He's dead, Lobak. We can't do anything except let him go."

She's right, his nose changed into white. I hugged him for the last time before buried him. Am I already try my best to save them?

She snatched Twinkle's dead body and walked outside. I only stared at her back as I cried. Are you hating me, God?! Why you always do this to me?! They don't deserve to be dead! I'm the one who deserve it!

Paruru approaching me and licked my hand. "I'm sorry Twinkle. I'm sorry." I heard the door opened and Rose help me to stand up. "Get up!" she said as she pulled me. "We're not God!"

I clenched my fist. "Have you ever lose someone important from your life!? Have you.. ever feeling it?" She slaps me. No one dare to slap me, but her? Instead scolded me, Rose slapped my face.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Do you think your life was ending because of it!? Wake up, Lobak!" She doesn't understand about my feeling. She snatched my car key and locked the door.

She keep standing in front of the door and wouldn't move an inch as she crossed her arms over her chest. She... needs to know who's the boss. "Fuck off." I glared at her.

She scoffed and sighed. "Get back inside do what you want to do, or I'll call your parents? When you were away... they came and gave their number to me."

I forced to get back to my office. I slammed the door, then lock it from inside.

I sat on the floor and leaned on the door. Dear God, I love them. Please, don't take away from me.

I hugged my knee and let my emotion hugged as my crying sound muffled.







I blinked my eyes, and I heard my alarm ringing. "Oh, you already wake up."

I took a deep breath. I recall what happened last night and sighed. "You're parents are waiting at the outside. They insist."

Well, I can't escape from them, I guess. They were like a Houdini. Haunt me wherever am I.

I walked to the bathroom to wash my face. Yep. There's no turning back.