
S1E11: The War is Begin (Part 7)

I opened the door and carried her to get out of my car. "Thank you," she said. She puts her head on the crook of my neck.

"Your face is red." I tried to not make any eye contact. Rose pokes my face with Pocky stick. "What?" She shook her head. I took a deep breath and looked at the dark grey sky above. Birds flying from east to the west. No sign of sun today.

Hah! It's about to storm. I closed the door with by kick and looked at my cat keeper. I hired her to taking care of my cats while I'm gone. "You home early? I thought you..." she said as she looked at Rose.

Right. I took a deep breath and smiled. "My publisher cancel all my events because of my health." I said.

I seated Rose on the barstool. Her face still red and pouted her lips. She's cute. "Sorry, I... used your Wi-Fi because I need to do my college assignment."

Rose already go to her room. I'm looking at the papers, books, and a laptop on the dining table. "It's fine. Don't worry." I sits on the barstool, then sighed. "Can you... use backyard's Wi-Fi? It's... because..."

She's nodding her head, then tidying her belonging and move to my backyard. This is awkward. "You alright?" I'm looking at her. She already changed her clothes, then boiled a water.

I'm nodding my head and sighed. Rose put a cup of the tea in front of me, then sits next to me. I took a sip. "It's good. Why do you choose to become a nurse rather than... Tea Master? You could... get much money and live comfortably."

She leaned her head on my shoulder. Rose. Rosemary Salsabilla. My private nurse, an annoying person, kind-hearted, and... my crush. She looks tough, but inside her heart.

I don't know since when I already fall for you.

I can't see through her eyes. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"N-nothing." I leaned my bac and looked at her face from side. You already changed me. Do you know that?! First, I hesitate to wrapped my hands around her waist.

I can feel the adrenaline rushed through my veins. I took a deep breath and leaned my hand on her waist.

Flashback on

I opened my eyes because I heard her voice tried to wake me. "Ugh... what time is it?" Rose sighed.

"It's already 9 AM!" She said.

I jumped from my bed, then rushed to the bathroom. Shit. I forgot to charge my phone. "Lobak!? Can you hurried?" I washed my face, then brushed my teeth.

Usually, I took a bath twice a day, but today it's different. I'm late. Rose asked me a favor to become her wife at her reunion party. I looked at Rose do her makeup in front of my standing mirror. She looks beautiful in that simple white dress.

Her wavy brown hair laid beautifully. I crossed my arms and looked at her. "Why were you just standing there?!" Oh, right. She threw my towel and it's landing smoothly on my head. "Take a quick bath, please... you're stinky!"

I'm chuckling. She's quite bossy. I walked to my bathroom and do what she told me.







Now we were here. Rose's high school reunion party. "Lobak, please be nice to my friends, and don't... made any trouble" she pleased me.

"I get it, my wife.." we're get out from the car, then walked side-by-side to the hotel's lobby. We rushed to get inside the ballroom and there's a lot of people. Even I'm already popular and surround by many people, but still not get used to it.

I walked to the buffet and take a Styrofoam plate and start choosing food. Typical me to see what's inside this buffet first, rather than walked to your friend to chit-chat. I sit on empty chair.

"Are you..."

"Ah... right. My wife was there." I'm pointing at Rose, who was talking with her friend.

A guy in front of me, put his phone and cigarette, then pulled a chair in front of me. "I don't know that she's a... LGBT people." We're focusing on our state of mind. No one talking.

I'm not expected anything from him, anyway. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. A waitress approached us to offered a shrimp cocktail. "I'll take one." she put the shrimp cocktail in front of me.

"Wahyu!" A man wearing silk tight leopard printed shirt, white trousers, and derby shoes and a gold chain on his neck. approaching our table. I should keep my composure and alert what might come next.

I'm tidying my jacket, then my hair. "So..."

"She's Rose's wife. Maybe she's foreigner..." he said as glanced at me. Heh, interesting. The man, who was wearing a silk tight leopard printed shirt gave me his business card. "I'm sorry on the behalf of my friend, Mrs..."

"Gabriela." I said calmly.

"Ah... Mrs. Gabriela." He murmured. "What's your occupation? What the event recently happened to your life?" He pulled a chair next to Wahyu. He likes to used a hair gel too much.

"I'm a writer from America, and... I have several business here. Recently... I purchased a small company." He amazed.

I'm sorry Mr. Kusumawongso. I wouldn't gave you the detail because it will reduced the surprised element. Journalists will love with this news and TV stations will boosted their ratings with this present.

Wahyu just smoke as he listening to our conversation. "Why you're face looked gloomy today, huh? What's wrong, brother." He also lid his cigarette.

"My former boss... sold his company to someone." H said as he sip the black coffee. Huh, I guess.. he's one of the employee there.

"Wait, what?! That crappy company purchased!? Wow... that person must be filthy rich bro. So... why you gloom!? You should prepare for your raised. If you need help to convince your new CEO." He patted and puffed his chest "...you can call me." He patted his chest.

He's arrogant. I can tell he will saved for himself if his in trouble. Wahyu turned off his smoke. "I don't know if... he or she will raised my wage or fired me." A screamed heard.

Three of us looked at the crowed and I saw Rose sits on the floor. His hair was wet. "Rose!" I immediately approached her.

I carried her body in front of her friends like a bridal. "Lobak..."

"She was my wife! I'm the person who purchased Gardama Maritim!" All of her friends gasped, widened her eyes, and covered their mouth. I'm glancing at Wahyu. His face turned pale.

She gripped my shirt tightly and hide her face inside my neck crook. "It's fine. Your my 'wife' anyway." Why it hurts me badly whenever I looked at her like this?

Flashback off

I leaned on the chair as I'm looking at my laptop monitor and scanning one-by-one their background. The company that I bought from him already enough to make me become filthy rich.

I can retire early in just 9 months operate, but this the interesting challenge. This company has their own reputation and it's worst of the worst. Besides, the toxic workplace environment, this company also has big corruption scandal.

How that company can make a million a day? I should investigate inside out. I took off my glasses as Rose gets inside my office room. She brings me a cup of tea with a cookie beside it. "Any special occasion?"

She bites her lips. "I just... want to say thank you." That's it? Only to thank me? I took a deep breath and sighed. "Well... you protected me for getting bullied further by them..."

Oh... bullies. "It's fine. Also, it's my job to protect you." There's no way I asked her this, but... I don't have any option. "Do you have... secretary experience before?"

She shook her head. "Why?"

"N-nothing. Just asked..." I rubbed my nape. She hummed, then leave me alone again. I should do this for myself. A job vacancy? That's might be good idea.