
S1E1: A Brand New Boring Day

My name is 'Lobak' Gabriela. I'm 22 years-old, and I love girls! I enjoying reading Shakespear's, Sir Arthur C. Doyle's, and Jules Verne's books. They have a good story.

Especially Jules Verne. 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea by the legend. It's amazing! From a person whose living in the 1800s, I like how crazy he was. For entertainment, I'm usually watching shows from foreign TV shows or watching a random video on YouTube.

I also like to watch a K-Drama called Fiery Priest. It contains a unique storyline and is a mix of action, comedy, tragedy, and gladly, they did not have a romance scene.

Right now, I'm at the hospital to check on my heart condition.

I'm damaging my heart by smoke, drinking alcohol, eating a lot of unhealthy foods, and other bad habit. Beside of that, I enjoy drinking coffee to often.

My occupation is a writer and an entrepreneur.

I'm looking at the queue. It's Saturday, and I forgot to bring my phone. Usually, I'm at the hospital early, but today I forgot to set up an alarm. "Hey." A woman in nurse uniform approach me.

Her name is Jane. I met her at the club a year ago. She was drunk and puked at my shirt that night. I drove her home, asked her number, and we become closer.

At first, I have feeling towards her. I confessed my feeling to her 17 times, and she keeps rejecting me because she already liked someone.

After that heart break event, I met someone. That person is the one I'm lining up.

"Ms. Gabriela. You can meet your doctor in her room." Great! I stood up and

walked down to the hallway and followed by her.

All my friends mistaken her for my new girlfriend. She kept stalking me, spamming my text and calls, and even sending me food. Her cooking skill was the worst of the worst.

We stopped in front of her room. "I..."

"No. Go back to your job. It's even not your lunchtime, right?" She shook her head. No wonder killing was illegal. I rubbed my face roughly, sighed.

This is it. I had enough with her. I looked at her with a tremulous smile draw on my face. "Can you stop bothering me, Jane?! We're not a couple!"

Jane widened her eyes, furrowed her brow. "All I've done for you..." no. You're not doing for me, Jane. Before I could continue my words, she ran away from me. It's better I said that earlier, before it's too late.

I opened the door, and I saw her glared at me with her hand crossed over her chest. "Where you've been last night, hm?"

"I attended an event. Why?" I pulled a chair and sits. The person in front of me, her name is Sarah Denada Putri.

She was my doctor and friend. We met at the WhatsApp group chat a couple years ago. "How's your sleep?"

I straightened my body and cleared my throat. "Same as yesterday."

Who doesn't want to become her girlfriend?

She's beautiful, wife-materials, intelligent, and she's a specialist doctor. I wish I could've met a person like her.

I will consider living healthy. "Lobak?" Oh, God. When you gave me someone like her? Not look like her, but... gave me someone who loved me.

She tapped my shoulder. I jolted and straightened my posture. "I'm... not talking to a statue, right?"

I shook my head. She's explaining to me how concerned she was about my condition. I knew my heart was... concerning.

I could die anytime, but I was reluctant to acknowledge the fact. "Okay, that's great!"

"Great?! You can die whenever you..." she rubbed her face, sighed. I wanna get out from here as quick as possible. "I will tell her if you leave from the seat." She glared at me.

I don't have another choice except to oblige. I watched her write a prescription for me.

"I will..." she ripped the edge of the paper and put on her notebook. "...send a person to help you." She said as she glared at me. "I was concerned with you. Are you want to die you and single?! Leaving this world without legacy!?"

She has the point. I rubbed my eyes, looked down, and sighed. "Forget..."

I stood up and stormed out of the room. I saw my stalker waiting patiently outside the room.

"How's your..."

"Jane, please listen to me." I took a deep breath. I'm trying not to raising my voice to her. "I did not have any interest in you anymore! Please understand. We're friends! I don't... want to open my heart to anyone!" Tears fall from her eyes.

I'm looking at my watch and took a deep breath. It's lunchtime. I'm leaving her cried, while sits on the waiting chair alone. It's better that way, right?

I'm walking to the cashier and looked at the menu. "Good afternoon, my name is Alan. How can I help you?" I tapped on my finger on the tray and sighed.

"Where's the... sandwich?" I asked him.

"We... decide to rolling the menu every month. Do you want try to another menu?

I'm nodding my head. "A croissant smoked tuna and... orange juice, please." I gave him the money.

"Here's the change, receipt, and waiting number. Have a nice day!" Huh, I've already had a 'nice' day, Alan. Today was the most 'nicest' day ever!

I'm approaching an empty seat nearby the windows and relaxed. It's not like the usual. What's wrong? Or is it because of today is the end of the month? I always carried my laptop and tab everywhere because I have business.

I want to stop by at one of my brand today. COVI-19 fuck everyone and economy.

Government new regulations, was not the only reason the economy suck. It's because of people losing their jobs, competitive market, unemployment, and criminal activities also risen, fake news also made an impact.

I choose to put all my savings, inside my emergency saving and let my trading bot do his worked.

"Here's your meal." She puts my food and beverage in front of me, then pulled a chair and sit. "My sift will be over 6 minutes again." She sighed. "My wife was... cheating on me, bud. What do you think? Should I..."

"Do you have solid evidence. Why you always...."

"Okay!" She stood up and snatched my orange juice. "I'll get you a new one." That wrench! I took a deep breath and sighed. She's slightly different from me.







I opened the door and my cats greet me. "Meow!" I put the groceries at the kitchen counter.

"You guys hungry?" John rubs her whisker on my leg. Aww... this handsome ginger cat. I pet his head, then kissed him. "Let's go!" They followed me to their room and pour some cat food one-by-one inside their bowls with the same amount.

I walked to my study room to retrieve my phone. Notification still heard and made my phone hot. Mostly from Jane and my dad. I too often changed my number and from who and how they get it?

Maybe I should keep it more low profile this time. Right now...

*Ting... Tong...

Since I moved to this quiet neighborhood, I isolate myself from everyone. Except for my circle and editor. It's my first time for having a guest outside my circle.

I opened the door and looked at the woman in front of me. She's wearing a sky blue with white checkers uniform. "Who are you?"

Her smile is dangerous. I should be careful with this snake. "My name is Rosemary Salsabila. Ms. Denada sends me." I thought it's an ultimatum.

I'm looking at my phone. "R-right... she already told me." I tried to look as friendly as possible. "S-sorry for the mess." I said.

She sits in my armchair, sighed. I rubbed both of my hands on my thight. "Coffee or tea?" She shook her head. Okay, mineral water.

"It's fine... I will work start tomorrow, so... where's my room?" I furrowed my brow. Your room?

"Um... room?" She never mention a room before. "Ms. Denada..."

She took out her phone and saw her messages between her and Sarah. "Ms. Denada herself asked me to stay with you until you recovered. Also, she already paid me."

She also showed me her transaction. Shit. I'm dead. "So... where's my room?" I sit on my barstool.

What am I dreaming last night?! "H-how long... she told you to stay?" I asked.

"half of the year?" What!? No freaking way. I shouldn't... "don't worry, I will not put my hands on your business if you don't asked for it."

I'm glad to hear that, but why?! I need talked to her right now!