
The Daily Life of a Villain and His Cat (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Midoriya Izuku was walking home when he heard a weak mew. Subsequently, he picks up a cat, tries not to get attached to said cat, ultimately fails, and ends up with a boyfriend. Izuku x Shouta

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Izuku felt like slapping himself when he stared at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. What had he just been doing?! Was he seriously taking pictures of the kitten already? He hadn't even named it yet, for fucks sake!

What was he doing, starting to get attached? Just because he had a responsibility for the kitten didn't mean he had to harbour any affections for it. He spat out the minty toothpaste in disgust. Ugh, affection. He shivered a little.

He picked up his phone, furrowing his brows. He stared at the various pictures he just took, face darkening. Immediately, he started ticking them one by one. Just as he was about to hit the delete button, his finger involuntarily hovered over the button. He hesitated, going back and unticking two particularly cute pictures before deleting the rest.

That was fine, right? Just two. It was fine. It wasn't like he was particularly harbouring any affection for the little kitten. It's just for remembrance sake. After all, he heard cats grew quickly. He'd just keep these pictures in case he wanted to compare how a kitten differed from a cat.

Satisfied, Izuku flopped back down onto his bed. Who liked the kitten? Not him. He smirked, thinking of the kitten plastering itself on the kitchen table. If he didn't know better, he'd think the kitten was afraid of heights. Izuku broke out into laughter, thinking of the wide eyes the kitten directed at him with a cautious air.

The expression had just been comedy gold. Izuku could live off that expression for a week. That kitten had actually shown some pretty lively expressions for a cat. Were all cats like this? He'd heard people rant about how they'd take the company of cats over humans any day, but was this what they meant?

He didn't think so.

Izuku tried to bat away the niggling suspicion that crept up on him. In fact, he'd said the cat actually looked or behaved pretty humanly, if that was possible. Did the kitten have some sort of Quirk? Like UA's principal?

The green-haired Villain frowned, not quite sure what to make of the discovery. He tentatively put the thought aside for the time being, tapping his lower lip. He abruptly rolled off the bed, suddenly remembering about the wallet he'd picked up last night.

Maybe this would give him some clues. And if it didn't, well, Izuku could always go and fuck up the person who owned the wallet. There was no way they weren't connected to the kitten, and if he found out that the bastard had abandoned the little kitten and allowed him to die, well. No one could hold a grudge against a Villain for removing a stain upon the world, right?

Izuku casually flipped open the wallet, casually riffling through the various cards held inside. Bank card, nope. Credit card, nope. Hmm, couple of name cards, no. Oh? A Hero license? This was a Hero's wallet? Seriously?

The green-haired Villain glanced at the picture, humming. His eyes moved on before they darted back again. Wait. Those eyes. Those eyes!

Izuku whipped out his phone, staring at the picture of the kitten giving him a wide-eyed stare. See? Wasn't it a good thing that he didn't delete all the pictures? It was coming in handy now! Hah, take that brain. The green-haired Villain's eyes darted between the two pictures, quickly coming to a conclusion.

The man's lips curled into a grin. He had to hastily suppress the laughter that threatened to bubble out of his lips, but couldn't quite hide the grin. Oh, god. He checked the name on the Hero license.

Aizawa Shouta. Eraserhead.

Izuku scratched his cheek. Why did that sound familiar? Meh. It would come to him sooner or later.

The green-haired Villain quickly hid the wallet with a grin, locking up the key and hiding it in the usual spot. He looked for the wayward kitten, the grin on his face widening when he noticed that the kitten had just made its way near his bedroom, sitting just outside the bedroom door.

The laugh bubbled out before he could stop it, thinking that he'd just given the Hero vaccinations the previous day. While he was unconscious, too! This was comedy gold. He laughed harder at the thought that the vet had asked if he wanted the kitten sterilized.

Izuku noticed the kitten giving him a disbelieving stare, setting him off just as his mirth started to die down. It was just too funny…! The green-haired man almost felt like he understood what rolling on the floor in laughter was all about. It was just that hilarious.

Eventually, he managed to stop laughing. The Hero trapped in a kitten's body had cautiously relocated to the living room, still staring at him warily. Izuku fought down another wave of laughter.

The green-haired Villain plopped down on the floor next to the cat, watching from the corner of his eye as the kitten drew back slightly, his eyes still wary and untrusting. Izuku had to fight down the inappropriate grin.

Izuku switched on the television, his eyes twinkled with laughter as he kept his face straight, struggling so hard not to laugh when the kitten jumped around ten centimetres in the air, hissing slightly.

The Villain's eyes actually became watery as he did his best not to laugh. He'd never done something as hard as this. Keeping laughter in was so damn hard.

"-ws Report that we are now missing a Hero, who has not been seen since last night while he was on patrol. The Hero's name is Eraserhead, also known as Aizawa Shouta –"

Izuku gasped. "Ooh, Eraserhead's missing! Well, not that it has anything to do with me."

The green-haired Villain rolled over from his spot on the floor, eyeing the wary kitten upside down. "Come to think of it, I haven't given you a name yet," Izuku said before pausing. He slowly sat up as an unholy idea unfolded itself in his mind. "Come to think of it," Izuku said slowly, drawing out his words. "You kind of look like that Hero there…"

Izuku watched with well hidden glee when the kitten's fur stood on end. "In fact, your eyes look especially similar. I bet if you were a human, you'd look just like Eraserhead. That's so funny!"

The kitten tensed its muscles, prepared to flee at the first signs of danger. He didn't know how far he would be able to get, but he would have to try his best.

"That's so cute! I'll call you Nekozawa," Izuku said happily, barely able to contain himself. He reached out a finger to poke at the kitten's cheek, his eyes radiating glee. He had to push down the urge to laugh for the nth time that day at the dumbfounded look the kitten shot him.

Izuku casually picked up the dumbfounded little black kitten, cuddling the Hero to his chest. He finally allowed the grin to resurface on his face where the kitten couldn't see, filled to the brim with pure, unadulterated glee.

He knew he was playing a dangerous game, but he couldn't stop himself. This was the most fun he'd had in years.

He couldn't wait! This was going to be so much fun.