
The Daily Life of a Mob and the Immortal Cultivator

Mob Character: Since I came into this world I have strived to live a quiet life while trying to win over the ordinary girl who sits next to me, but for some reason problems always come to my door. Ordinary Girl: As a former immortal sovereign, I never expected to fall in love with the classmate who sits next to me, but he is too weak and I am afraid that he will die accidentally. I heard that some cultists want to cause trouble at school, use them to temper him... This is the story of a reincarnated mob that always ends up getting involved with the heroines' problems without knowing it.

MobWriter · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The first lesson in another world of Qian Mei

Listening to Qian Mei's speech looking for bugs to exploit his class's abilities, Kyle felt like he was seeing himself months ago when he became a [void wizard].

Like her, Kyle came up with all kinds of creative ideas when he knew what kind of ability he had. Unfortunately [void wizard] is similar to those skills with cool names in video games, they sound good but most of them only have common effects and don't live up to the name.

Kyle experienced for the second time the shameful facet of thinking he was the protagonist of this world and then being hit by reality.

Because he already had experience (when he woke up the system) Kyle recovered quickly and now has a more realistic attitude towards his abilities.

And at this moment he has to take on the task of wake the disbelieving Qian Mei from her fantasies.

- Mei, from your words I am sure that like me, you have not received an adequate education about the extraordinary side of this world. Unfortunately what you just asked of me is impossible to do with our current skills.

- Don't think you're the first to think about how to compensate for a class's weaknesses by using external factors.

- And I do not deny that it is a feasible idea, many people dedicate themselves to studying how to improve a specific class, but all under the condition of respecting the laws that govern the phenomenon called "magic."

Seeing Qian Mei's bewildered look, Kyle knew he was right: she doesn't have a clear understanding of magic.

Taking advantage of the fact that Anna is not very enlightened on these topics either, Kyle decided to give them a little class and prevent them from making the same mistake as him in the future.

With a wave of his hands he materialized a board and a couple of markers, looked for a suitable spot, and organized a makeshift classroom next to the only tree in the garden.

- There is a dilemma that has always been a headache for scholars who have dedicated themselves to studying the secrets of this world: the high chaos factor when awakened a class.

- Classes can be related to literally anything, they represent the infinite possibilities that the last goddess gave to the inhabitants of this world and cannot be defined with the common sense.

- There are orthodox types such as wizards, warriors, paladins, summoners, archers, blacksmiths, alchemists, etc. very versatile when it comes to learning skills of all kinds, but with a clear lack of specialization.

- Others are more complex and are linked to a specific type of power or concept, but retaining a clear origin. In simple words, they are an improved version of the simpler classes for example Arcane Mage, Blood Warrior, Light Archer, etc.

- Up to this point they are not very difficult to classify and there is a clear definition of the roles they can play.

Pausing, Kyle watched the two girls' reactions. As expected of Qian Mei with literary girl attributes, she has been listening attentively and taking notes carefully.

As for Anna, there isn't much to say, if at least some of what he said stays in her head, it's enough for Kyle to be satisfied.

- But the problem is that only a little more than half of the awakened have classes of this type and the other large portion of people acquired classes of a more free and abstract nature.

- Text Manipulator is a classic example of this type of class and depending on the user it can take a completely different direction.

- There are those who have become grimoire creators, others are teachers who take advantage of their ability to optimize the learning process, and some can simplify spells to become an offensive unit on exploration teams.

- In short, the classes in this range depend completely on the user, making classifying them more complex and in some cases, almost impossible.

Kyle unscrupulously explained all the knowledge he had on the subject, from data he read in academic books to curious articles he found in the newspaper.

At some point Anna had already fallen asleep next to Qian Mei, who listened with interest to Kyle's class.

And soon he came to the key point about why it is impossible to execute Qian Mei's plans.

- With this we come to the part that really interests us, Mei, as you may have already realized, like the classes, magic is not something so simple to define.

- In simple terms you can imagine that magic is a glass of crystal clear water free of impurities. But when classes enter the equation, the nature of the water begins to change and it mixes with the characteristics of the class awakened by the user.

- Consequently, causes the once crystalline water to change color irreversibly.

- And if we go a little further, not only the color. Volume, viscosity and even the state of the matter will also change; turning the contents of the glass into something completely different from water.

- This is the theory behind attribute changes in magic and is the reason why there are so many abilities that at first appear to belong to a completely different power system, but actually originated from magic.

- There are two important points that define whether or not it is possible to use an ability through magic: purity and concentration.

- Purity refers to how close the magic is to a certain attribute. If we return to the previous analogy, it would be how much the water has changed inside the glass and how perfect its transformation is.

- As for concentration, it refers to the density of magic, either by increasing the amount of magic in the body to achieve a qualitative change with a quantitative one, or by compressing the magic to increase its density; both methods are feasible

- The more concentrated the magic, the less consumption a skill will have, and the greater the purity, the characteristics of the skill will mutate according to the attribute of the magic.

- Take a fireball spell as an example, imagine that an ordinary user uses a certain amount of magic to cast said skill and summons a fireball the size of an apple.

- If another person with high concentration magic uses the same amount of magic to summon a fireball, two cases will happen: the first is that the number of fireballs will increase and the second is that he summons a single fireball but Its size will be several times larger

- In the case of purity, the better this characteristic is, the fireball will undergo various mutations, such as an increase in temperature, launch speed, effective distance, changes in the nature of the flames, etc.

Looking directly at Qian Mei, Kyle finally revealed the data about his class.

- As a void wizard, the purity of my magic is very close to its original state, that is, like a glass of crystal clear water. And this, although it allows me to change the attributes of my magic with a certain degree of freedom, has a fatal flaw.

- High-level items require magic of a specific attribute in order to materialize, and unfortunately no matter how close an imitation is, it is impossible to match the quality of the original.

- And if you add the terrible consumption rate of my ability, it requires a lot of magic and the higher the concentration the better. Unfortunately I am not a talented person and the improvement rate of my magic is very slow.

- Mei, the only reason we were successful yesterday, was because curiously the energy you wanted to imitate is very similar to the initial state of the magic, and the gentle nature of the dryads that allowed your magic to not react violently.

- If we try the same with Anna's power, I will most likely end up with internal injuries.

- In conclusion, your idea is impossible. Even if I can recover infinitely I can only produce common materials and the only superior quality item that I can help you create are spirit stones.