
The Daily Life of a Mob and the Immortal Cultivator

Mob Character: Since I came into this world I have strived to live a quiet life while trying to win over the ordinary girl who sits next to me, but for some reason problems always come to my door. Ordinary Girl: As a former immortal sovereign, I never expected to fall in love with the classmate who sits next to me, but he is too weak and I am afraid that he will die accidentally. I heard that some cultists want to cause trouble at school, use them to temper him... This is the story of a reincarnated mob that always ends up getting involved with the heroines' problems without knowing it.

MobWriter · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Ramblings of a hunter

This world has never been fair. My father's words on his deathbed were the only thing that came to my mind when I encountered that existence.

The memory of that day still torments me every night even after so many years, such an evil and abominable creature should not exist in this world.

Why did I, a humble being, become their target?

It's not too unfair, it's always those below who suffer.

If things were going to end this way, I would rather be an ordinary person. At least then i would continue ignoring how terrible this world is.

But there's no point in me regretting it. I have already become a slave and my only purpose in life is to feed my master.

Searching for food doesn't sound difficult, but when you learn that my master's diet is based on human souls, you will understand it immense malice and my desperation.

But they must not be ordinary souls, that thing is quite picky about food, it only wants beautiful and strong women.

You know how much trouble I've had satisfying its damn appetite, that thing is quite voracious and needs to eat regularly, which makes it impossible to act discreetly.

If they were just powerless women no one would care, but things change when it comes to awakened ones. The authorities will hunt you like mad dogs if you mess with their property.

If goods. In the eyes of the powerful, the people at the bottom are only tools for their use, whether to be their bullies or to make money, those who cannot rise will only be exploited.

I am the best example. Since I cannot oppose that existence, I now dedicate myself to hunting my kind.

This is a path of no return, if you don't want to go crazy you have to learn to enjoy it. I have had many colleagues, but most succumb to guilt and pressure.

If they are lucky, their destiny is to be the snack of that thing's pet.

I almost ended up the same, until a thought crossed my mind: since I can't escape then let's drag those damn nobles with me.

I had never made a better decision, one day I captured the daughter of the guy who harassed me when I attended the academy.

What happiness!! What a joy!! I never felt so good, if I had known before I would have dragged those bastards' daughters and wives away a long time ago.

In the eyes of that monster we are all equal, not even their power or their money can save them. It is very funny to see them crying at the grave of their loved ones, swearing revenge.

How deluded, that thing is outside of common sense, their revenge is only a dead end.

But unfortunately after a couple of hunts I was almost exposed and had to change my method of operation.

I joined the assassins guild and got involved in the power struggles between the nobles by accepting their commissions. In this way I was able to kidnap several women without any problem.

Even if they are not the target of the mission, they are counted as collateral damage and no one will say anything.

But then I ran into another problem.

The efficiency of my hunting went up too much and if I gave all the prey to that thing, it would devour them in seconds and then force me to work harder.

Although I enjoy my work now, I am not a workaholic. But it didn't take long for inspiration to hit me.

When I was enjoying a steak an idea occurred to me, if humans can raise livestock, because I can't do the same.

Using the money I accumulated in the assassin guild, I built a huge underground base to lock up the women I caught and then raise them like cattle.

With the use of automatons, I let them enjoy the best possible care, apart from their freedom I gave them everything they could need to maintain their beauty and health.

You have to remember that my master is a very picky eater and I cannot deliver poor quality goods to it.

But I never forgot my own enjoyment, every time I took a girl to my master I recorded the whole process on a magic stone and then made them see it directly in their minds.

I am a genius, after that day my work became easier and I dedicated myself to enjoying life.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I have no interest in touching those women, my pleasure is only in their broken minds after losing their status.

How funny, at first when they join the farm they act haughty and arrogant. But after being forced to live like cattle and learning their fate, they are reduced to a simple piece of meat ready to be devoured.

Today is the day to deliver food, I gathered all the girls on the farm and forced them to vote for one lucky girl, who would accompany my master to a luxury dinner.

Although she will be dinner hahaha.

I enjoy watching them look for a way to survive, here the only thing they can use is their intelligence to gain another day of life.

The chosen one was a discreet girl, with two long braids resting on her shoulders and a pair of glasses that tried to hide her beauty.

I remember that she is a newcomer, just two days ago I brought her to this place, her family is very powerful in the eastern empire. Unfortunately, she is only the daughter of a concubine.

I don't care, since it has noble blood, her will be converted into nutrients in that thing's stomach.

I forced her to undress and then I put her in the depths of a well full of murky water.

The liquid inside is viscous and gelatinous, when the water made contact with her skin, it changed from black to a luminescent purple.

She struggled to get out and screamed for help, but as time passed, she only let out a few moans.

This is a necessary ritual before being devoured. According to my master, food must be consecrated before it can eat it.

I pulled the almost unconscious girl out using levitation magic, and threw her into a tub of clean water.

Her tender skin has now been tattooed with strange patterns that do not ruin her beauty but rather endow her with a charming temperament.

Finally I ordered the automatons to clean her and dress her in a beautiful Hanfu.

In front of me is a small intellectual beauty ready to be devoured. My master should like it very much.

When the girls finish the strange ritual, their minds become slow and they are very obedient. Which made it easier for me to take her deep into a grove a few kilometers from the farm.

This is where I plan to open a door to the dimension where my master resides. Everything was going very well until the girl behind me lost consciousness.

Damn, there are some girls like this who succumb to the pressure of the patterns in the soul, causing them to lose consciousness and subsequently their lives.

I hope she lasts until the end or I'm going to get in trouble, I wanted to use some healing magic to help her resist.

But before I could do anything a powerful impact pushed me away from her.

What the hell, the seal should be perfect. Once captured, I use ancient magic passed down from my master to turn them into ordinary women.

And then something worse happened.

A sword with a terrifying aura projected from the girl's body.

The golden light it emanated was eroding the ancient patterns on her body.


Not again!!

This terrifying pressure and feeling of disdain, it is the second time in my life that I felt something like this, the first was when I faced that thing.

The heavens cannot forgive me, I, a humble being, have no intention of colliding with such terrifying existences.

At some point while I was devoured by my negative thoughts, the fight between the sword and the patterns ended.

It seems that the sword is a little stronger and managed to free the girl's soul, but not without consequences.

After completing its objective the sword broke into pieces and then vanished.

After completing its objective, the sword broke into pieces and then vanished, releasing a strange wave of energy.

It caused no physical damage, but a terrifying silence formed in the surroundings, as if all living beings suddenly died.

It seems that my luck ran out, with a simple glance I realized that my body was fading into ashes.

What a terrible existence. But thinking that thing was in trouble, I started laughing like crazy in my last moments.