
The Cynical Love Affair

"Time is just an illusion. What you need is to live this very moment. That is all that matters." UNFORGIVABLE AND SCANDALOUS— The heavens have always been jealous about the intimate bond between the lovers, Sabina, the daughter of an archduke, and Aurelia, one of the highest knights of their empire. A sad fate, as described in the books, their love is now imprinted as part of history... yet, they vowed that in their next lifetime — they will find their way back to each other's arms once again. Fast forward to the present times, Sabina, currently known as Valerie, is now a famous actress whose stardom is being abrupted by rumors of her engaging in homosexual activities with women from her teenage years. Unwilling to let go of her rising career, she's determined to do all she can to find a way out of this mishap even if it means being involved in a loveless marriage with a conceited young politician. However, Lucrecia (former Aurelia), the headmistress of a crime organization, has other plans for the actress and she might just be willing to change Valerie's mind... DEVOTION AND THE DANGERS OF BEING CAUGHT. History will repeat itself but this time, will they both be able to change the course of their destiny? Or they will end up being just another cynical love affair? Read to find out. [WARNING: This story contains profanity and scenes not advisable for children under 18 years old to read]

sexytakeshi · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Shall we?

I swept my arms on the cold cushions of the bed but instead of Aurelia who's supposed to be beside me, I found myself hugging a sloppy pillow. My head was throbbing as I had just survived another hangover. The sun poured through my window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations — well, for everyone else of course, except for me.

Another morning meant another day to get up on my knees and prove to other people what a diligent marquess should be. I have constantly rouse this kind of mindset for the last 18 years of my existence!

Oh wait... what time was it again?

I laid on my bed for another five minutes, realizing I'm still unclothed. There mere sight of my body reminded me of the things Aurelia and I did last night... it was amazing! I wonder what she's up to for this week...

"My Lady! My Lady!" I haven't cleared my thoughts yet but someone was already crying outside my bedroom," My Lady, wake up! His Grace and everyone else is waiting for you to dine with them!"

Needless to say, it was Tylene. I made the best out of my energy to stand up, hurriedly, moving towards the closet to search for a gown. I was only draped by a piece of cloth when I heard clustering noises of more people approaching.

"What is going on? Where is she?" I heard a gravely calm voice. It was my Father's — I couldn't process whether he was reposed or silently irritated so I wore my dress at a faster pace, forgetting about the other things, as well as my corset.

"Well, Your Grace, My Lady is still dressing up herself so if you please can wait a little longer. I assure you she will be finished by now."

"Dressing up, you say? I bet her tardiness is because of her late sleeping schedule. How irresponsible, if you asked me. There's no other excuse for that," Father announced," Galien, hand me the keys of my daughter's room."

WHAT? Oh wow, I appreciate you all for disrespecting my privacy!

The doorknob twisted as Galien inserted the keys on the hole. It took me a slight moment to finish tying my hair with Aurelia's gift when the door opened just in time.

There were servants peeking from outside, the first ones to enter were my Father, Tylene, and his butler who weren't meeting my gazes. They greeted me before my eyes shifted to the Archduke of Nethilor.

"A good day to you, Father," I bowed as a sign of courtesy.

His eyes examined my room," It's lovely to see you first thing in the morning but I didn't expect you'd come barging in the middle of me preparing myself, Father."

"Watch your tone, my dear daughter. I was just curious about what you have been up to while we were waiting for outside," arrogance was apparent in his voice. He moved closer to my nightstand, catching the sight of something important.

I rolled my eyes," Ah, how nosy... What is it this time you want from me, Father?"

He raised something from the countertop. It was the ashtray Aurelia left a few weeks ago. After we would bond, she'd go for a smoke either in the bed or close to the balcony. There were even remains of cigarette butts left inside. I clenched my fist.

"Did I lack giving you discipline or did I lack in people who watched you over while I was busy with my work?" Father glanced at me, disappointed," My precious Sabina, when did I ever allow you to try this? Is this what your mother and I taught you?"

Here it is — the old man is going to over-exaggerate his perception about me again!

"I am not smoking, Your Grace, it's just that —" he didn't let me finish.

"If you are not smoking then who?" Father raised his eyebrow," It can't be that a man is sneaking inside your room while we aren't watching, Sabina?"

"Of course, not! Why would you think of that?"

"Then if it is not you or a man, who owns and uses this ashtray?" he walked closer to me dropping the ashtray from his hands. A cluttering noise was made as it fell on the floor.

"It's Madame Echethier, Your Grace!" Tylene shouted in the midst of the growing tension. Even the duke was surprised when she butted in," Last night, she visited My Lady after she took a bath and well, they went spent talking to each other at the library while drinking tea..."

Father glanced at her," Well, how delightful. I didn't expect that a plain maidservant would interrupt a conversation with my daughter. Defending her, as well. You are with Aurelia, huh?"

"Yes, I didn't anticipate her visit too... It took me a while to realize that she had come from a very exhausting journey so I decided to invite Aurelia to have a sleepover with me," I looked down the floor," Which isn't that bad, she is the daughter of the Commanding General, after all."

He laughed," Ha, not bad, you say? My daughter, even if it wasn't you involved or whether Aurelia is a daughter of a high-ranking official... When did I ever allow you to be friends with someone of bad influence? Isn't that why I recommended you to the other daughters of my friends — Dominique and Gizelle — both intellectual and graceful ladies?"

"Father, come on, what's bad about that? Aurelia is not forcing me to smoke with her... and she doesn't do it right in front of me, anyway. Stop overacting!"

"Then, did your dear friend taught you to answer your father like that?"

"No!" I sulked," Aurelia wouldn't recommend me something bad!"

"It isn't the smoking itself that worries me, my daughter," he stroked my hair," Haven't you heard the news? Rumors have been circulating in town that Aurelia is taking an interest in... women since she was a teenager. That's why I'm advising you to stay away from that fiend daughter of the Commanding General, she's up to no good."

"You are close with her, I'm sure... but you never knew about that?" he continued.

"Haha, too late, Father, you're precious daughter already gave herself to the fiend daughter you told me to stay away from," but I only kept that to myself because I would be doomed if I actually said it.

"Alright, that's it for now, I shall be taking my leave," Father walked towards the door before looking back at me," Your mother and I will be waiting for you later afternoon because we will be meeting some important guests. Don't forget what I told you, Sabina."

I didn't put his words into my heart, instead, I dashed straight outside of the courtyard when Tylene told me that Aurelia was waiting for me outside along with my younger sisters.

"Lila!" I arrived in front of the gates with a delightful beam upon seeing her face. Elle and Nyx were putting a flower crown above her head.

"Uwa, you wook bweautiful, Awuelia," my younger three-year-old sister, Elle, said bumping her nose against Aurelia's. The three of them laughed at each other as she patted my sister's head.

"Thank you, Elle, I will treasure your gift and wear it more often," she glanced at me," Sabina, you were here. I was just about to leave."

Nyx tugged my skirt," Look, Sabina, we made Madame Echethier a flower crown, isn't she pretty? She says she will wear it around while doing her fencing training! Is she pretty? Is she?" The two of them gave me puppy eyes.

"Of course," I maintained eye contact with Aurelia who was smiling at me," She is really pretty."

Elle jumped in happiness and run into me to show another a flower crown they have made," Uwa, yehey! Hewe, Sabina, we made anothewe flowew cwon fow you so you'll match with Auwelia."

I kneeled in front of her as she placed the ornamental hairpiece on my head. My sisters run back into the gardens after they bid farewell," So... you will not be back until next week again?' I looked back at Aurelia.

She walked closer to me before claiming my hips," Well, not really. I will see if I can finish all the work until this afternoon so I can visit you again tonight."

It reminded me of a Father's warning just a while ago. Knowing that he knows about Aurelia's interest in women, I'm pretty sure he'll put me in surveillance in the meantime to make sure she wouldn't come closer to me at all.

Speaking of my Father... I peeked at our balcony to see him surveying us from a distance. Our affair wasn't a secret anymore, especially now that someone is keeping an eye on us because of suspicion.

[After a few hours....]

Who is this begging so much of my time and attention that I have to wear the most exquisite gown my Mother asked to be custom made from her beloved boutique? It's just a plain day but my corset embraced my body tightly like I'm in it for a big celebration.

"Your Grace, they have arrived," one of the maidservants announced as a group of extraordinarily dressed people entered our castle. They were accompanying someone in the end — a Mother and her Son — who both looked like they owned the place.

I raised my eyebrow," How exciting." My Mother nudged me upon hearing the sarcastic tone in my voice.

"Your Grace," a butler looked at my Mother and Father," My Lady." Then, to me.

"On behalf of the Hythe Estate, I would like to introduce to you Princess Adele and her son, Ambrose," the two bowed as a sign of courtesy before my family and I acknowledged it as well. All of us were led to the dining area where we sat and the conversation started.

It started to bore me. I noticed the boy, Ambrose, glancing at me from his seat. I don't mean to say it like I have bad blood with him but it was continuously annoying me because I hated the fact of being stared at by people I'm not close to! He wasn't exactly ugly... he had jet black hair and a very manly aura — a few years older than me, perhaps.

He is charming, I'll give him that, but Ambrose isn't my type. What's even more concerning is, they were in the middle of discussing business when the topic was shifted to something that I hated the most — marriage.

"Oh my, look at your daughter, she was still very small the last time that we met. Did you still remember me, dear?"

"Umm... no. As you said, I was still very small...I never heard of a fetus with a good memory," I never really said that, instead, I politely shook my head like the obedient child that I am.

"My son over here has grown up as well. I guess, he was six years old when you were born so Ambrose is indeed older than you are," Princess Adele smiled," It wouldn't be a problem. I know Ambrose is good at dealing with people, especially, those who attract his curiosity. You and my son will go very well together."

Father laughed," Of course, they will! They are both smart and share common interests. It wouldn't be a problem once they get married."

As expected, these marriage-obsessed adults, simply won't forget to matchmake their children without their consent! I glared at Father but he didn't notice it all.

"Speaking of which, Sabina is turning 19 right? It would still be a long time to wait. The line is long for my son here."

My Mother entered the conversation with her seemingly fake giggle," Oh my, don't worry, Princess Adele! Certainly, we don't have to wait for the matchmaking party on her 19th birthday when we already found the perfect groom for our daughter!"

"Mother!" I scowled at her statement.

"Oh come on, Sabina, no need to be embarrassed... we're becoming one family soon," If you're making a family, don't involve me at all," Why don't you meet with my son later at the gazebo? It would be delighting if you start getting acquainted with each other."

I let out a weak smile. Acquainted, my ass.

After that infuriating discussion with the Hythe Family, I knew I didn't need to meet with Ambrose. I'll just make up a lousy excuse with that once my Father confronted me at our next meeting. I mean, come on, it would be concerning if he actually wanted to be part of this arranged marriage!

To even describe my parents as normal... is an understatement! They are freaks for pushing their daughter to marry a complete stranger!

I don't know where I am running to. I just wanted to shout all the pain away. I am not being a rebellious daughter. In fact, I've been spending my years only listening to this and that and whatever they wanted me to do.

Just like Aurelia said, I was the model daughter... the diligent marquess of the Nethilor Household... listening patiently to her mentors... and well, begging to be fucked by a lady knight? Ah, scratch that!

I am going crazy and I don't even know where part of this secluded area am I! Well, maybe this is more fortunate than hanging out with those marriage freaks at home!

"AAAAAAHHHH!" I yelled in the bottoms of my lungs while shutting my ears with my hands. This is all their goddamn fault!

"My Lady, watch out!" someone called out, and just like that, an arrow sprung right in front of me. If I didn't move the slightest in that mere second, I would have been shot dead on the ground, and instead of a wedding — my parents will have to walk side-by-side with my coffin as they walk across the aisle during my funeral.

Better than actually getting married, I thought.

"Are you alright, My Lady?" it still came from the same voice.

The thunder's tempo quickens once more as the sheer wall of force and will comes barreling straight toward me. A moment of panic quickly replaced with relief and exhilaration when the horse stopped, atop of it was its master — a knight.

She jumped down the elegant white horse before facing me, removing her helm," Sabina?"

"Aurelia!" I run to her, embracing her tightly," What are you doing here? I thought you were busy? Oh no, were you in training? Did I bother you?"

"No, no, you weren't, Sabina. I was just rehearsing my archery skills since my mentor allowed me to come home early," she continued before I could say something," How about you? Why are you gushing around? Weren't you supposedly meeting with Ambrose Hythe?"

Aurelia's eyes intentionally didn't meet mine," Well, yes, I — I just didn't have the energy to socialize with people anymore."

I didn't ask Aurelia anymore why she didn't visit me in the afternoon as she promised

"Aurelia..." I called out her name to drive her attention back at me. She was busy fixing her horse's saddle," You're not busy anymore, right?"

"Well, yes. What is it, My Lady?"

"I was thinking if you could bring me to the place we went to during your birthday. I'm really bored at home and... I want to spend time with you again," I pouted.

Aurelia was stunned when our eyes met. She let out a vulnerable grin before jumping on top of her horse," As you say wish, My Lady."

"It's safe to travel while the sun isn't setting yet. Shall we?" she stretched her hands towards me, offering me to accompany her in the secret destination we once shared together.

All I want to say is this chapter screams those lines in Taylor Swift's song, "Love Story" except it's gay.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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