
The Cycles Saga: Book One - Arc Of The Mercenary

In a universe where magic exists, the natural societal progression of various species has been radically altered. Humanity has split into two main factions. The Arc Alliance, which uses a type of energy developed from magic, to power all sorts of technological marvels. Then there is the Holy Empire of the Eternal Light, which relies on the power of their god, and the miracles that it allows them to perform. The two factions are currently at war with each other, and have been so for three hundred years. However, both sides have agreed to certain rules, so fighting is contained in a contained area known as the War Belt. It is on an Alliance controlled planet within the War Belt, where the main character lives. Mordred is a young woman in her early twenties, who works as a mercenary. As she was abandoned as a child and forced to live on the streets, along with the planet she is on, Outlier, is a very impoverished planet, there was little other work she was able to do. She also has another reason for being a mercenary, and that is to find her father who disappeared seventeen years ago. After a complicated mission, Mordred finds herself entangled in the schemes of forces much larger, and more powerful than she could possibly imagine. Along the way, she does encounter many allies, but the lines between friend and foe start to blend, as things are not exactly what they seem. Mordred is faced with many challenges, and will be forced to confront herself, along with the reality she resides within. As the drums of war grow louder, and tensions start to rise, Mordred will be forced to make a decision that will affect everything she knows.

christian_stewart · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter Three: A Complicated Job

Like almost every time I took time off, it seemed to pass by too quickly. Before I knew it, as I lay on the ground controller in hand, and empty snack wrappings surrounding me, a notification on my phone started to chime. It was an alarm I sent to tell me my time was up, and I had to get back to work. There was a part of me that wanted to stay in my gaming state forever, and to ignore the outside world entirely. And while I could take another few days off, as I do contract work at my own leisure, I really must bring myself to do so. It's not as if I need the money, since I already have plenty saved. No, the reason I continue to work is the same reason I was left alone so long ago. That man, that freaking bastard. I know he is somewhere on this planet, probably captured or something. And one of these days, a mission is going to have us cross paths, and I will finally be able to punch his stupid damn face.

"Cause who needs fathers that are that damn useless?" I said allowed, without realizing it. Sometimes the fact that I have been alone for so long does hit hard. When Vanex suddenly vanished when I was a kid, I was kicked to the streets and forced to fend for myself. It was a constant struggle to stay alive, even more so at the start. But for whatever, this society refused to acknowledge me. So I would use that to my advantage. I was free to go wherever I wanted. If I wanted something, or was hungry, I would steal it. If I wanted a nice bed to sleep on, I would borrow a hotel room. And if someone pissed me off, well people tend to let their guard down with a society that constantly watches over you. But one day, about four years ago, I overheard someone talking about Vanex. After a bit of interrogation, I learned that he just recently completed a high level job. Now that I knew where I might find him, and now that I was old enough, I signed up to become a mercenary. Everyone doubted me at first, as I was seen as a small helpless woman. But after a few brutal missions, the other mercs saw me in a different light. And since then, I try to do as many missions as possible, in hopes that I will run into Vanex.

As painful as it was, I managed to pry myself from my trash pile, and got dressed in my normal merc outfit. It is composed of a pair of cargo shorts, combat boots, a bullet resistant tank top, and a hoodie to finish it off. I always liked wearing hoodies, even when it was extremely hot outside, so it was safe to say I had quite the collection. I decided to go with a blue one, with a video game mascot on it. Then I started to put on my equipment, bandoleers with various different mags of ammo and grenades, a pouch that contained various tools, my two custom Arc daggers, pistols, my axe-rifle, and my large zweihander. Now, I would never go on a mission with this much gear, but depending on the mission, I would need a certain loadout. Everything else would stay at HQ. Everything else I might need, I stuffed into a duffle bag and headed out.

On any other class world, a fully armed person walking down the street would be cause for concern. But for the people on Outlier, it was just another day. I would get the odd glance, as it is weird to see a small woman carrying around an armory, but they would just laugh and return to hating life. Now, I did have to be careful leaving my apartment, as the landlord has a "No Mercs or Thugs" policy, since these were the nicer apartments in the area. I somehow convinced him that I was a waitress at a cosplay café, and that the weapons were just props. And thanks to me not being tagged as lying by the mana scanner, the lie was believed. Though just out of caution, I did get a job at a cafe, and I try not to let him look at my weapons too closely. With the landlord out of sight, I quickly made my way down the street, and on my way to HQ.

As soon as I reached the mercenary headquarters, I immediately noticed a different atmosphere than normal. There were dozens of mercs outside, of all types and status, all fully decked out in combat gear. None of them paid me any mind, as they were focused on making sure their equipment was in good shape. Inside the HQ was a very similar scene, though there were quite a few people arguing in a small cluster. Since I knew a few of them, it was pretty obvious that these were squad leaders. Though by the looks of most of them, they seemed to be newbies. I couldn't tell what they were saying though, as the general noise level in the room was too high. But from their body language, it seemed to be very heated. Since it wasn't my problem, I decided to walk over to the counter, where an old woman was typing away on a computer.

"Good morning Lisa! Busy morning huh?" I asked casually.

"Hun, you wouldn't even know half of it. I've had to in-process so many greenies today, i think imma have to go on a vacation." She said with an accident that was prominent in farming colonies.

"Something going on?"

"Now lil miss, you know I can't tell you that. It's on a need to know basis and all that."

"Ah, right. Well whatever, it's not my problem."

"Ya know, I love that about you. Never sweating the small things."

"You know how it is. Gotta keep moving forward and all that."

"Very true, and very wise! Your mother must be very proud of you!"

"Anyways!" I said, not wanting to deal with this right now. "You got any contracts for me?"

"Well, I got some. But Ross said he had a big one for ya. Though he's in a meeting with some important people at the moment."

"Any idea on when he will be done?"

"He should be wrapping up in the next few minutes. If you want to wait until he is done, feel free to relax! Or you can speak to lil ol me!"

I took a look around the room, and saw that there was very little free space, and what free space there was, would not really provide much comfort. I turned back to Lisa, who was clearly eager to have a chat. "Alright Lisa, what's the latest?"

"Well hun, that depends. You want local gossip, or some larger stuff?"

"Hmm, let's go with some of the larger stuff first."

"Well, on the war side of things, the Empire just won the battle of Malaxis V."

"Malaxis V, isn't that near us?"

"Sure is!"

"Isn't that, uh, a bad thing?"

"Well, that's what they want to think. And the Alliance will definitely be raising our taxes in order to help the war effort. But we're not in danger, at least anytime soon."

"Why is that exactly?" I asked. Lisa was your classic old wise lady, who pretty much knew almost everything. Makes me wonder how she knows all this.

"Well you see, since the battlefront hasn't budged in three hundred years, battles started to be fought over the same planets. This would mean that once one side won a planet, a few years later they might lose it. That's why we call this area the War Belt."

"That sounds like it would be a headache."

"Oh boy it was. And these constant wars and planet switching, lead to many worlds straight up being uninhabitable. Which kinda makes taking them over pointless."

"With both the Empire and Alliance's weapons? Yeah, I can see how constant battles can ruin planets."

"Yup. So both sides came together, and made a whole list of rules regarding the war. The one that we care about though, is the planetary conquest clause. Pretty much, once a battle has been won, and a side lays claim to a planet, that planet is off limits for one-hundred years. During that time, the planet rebuilds, and is of use to whoever won. The only stipulation is, for ninety-nine of the one-hundred years, there must be no military activity on said planet. If there is, then that planet becomes fair game."

"How would one side even know if another has activity on their planet? Especially if it isn't theirs."

"Well hun, that's really simple. Both sides are constantly spying on eachother."

"But if they have spies on a planet, and those spies report back to their command about military activity, wouldn't the other side see that as an act of aggression?"

"Well, in any other time, yes. But you see, this little conflict is a bit odd."

"Besides the fact that it has been going on so long?"

"Oh, there are so many oddities going on, your poor little head would burst if I explain them all."

"Alright, then what's so odd about the spies?"

"Well, as I said, the one who controls one of these planets cannot have military activity on it. However, the language of the treaty does not say anything about the opposing side having military activity on said planet."

"So what's to stop them from taking over the planet?"

"Well, as long as no hostile action is taken towards the people or the planet, they are not considered combatants. Now, that's not to say that they can't have large bases. As the owner of the planet can claim that it is a clear act of aggression, and order the base to be destroyed."

"Wouldn't that be an act of aggression though?"

"Again, the treaty says that no military activity is allowed on controlled planets. It did not say that acts of aggression are not allowed. So let's say if the Alliance ordered a group of construction workers to demolish an Empire base, that would perfectly fall in line with the treaty."

"And since the Empire retaliating would be a sign of aggression"

"Yup! It would spark a conflict on that planet, leading into a battle. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the treaty. So that's why both sides prefer not to establish large bases on a no combat planet in the War Belt. And if they do, if the base is due to be demolished, they order a full evacuation."

"All of this, just so they can hold onto a bunch of shithole planets?"

"Pretty much! I am not too sure about the Empire, but the Alliance...."

"Uses them as Class E planets, and sends all of the ones they deem useless to. This also allows them cheap labor, and they can mess up the environment as much as possible."

"Not to mention that they can use us as guinea pigs! Or even as war rats!"

"Oh yes, how could I forget." I said sarcastically. "So how long until this planet is up for grabs?"

"Oh, about twenty three years from now."

"Twenty three years from now? Alright, gotta make sure I find Vanex before then."

"Oh you're still looking for that old coot?"


"Well when you do find him, tell him he owes me a drink! A nice one at that!"

"I'll just add that to the long list then."

"You better! Then bring him here, I wanna get a good photo of the two of you!"

"If he survives."

"Oh please honey, I know you miss him. And I know you will be crying like a babe when you see him."

I laughed. "Please! You really think I would cry over him?"

"I do. Even though you say you hate him, and want to punish him, deep down you truly miss him."


"Aww, are you feeling all flustered now hun?

"Drop it." I spat, wanting this conversation to stop. "What's the local news then?"

"Alright, well change the subject then. But ya can't hide from your feelings forever." Lisa said in a gentle tone. "As for local news, apparently there was a raid on a local toy factory."

"A raid?"

"Yup. Apparently someone attacked and fully looted Ms. Sammies Smile Factory. Noone was killed though. So far authorities believe a kid was acting as the ringleader."

"Oh really now?" I responded, desperately trying not to laugh. "Any contracts out on the ones who did it?"

"Well, the damages done don't really warrant the alliance to put out a contract, and Ms Sammies isn't desiring to put one out either. They will just file a claim with their insurance, and move on."

"Well, I guess whoever did the raid must be feeling on top of the world."

"If that's what you can call it hun. Honestly, what possible money is there in a bunch of toys? They're Not even high quality either!"

"Who knows, might be a part of some grand scheme."

"Right, and I am the infamous Data Lord."

"I don't know Lisa, for all I know you could be. You seem to know almost everything! Though that could just be the fact that you are ancient."

"Oh ha ha, didn't your parents teach you not to abuse the elderly?" There was a brief moment of silence, as I felt a sudden pain in my chest, and Lisa had a look of horrified realization on her face. "Oh Mordred, I'm really sorry! It just slipped out!"

I opened my mouth to say something, but at that moment the door behind the counter burst open. Five people, seemingly both male and female, wearing black suits, black glasses, and were bald came walking out, followed closely by Ross. Ross was saying something to them, but the five bald people didn't even acknowledge him. As they reached the door, one looked over to Ross, and said something, which caused Ross to frantically write something down on a notepad. And with that, the five people were gone, and Ross looked exhausted. He shambled his way over to Lisa and I, and tugged on my shirt, gesturing for me to follow him. Lisa tried to apologize again, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I followed Ross into his office, where he shut the door, and activated a thicker, more soundproof door. This meant something serious was about to be discussed.

"Everything good Ross?" I asked, trying to sound concerned.

"I could ask you the same. You look as white as a ghost." He said dryly.

"Oh, that's nothing really. Just some bad memories popping back up is all."

"Lemme guess, your parents?"

"Yeah..." Ross knew me all too well. I like to give him shit, but he's probably my only real friend. "Lisa and I were talking, and made a comment about them."

"Oh Mordred, I'm really sorry. I'm sure she didn't mean it. She's probably feeling horrible right now."

"I know, I know. It's just still a touchy subject is all."

"I can understand that. If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears."

"Nah, I'm good. Once I get a solid contract, that'll take my mind off it."

"Always moving forward huh?"

"You bet."

"Well, just know it's okay to let it all out every now and again. It's not good to bottle it all in."

"As I said, I'm good." I said bluntly. "Anyways, you look like you have problems of your own. What was the deal with those suits?"

Ross sighed. Normally he would wear more business casual clothes like slacks and a polo. But today he was in a rather nice suit. He unbuttoned the top jacket, and loosened the tie around his neck. "That, is exactly why I called you in here." He said, with utter exhaustion. "And why I had to scrounge up as many mercs as I could."

"Big job or something?"

"Yeah, really big job."

"What is it then?"

"To put in bluntly, we will be launching an assault on an Empire outpost that was recently spotted."

"Wha... What?!" I asked, with true horror/confusion. "A raid?! On the Empire?! Isn't that something more in line with the military?!"

"Normally, yes. But the outpost is here on Outlier."

"Oh, so they can't take action then..."


"But why attack it at all? They can't do anything for twenty three years!"

"That is true, they don't pose a risk of attacking us directly."

"So what is it then?"

Ross sighed, as he pulled out a stack of forms. "That is sensitive information. So I'll have to have you sign these forms, as I read you in." He handed me a stack of papers, and I began to read through them. I have gone on classified missions before, though they were just at the secret level. And even though I had a top-secret clearance, I never had an opportunity to use it. But unlike secret, it seemed TS was a much bigger deal, and carried massive consequences for breaches of information. I signed the forms, performed the appropriate mana scans to ensure I am being truthful, and provided my legal information. Once everything was signed and filled out, Ross looked over the forms, to ensure there were no errors. Once he was satisfied, he pulled out a folder. "Yesterday, the Alliance sent in spies into an Empire outpost they found. This was originally for normal recon, so just see what the Empire was doing. However during this recon, we learned something quite shocking. Apparently, this outpost has gone rogue, and turned against the Empire."

"What the hell? How is that even possible?! I thought those in the Empire were utterly devoted to their faith?"

"They are. Which makes this all the more serious."

"Why is it our problem then? What's it to us if they turn traitors? Won't that just help the Alliance?"

"No. No it will not. Want to know why no one in the empire turns traitor?"


"Because they die if they do. If their god sees that they have abandoned their faith, then he will smite them."

"Alright, I'm still failing to see how this is our problem. They are all going to just drop dead right?"

"Right. However, their god's smite will cause them to violently explode with the force of a thousand metric ton nuclear bomb."

"What the hell kind of smite is that?!"

"One that sends a message. That their god is unforgiving to those that fall off his path, and will punish communities that allow for one of their own to fall."

"That's.... pretty brutal...."

"Yes, yes it is."

"Well why aren't we all dust then? How come their god has not destroyed them yet?"

"Because, Emperor Artorius requested that he hold off."

"Why would he care about some backwash, class E planet? He sentimental or something?"

"Not in the slightest. We do not know his reasoning, all we know is that he is giving us time."

"Time for what exactly?"

"If we are able to execute these ex-church members, that will appease their god, and we won't die in holy fire."

"Alright, then why isn't the Alliance doing this? It seems they got the go ahead from the Empire right?"

"Yes, but this mission is considered TS. Only a handful of people know what is going on, and it would be preferred to be kept that way. Even the other merc squad leaders don't know this. So to keep up the impression that nothing is going on, the Alliance has to sit this one out."

"Uh huh. And why am I one of the few who get to know this?"

"Because you will be performing a very important task."

"Ah, saving the most important for the best. I see how it is, you are taking favorites I see."

"Please, you know I don't do that. The reason you are getting this task is because of your unique ability."

"Ah, so it's like that huh?"

"Yes. This outpost will have many Aura barriers that will prevent any non-Aura user from passing though."

"So I have to break in, and deactivate the barriers. That doesn't seem too hard."

"No, I suspect that you will be able to take care of that with no problem. The real challenge is your secondary objective."

"Which is?"

"Unlike most of the others, there is one member who has not turned traitor. And to make matters more complicated, it's a Crusader."

"Oh.... oh fuck." I could see why this was rather serious. Crusaders are very powerful warriors, and manage large armies.

"So what, is our job to rescue this Crusader, and return him to the Empire?"

"No. The alliance wants to bring him in for questioning. As far as the Empire is aware, every member in that outpost has turned traitor. And we would rather keep it that way."

"Alright, so I bust in, disable the barriers, then go find this Crusader, and what? Ask him nicely to come with me, into an Alliance transport?"

"Hopefully it will be that easy. However, there is a high possibility he will try and resist. In which case..."

"I will have to fight against a super powered holy juggernaut, and somehow subdue him without killing him, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, that's going to be an absolute pain in the ass. But I guess it makes sense why I am selected for this."

"Yes. Neither the Alliance nor the Empire know of you, or your special quirk. Which will definitely give us the edge."

"Alright, so what's the pay?"

"Ah, well you see..." Ross said sheepishly.

"Ross, what's the pay?" I asked again, much more aggressively.

"Well, as this is a TS op, and neither the Alliance or Empire want direct association..."

"You better not freaking say it!"

"There will unfortunately be no pay..."

"God damn it Ross!" I yelled, as I stood up violently, causing my chair to fly backwards.

"Mordred, please hold on!"

"To hell with that! Why the hell would I work without getting paid! How are you paying everyone else huh?!"

"Well, that's very simple. I'm not."

"What?! So you are telling me that they are all working for free?!"

"Not exactly. Unlike you Mordred, most of these people owe me a great deal of money. From new-comers fees, supplies, medical aid, squad costs, it all builds up."

"That would explain all the rookies…"

"Exactly! I put out a recruitment ad this morning, saying that anyone who joins up will have their first six months fees paid, along with a set of free gear."

"With the exception that they have to take part in this mission right?"


"You freaking suck, you know that?"

"It's called business Mordred, I don't expect you to understand."

"Well want to know what I do understand? Unlike the others, you don't have shit to offer me, or hold over my head. So what's to stop me from just heading home, and sleeping through this?"

Ross pulled out another form. "If you do this, I will ensure you are recruited into Pink Pride." He tapped the form, and to my amazement, it was a confirmation form, stating that I was accepted. All it needed was both my, and Ross' signatures. "You do this for me, and I will sign this form. Then you will be a part of the most renown mercenary group in the universe. And access to their resources."

"So I can find my dad..."

"Exactly. So what do you say, are you in?"

"You bet I'm in."

"Good! Glad to hear it." Ross said with a grin. But something about it rubbed me the wrong way.

"You are hiding something from me, aren't you?"

"What? Why would I hide something from my favorite merc?"

"Ross, I swear, you better freaking tell me. Or I will put you in a wheelchair again."

"Alright, alright. I'll spoil the surprise. For the first phase of the mission, you will be working alongside some rookies." Ross said, with a devilish smile.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!"