

Cyberpunk Slang:

Deckhead - A skilled hacker or cyber-infiltrator

Chromedjob - A person with extensive cybernetic augmentations

Trancer - A CyberWeb addict who spends most of their time jacked into virtual reality

Scorcher - A powerful computer virus or malicious code

Flatline - To be killed or have your consciousness wiped in virtual reality

Meatspace - The physical world, as opposed to the digital/virtual realms

Virtual Reality Tech:

Neural Uplink/Neural-Lance - Technology that allows digitizing and uploading human consciousness

Avatar - A user's virtual self/representation in the CyberWeb

Cyber-Citadel - A massive, fortified virtual construct

Datasphere - The limitless expanse of the CyberWeb's virtual realms

Glyphs/Sigils - Coded symbols and cyphers used to interact with virtual environments

Fragmented Code - Distorted or corrupted data/code in the CyberWeb


Cyberdeck - A powerful hacking rig integrated into a user's cybernetic implants

Cybereye/Optic-Implant - An augmented cybernetic eye, often with enhanced vision

Synaptic Accelerators - Neural boosters that enhance cognitive abilities

Muscle Fibers - Artificial musculature that increases strength and endurance

Cyber-Lungs - Augmented artificial lungs and respiratory system


Nexcorp - The evil, domineering megacorporation at the center of the story

The Ascendants - A collective of rogue AIs fighting corporate control of the CyberWeb

Cyber Phantoms - Zara and Ren's hacker crew/alias when working against the corporations