
The Cutest Barbarian Tamer

Vargus is a strong and skilled warrior from a barbarian village, known as the village genius because of his exceptional strength and mastery of many weapons. On the day of the awakening ceremony, where every individual receives a class that defines their future, the village is buzzing with excitement. They all hope Vargus will awaken a powerful talent to bring fame to their village. However, during his turn, Vargus doesn't receive a powerful class. Instead, he gets "Cutest Tamer," a talent that seems weak and unfitting for a warrior. The village, disappointed and scornful, banishes him. But Vargus isn't upset. Secretly, he has always loved cute beasts, and this class feels like a perfect fit for him. He sees it not as a setback but as an opportunity to pursue his passion for adorable creatures. Despite being seen as weak, Vargus discovers that "Cutest Tamer" is a unique and powerful class in its own right, far beyond what anyone, including himself, initially thought.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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270 Chs

Cute and Fluffy Buddy


[Do you want to accept the white tiger as your cute beast?]



This sudden apparition left Vargus bewildered. The words hung in the space before him, as tangible as the forest air yet completely out of the ordinary. It was a moment that transcended the boundaries of what he had known to be possible.

Pausing, Vargus pondered the situation. "Is this the effect of my talent?" he mused quietly to himself. The realization dawned on him that this strange occurrence might indeed be a manifestation of his unique ability as the "Cutest Tamer."

It seemed his talent was not only about affinity towards cute things but also carried with it the power to form a bond with creatures, transforming them into companions. 

Turning his gaze towards the white tiger, Vargus addressed the majestic creature directly, "Do you want to become my tamed beast?" Understanding the gravity of the question, the intelligent eyes of the white tiger reflected a moment of comprehension. It seemed poised to shake its head, a natural instinct of independence surfacing, but paused when Vargus added an enticing offer, "I'll make sure you're well-fed with more meat."

This proposition sparked a visible conflict within the white tiger. Life in the wild, where every meal had to be hunted down, was fraught with challenges and uncertainties. The prospect of a steady food supply was a compelling consideration, especially when offered by someone who had already demonstrated both strength and kindness.

Moreover, the realization that Vargus was stronger and seemingly possessed an abundance of resources tipped the scales. After a moment of deliberation, the white tiger gave a decisive nod, signaling its acceptance of Vargus's proposition.

Upon receiving the white tiger's agreement, Vargus confidently selected 'Yes' on the ethereal screen that had appeared before him. As soon as he made his choice, a radiant light began to envelop the white tiger's body. 

The light, shimmering with ethereal beauty, began to work its transformation on the tiger. Slowly, the formidable creature started to shrink, its large form diminishing right before Vargus's eyes. This unexpected change took Vargus by surprise, his eyes widening in amazement at the sight.

As the radiant glow gradually receded, it revealed a new form of the white tiger—a diminutive, fluffy version of its former majestic self. This miniaturized tiger, with its fur softer and more luminescent than before, looked up at Vargus with big, expressive eyes. The transformation had not only altered its size but had also amplified its inherent cuteness to an extraordinary level.

Vargus was utterly taken aback by the transformation. The white tiger, now small enough to fit comfortably in his arms, possessed a charm that was indeed on another level. Its compact size combined with its soft, pristine fur, and the innocent gaze, rendered it irresistibly adorable.

Overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness of the transformed white tiger, Vargus couldn't resist the urge to embrace it. He scooped up the small, fluffy creature into his arms, marveling at its softness and the warmth it exuded. "You're so incredibly cute!" Vargus exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine affection and a hint of excitement that bordered on zeal.

As he held the white tiger close, a broad smile spread across his face, his eyes sparkling with a mix of delight and astonishment at the creature's transformation. The expression on his face, while one of pure admiration for the tiger's newfound cuteness, carried an intensity that could be misinterpreted as overly fervent. 

Meanwhile, the white tiger was now in shock. Its imposing frame had vanished, leaving behind a diminutive, fluffy form. A soft growl of dismay escaped it, a sign of its struggle to come to terms with this sudden change. It seemed to mourn the loss of its once formidable presence, fearing that its strength had vanished along with its size.

Vargus, sensing the creature's distress, gently patted its head, offering words of reassurance. "Hey, it's going to be alright," he said soothingly. "I know this is a big change for you, but you haven't lost your strength. And even if things are different now, I'll be here to feed you, protect you, and take care of you. We'll face this new journey together."

The white tiger looked up at Vargus, its expression a mix of gratitude and lingering sadness. It nodded in acknowledgment, comforted by his promise, yet still mourning its lost magnificence.

As Vargus carefully considered what name would best suit his enchanting new friend, he placed the tiger on the forest floor to let it explore. The white tiger, now in its diminutive, fluffy form, seemed to contemplate its tiny paws, symbols of its apparent fragility in this new reality.

Motivated perhaps by a desire to affirm its unchanged might or to find solace in its own resilience, it aimed a diminutive punch at a nearby tree, expecting little impact.

However, the moment its paw made contact, the outcome was astonishing. The tree didn't just shudder or shake—it exploded into fragments, utterly obliterated by the force of the strike. The sudden burst and the ensuing silence that followed were profound, leaving both Vargus and the white tiger in a state of utter disbelief.

The white tiger stared at its own paw, bewildered by the paradox of its tiny form wielding such immense power. "How could this be possible?" it seemed to wonder, its wide eyes reflecting a mix of astonishment and a dawning realization of its undiminished strength, perhaps even enhanced in ways it hadn't anticipated.

Witnessing the unexpected display of power, Vargus couldn't contain his amazement. He turned to the white tiger, a smile spreading across his face, and said, "See? Your strength hasn't been lost. In fact, you've become even stronger."

The change in the white tiger's demeanor was immediate. From the shadows of sadness to the light of joy, the realization that its strength remained intact—and was perhaps even enhanced—brought a sense of relief and happiness.

In the world of beasts, strength was a currency of survival and respect. The tiger understood that although its appearance had transformed into something smaller and undeniably cuter, its newfound power was a significant gain. "Being strong, even in this new form, is what truly matters," Vargus added, affirming the positive turn of events.

After a moment of thoughtful consideration, Vargus declared, "I think a fitting name for you would be Auris." The name seemed to encapsulate the tiger's majestic aura and its surprising strength, marking the beginning of a new identity and journey for the both of them.

The white tiger, now named Auris, acknowledged its new name with a nod, accepting the identity Vargus had chosen for it. This naming ceremony of sorts solidified the bond between them, with Auris feeling a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.

But still, when Vargus observed Auris, a newfound sense of pride swelling within him for his companion's hidden strength, he couldn't help but ponder, "How did Auris become so powerful?" The question lingered in his mind, a mystery that seemed to deepen the more he thought about it.

Suddenly, the ethereal system screen that had previously facilitated Auris's acceptance as his tamed beast materialized once again before his eyes. This time, it displayed:


[Name: Auris]

[Cuteness Level: 2]


Vargus stared at the screen, his confusion evident. "Cuteness Level? What in the world does that mean?" he mused internally, perplexed by this new piece of information. The concept of a "Cuteness Level" was foreign to him, an unknown variable that seemed to suggest that cuteness was not just an aesthetic quality but potentially linked to Auris's abilities or strength.

This revelation added another layer to the enigma of his talent as the Cutest Tamer. Vargus realized that there was much about his ability that he had yet to understand, including how it quantified cuteness and how that related to the strength or abilities of his tamed beasts.

As Vargus continued to grapple with his confusion regarding the Cuteness Level, another screen abruptly materialized in front of him, providing the much-needed clarification:


[Cuteness Level: The greater the cuteness of the beast, the higher its level and the more powerful it becomes.]

[Level 1 Cuteness: Warrior]

[Level 2 Cuteness: Expert]

[Level 3 Cuteness: Master]

[Level 4 Cuteness: Grandmaster]


This time, Vargus's astonishment was even greater. The screen laid out a clear correlation between a beast's cuteness and its strength, something Vargus hadn't imagined possible. "So, the cuter Auris is, the stronger he becomes? That's incredible!" Vargus thought to himself, his mind racing with the implications of this new information.

Reflecting on his own experiences, Vargus realized the significance of what he was seeing. "I've only just reached the level of an Expert myself, and to think Auris is already there because of his cuteness... It's astonishing how strong he has become," he mused aloud, a sense of pride and wonder filling his voice.

Vargus, coming to terms with the unique nature of his talent, couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "This talent of mine is really something else," he said, shaking his head in bemusement. With a wide grin spreading across his face, he looked down at Auris, who was now curiously watching him. "But you know what? It's weirdly perfect for me. It's the strongest and the best talent I could have asked for."

His words were filled with genuine affection and a newfound respect for the path that lay ahead of them. Vargus's initial doubts had transformed into excitement and pride, embracing the uniqueness of his ability to turn cuteness into strength. "Together, we're going to prove just how powerful this talent can be," he declared, more to himself and Auris, affirming his commitment to their journey ahead.