
The Cursed One's Ascension

It was the day. The day where he would release all his shackles binding him to weakness and the only chance to slowly crawl himself out of harassment. It was his 14th birthday, and the day where he would get the "The grand system" unbeknownst to him, however, threats lay in the dark and even schemes that go above what mere mortals call "Ordinary."

ALonelySigmaMale · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The past , present and future

Laying down on the floor and breathing in, Ivern stared at his mana consumption


Beads of sweat ran down his face as he looked towards his skill

"Not even a level up?"

Both of them didn't even reach level 2!

[Tree-folk Mage - Level 5]

this seemed to level up quite fast. I think the job evolves when it reaches level 100, meaning that it was going to be quite a while before he evolves his job and has a massive power spike.

It was still soothing for him to know that he was getting closer and closer, however.

waiting for quite a while, he watched as his mana slowly raised back to around 40.

"That should do it."

He wanted to surprise his sister with something, so he went searching through the forest in an attempt to find something valuable.

He didn't go too deep, as he didn't want to mess around with the beats that dwell deep in the forest.

his expression suddenly became serious when he saw a rabbit, which was munching down on the grass beside it.

Its expression was distracted, but he didn't seem to be downwind.

chanting in his head, he said

"[Root whip]!"

A small root came from the floor around the rabbit. tangling itself on the poor rabbit's leg.

the rabbit was young it seemed, and it didn't have time to respond to the vibrations of the earth.

walking up to the rabbit, he thought of the most painless way to kill it.

[Leveled up! - Current level 1 - 5 SP

Slowly grasping its chin, Ivern used his hands and pushed its head all the way back, snapping its neck and instantly killing it.

Praying for Ediana to salvage the soul, he quickly picked it up until something strange happened.

The blood from the rabbit suddenly floated towards his crown of thorns that was on his head, which suddenly absorbed the blood.

"What the-," Ivern said, as he touched his crown. There were no traces of blood there.

[Soul fragment achieved]

"This needs.... some research." Ivern thought as he walked back home

Walking into the hut, he looked at his sister, who was obviously crafting something in the corner.

"What are you doing?" Ivern sneaked behind her and looked over her shoulder, as she shivered

"Brother! when did you get here?" She asked with a smile, before looking at his hand "Is that.... a rabbit?"

"I decided to treat you." Ivern laughed, before going to the small kitchen area and grabbing a knife "What do you want to eat-"

"Brother, let me!" Lilia patted her chest "Since I chose crafter, I can give you buffs when I make things!"

"I see." Ivern smiled "Do be careful with the knife though."

It was a pleasant surprise as he was normally the one who cooks for her.

"Brother, what class did you choose?"

"Im a mage!"

"Wow!" She said "You're going to be strong! I know it!"

"Yeah." Ivern smiled, before saying to her "Hey... Lillia."


"Did you get any weird notifications when you got the system?"

"It said stuff about the weakening of blessings and curses." Lillia said, "It also said that Ediana smiles on."

"Is that so?" Ivern smiled, but his expression inside wasn't as great.

He got a message, but by Zeke.

Is there a difference?

"Ok, can you please not tell this to anyone?" Ivern said, "Otherwise I will be upset."

"Ok, I wasn't planning to anyway." Lillia smiled "I know this is not normal." her smile went as quickly as it came.

Ivern sat in silence, before going into his "Bedroom", which couldn't really be called a bedroom in the slightest.

it was more like a cupboard.

He napped, had a hearty dinner with his sister, and then went to sleep.

That goddamn dream.

A man could be seen with his head bent over a log, a strong man at his side-armed by an axe.

The grand elder was there, alongside the rest of the elders

"May Ediana have mercy on your soul." The grand elder said to the man on the podium, as he slowly started to weep.

A young boy could be seen running up to the man, as he hugged the large man that was his size due to being bent over.

"Take care of Lillia, Ivan, ok?" He whispered in the young boy's ear. "Third elder has agreed to look over you from the shadows, be careful." He cried on the young boy's shoulder, as Ivan was dragged away.

The man at his side brandished his axe, as he slowly raised it and aimed it at the man, who was chained up.

A head rolled and blood splattered the tree-stump he was in.

his father getting execution was a memory that he could remember distinctly.

He woke up, the same cold sweat around his face.

The formly kind eyes were twisted into a coldness no fourteen-year-old boy should possess.

He will show them.

He will show them.

He wasn't fighting for the harassment nor the bullying, he was fighting to avenge the father.

The head of the grand elder was his to take, and it was scorn on his name if he didn't avenge his father.

He had to lie to Lillia, every time her curiosity asked him where father went, it was he was always he went missing.

One day she would find out.

And he dreaded that day.


A group of old men stood in a circle, their eyes gleaming with different lights.

It was the elders of the tree-folk, and they looked around the table.

"Everyone is here." The grand elder said, "All of us know why we are here."

Everyone one of them looked solemn.

"They have arrived." The grand priest said, "The elfes are looking for us."

"The barrier will protect us like it has for 500 years." 1st elder spoke out.

"Wrong, the barrier is fluctuating, I checked it myself." 2nd elder spoke out.

"We need something to keep it alive." 1st elder said, "Where did the dryad go?"

"He obviously left the barrier.." Grand elder said, "Now, it needs a strong magic source to keep it alive."

"I've got away." The third elder gave a smile. "We just need a "Sacrifice" of sorts to keep it alive." The third elder quickly put his hands up "Of course, this is the last stand, but if it's necessary, it must be required."

"Sometimes I wonder what's going on in that brain of yours." 1st elder spoke out, before saying "I second that."

"I third that." 2nd elder spoke out.

"I..... I agree." Grand elder stumbled, before putting his hand up.

"Well then, let's think about this deeply." The third elder smiled

"Is there an item we can use?" 2nd elder said, "Something that holds great magic power?"

"No." Third elder smiled "We would have already used it if so."

The grand elder felt uncomfortable.

"Aslong as they don't find us, we will be fine. " Grand elder shivered "I still remember it."

"Let's not dwell on the past." The third elder gave a brief smile. "Let's think about the present....and future."