
Prologue: the beginning

I don't remember when this started.

all I know that since I can remember, I've always been trying to help others. 

Seeing others being wronged, was something that always stirred my emotions while helping others brought me a great deal of satisfaction. 

Was it because of the environment I lived in?, my upbringing or even my religion?, or maybe because of That accident, or maybe all of them together, I am not fully sure, but after living a whole 22 years of my lifespan that was both long and short at the same time, all I can concluded was that maybe this was just my essence as a person. in other words just because I like to do it, I do it. 

Although I like helping it's also not like I had wanted to save everyone, I didn't have such an unrealistic purpose, that was outside Man's capabilities, I am only a weak human being after all.

I also didn't have the silly dream of becoming a hero; a champion of justice.

What I desire is only to save those who I can, who are within my reach, and I have the power to protect, as for others, although this may sound unkind and cruel, they are none of my concern, I can't see them, know about their problems, so how could I help them. Although I would feel bad that, I can't save them, that's all there is to it. 

Although I like helping, I don't believe that I could sacrifice myself for others, all those I had helped before, saved under the condition of me losing nearly nothing in return, in other words, if there was a chance where my life was on the line, I might run away as fast as I can, Or, at least that's what I thought of myself.


today is a beautiful day sky is clear and clouds are drifting, the sun was like usual brightening and bringing warmth to the world. in short, everything was going as it should have. 

at this time a young man was sitting on a bench in the park that was a few meters away from his university, skipping class because he felt some headache. 

He was 22 years old young man with slightly long black hair and blue sky eyes, his face although not the best could be considered handsome, his name was Leo Lancer. 

After getting bored of sitting on the bench, he stood up and then walked toward the beach  2-3 km away from his current location. Walking in slow and steady steps, not long before he was able to see and smell the scent of the blue beautiful ocean, but unfortunately, as he reached the shore he found it surprisingly full of people unlike what it is usually, { Sigh, and here I thought there would be only a few people around here, I can't relax like this, but what is gathering them today, is there some kind event happening, that I don't know, anyhow since here is full, I think I should go home.}Just as he was thinking of going home.  it happened.

The date was March 31st. the last day of the month, in the year 2018. Without any omen at all, or any advance notice. It Had HAPPENED. 

the usual beautiful blue sky was broken like glass.

"W-what....?"Leo couldn't help but mutter unconsciously. 

in that crack a brown star appeared as it fell toward Earth. 

"…", my Brain then came to a deadlock, as I looked at this. 

{ what the heck is happening in front of me now? Where did "IT" come from? Is it from another cosmos or another reality altogether? how did it arrive here?is this a man-made accident or just a coincidence? }, These were the questions that people who were still able to think asked themselves the most at the moment. 

Realising they had no chance of survival, No matter what they did, Mankind descended into chaos or at least tried to, since they didn't have enough time before the star collided with Earth. Some prayed to God, others committed suicide... 

At the same time…Leo's complexion had turned pale from Shock, he was bearly restraining his sanity from the scene. 

It has fallen over very fast, or that should have been normal with its size, so most people didn't have time to do anything other than close their eyes and wait for the unavoidable. But...…even a few seconds later, what they had been waiting for didn't happen. 

Leo who felt that he was still breathing, also realised that he was still alive. he even thought that all that he saw before, may have been just some kind of daydream, although the word, nightmare would work better, in this case. but because of THAT thing in front of him, he was unable to do so anymore. 

A few meters away from the sea Leo could see, the brown star that had terrified him and the many around him before, standing proudly above the sea, as if time had stopped, or something hidden blocking its way, stooping it from descending anymore. 

"What the hell is going on here?"Leo couldn't help but swear as he didn't know what was occurring in front of him. And as if it was not enough, Leo and the people in his surroundings saw some green creatures descending from the star to the sea and swimming toward them. 

after taking a closer look, Leo couldn't help but be surprised again, as those creatures seemed very close to the appearance of the goblins in fairy tales, and novels.

when they arrive at the sand, they begin to run toward the humans in the area, attacking them. 

The moment that happened was also when the people around Leo and he had to wake up from their astonishment. 

"R-Runnnnnn..."Someone couldn't help but say that out loud, but no one knew, was he trying to alert the people who were in his surroundings? or was he only talking to himself loudly? but that doesn't concern them, as they start to run everywhere they can. 


"S...save me...."


They screamed and begged for help as they were trying with all their might to get away from those beasts who were actively attacking them. 

Unconsciously and occasionally consciously. When they ran, they shoved several people into the jaw of those green beasts, to be saved. 

One of those victims was—An old man who was desperately running and was smashed by a goblin in his back, The man cried out in pain, but the goblin didn't give him a wink to rest as it took his right hand, then tried to bite on it.

Just as its teeth were about to touch the man's hand, an iron pipe smashed at his face. 


Then the goblin's Skull made a cracking sound as he fell, losing his life. 

The old man who saw his saver, Leo in front of him attempted to thank him" Thank you, for saving me young ma...", but Leo hastily interrupted him as he said, "I am a sorry old man, I don't have time to talk if you can, please run away in hurry." Then without looking back, he proceeded to the next goblin that he saw pouncing on another individual beside him.

The old man looked at Leo's back, and couldn't help but say, "What a strange fella helping people when he should, help himself first ", Then the old man with strength and determination he didn't know where it came from, stood up and start running, as Leo had told him, but not before he took one last peek at where he is. 

Leo on the other hand was running with a 1 meter and half iron pipe in his right hand to the opposite path to where people were running to. 

Went on between people rescuing those who were in a pinch while slaying every goblin he had the chance to meet. And As he was doing that, he recalled, an accident he was involved in years ago, when he was about ten years old. 

————————One day, when Leo was playing around his house as usual, he was kidnapped by two human traffickers, who wore all black, while driving a white van. 

They forced him to eat some kind of sleep-inducing pill, and as he ate it, he almost immediately passed out, with almost no resistance. 

later When he woke up, all he was sure of was that he was inside the van he saw before passing out. Hearing the sound of the engine and the slight tremor that was caused by the van's Wheels moving forward, he was at least sure that he hadn't reached the destination his kidnappers were going toward, as the van was still on the road. 

After taking a look around the interior of the van, he found that he wasn't alone, beside him there was a middle-aged man, whose mouth was covered with a cloth and his hand and legs were also restrained by a rope. 

As he looked at himself, he realized that he was also restrained like him. As his brain realized all that, "hum, hum....", he tried to scream, but only a low-pitched voice came out since his mouth was sealed. 

his eyes couldn't help but be filled with tears, noticing this the man beside him, didn't seem to care as he was making an effort to get rid of his restraints. 

At that moment, Leo felt various kinds of emotions, from fear to anger,....and last but not least excitement. 

Yes, excitement. This kind of scenario is something the young Leo only sees in movies, and cartoons, so his brain that was filled with fear, is trying to change this feeling toward excitement, so he can at least calm down. And frankly, this was what took place as he calmed down. 

As he recovered his ability to think, Leo quickly realised that the stylish knife he purchased before, because of its design, without his parent's knowledge, was still in his pants. 

{It looks like my kidnappers, didn't search my body before, or at least they didn't do it earnestly, otherwise, they would not let this knife stay with me}, as Leo guessed that, he took out the knife from his hand pocket with some ordeal. 

As he did that, he unlocked it, then tried to cut the rope, that tied up his hand with its sharp part, which had proved to be very tricky, for two reasons, the knife was not sharp,  and two, because it was difficult to move his hand in the right angle to cut the rope, without losing strength. 

So it took him a long time to cut the rope fortunately, the van didn't have a window that displayed what happened to those who were in the front seats, otherwise, they would have found out his deed long ago. 

Even though his kidnappers were ignorant of what is he doing, one person saw him moments after he started. That Is the middle-aged man who was restrained with him. "Hum, hum!", Leo who heard his silent begging, motioned toward him to wait, Only after seeing Leo's gesture, did the middle-aged man, finally calm down. 

After Leo cut down the ropes that were restraining him, he instantly began to cut his associate's restraints. After being  freed by Leo, he said in a low pitch" Thank you, young man, can I please ask you to lend me that knife a little?", Although Leo didn't know what he wanted to do with the knife, he lent it to him with almost no hesitant, but before that, he asked him, "What's your name by the way" 

"Name? My name is Kevin ", Kevin said, he took the knife from Leo's hand, then without explaining anything to him, he went and unlocked the middle right door of the van. 

As he opened the door he went to the edge, holding the roof of the van with his left hand, then the knife with his right, he immediately swung it toward the man who was sitting at the right front door. 

The result of his swing Is that the knife blade stabbed into the man's left shoulder, "ah" A cry came mouth from the kidnapper, making his other companion who was driving panic a little as the car swayed around a little on the road as he pulled a gun from somewhere, where he was hiding it. 

As he did that, he pointed the gun toward the only part of Kevin's body that showed up from the van's window, Then said, "Take that knife back and return, inside otherwise, I will shoot you!" 

"No, I won't, if you don't want your comrade to die of blood loss, take us directly toward a nearby clinic", as Kevin said that, he pulled the knife from the shoulder of the other kidnapper, then put it under his neck, and said again, "don't even think of closing the window, otherwise, although I have never killed someone before, I fell like I would like to try it today, what do you thin—" 


A Bullet sound rang, shooting through Kevin's forearm, "ah" Feeling tremendous pain in his right arm, Kevin couldn't help but scream, if not for Leo who was there to catch him he would have already fallen from the van. 

"Kevin, oi Kevin are you okay, ah you are bleeding....", as Leo saw Kevin's state he couldn't help but panic. 

"You reap what you sow idiot, why would I care if you killed him or not, we who are in this line of work, only care about our lives and money, there is no comradery between us, shit the sound of the bullet, would surely alarm the nearby police station,  I got hurry up", as Leo was inspecting Kevin's body he heard the driver's voice, as he felt the van's speed going above the hundreds. 

And as he said, we soon heard the sound of police cars,  following us, and before long they were already behind us, but the driver didn't seem to have given up as by that time we had already arrived in the middle of a city. 

Using the city roads to fool them, as he seemed to know them as the back of his hand, he moved from one street to another leaving behind the police cars that couldn't shoot, because of Leo and Kevin who would be in the range of the attack as well. But even though they weren't able to capture him in that city, they had followed him closely, until he got out voluntarily of the city. 

As that had occurred, he was unfortunate enough that he banged the van on another, because of his focus, on the police cars behind him. 


As the car and the van crashed, Kevin and Leo were sent flying from the door, which was still open, Kevin fell close to the road, while Leo fell on the nearby wheat field. 


The sound of Leo's bone Crack echoed in the surroundings, even so, he didn't utter a single word, since his vocal cords were somehow damaged all that could come out was his silent scream and tears. 

He only woke up from his pain when he heard the sound of bullets. 



Bending his head, toward where the sound came from, he saw several policemen, and the still-standing black-clothed kidnapper,  shooting bullets toward each other. 

Suddenly the the man in black looked toward Leo and then snickered as he pointed his gun toward him, he immediately shot a bullet that was only a meter away from Leo's skull sending a shill down his spine. 

It seems he did that purposely, since as that happened,  a policeman with a shield ran toward Leo to guard him against his continued bullet shots, as the handsome blond middle-aged policeman ran toward Leo, he was shot in the right leg forcing him to fall to the ground "AGhh" he screamed, but he immediately held his shield up protecting himself from a bullet. 


As he defended against the bullet, he held his shield up again as he ran toward Leo, but another bullet came, that made a gaping hole in his shoulder forcing him to throw his shield to the ground. 

Even without his shield, he ran ahead, as he surrounded Leo with his body as bullets were shot at his body. Fortunately not long after that, a bullet had shot into, the man in Black's head as he was distracted. 

Leo who was being protected, felt blood that wasn't his, smearing his face red, but he didn't care about that at the moment,  he even ignored the smell as well, all he wanted to do now was to ask the man in front of him,' why?' but all that comes out was silent "...", as he remembers that his vocal cords were destroyed, even so, he tried very hard to make that word came out of his mouth. 

The policeman whose eyes Were gradually losing focus, was able to understand, the boy's silent word, as he put a smile on his lips, which was dripping blood," why you ask, haha, I wonder why?". 

{if we were living in a cartoon world now, then surely, a big question mark would appear above my head by now}, that's what Leo had thought at that moment. 

Laughing at his reaction, the policeman said, "Actually there are a lot of causes, one is that I am a policeman, so I must protect you, another, is that I can't let a kid as you die in front of me while doing nothing", he suddenly halted, took a deep breath, then said, "but all those are just excuses, the real reason I saved you is that I saw my little sister, Rose, through you who is about the same age as you, ah but talking about rose now, although I don't want to say it, I am regretting why I saved you, what would she do after I die today, could she take care of herself alone, ah shit I don't want to die now", as he said that, tears start to fill his vision, but that happened to me as well. 

"What's your name kid, just move your lips I trained my lips reading ability when I was in the academy"


"So your name is Leo, my name is Seig, can I ask you something, take it as a dying man's last words" Leo nodded, his head seriously, while still crying. 

Seig seeing that smiled a little and said, "An old man called Josef would come later, he is an old friend of my deceased father, please tell him to take care of Rose for me." As he said that he paused, looked down toward me and said, "Since I have saved your life I think I own it, No? so if you can please take care of her as well, even if she came to abhor you, you need to do your best to get along with her, help and protect her, is that clear". Leo hearing this once again nodded his head seriously. 

"Then, thank you in advance for taking care of her, Leo—", As he said that, Sieg fell to the ground, and life slowly faded from his body, which was gradually getting colder. 

The sound of the tears and silent screams of Leo, filled the wheat field, as other policemen came closer, also griefing at the sigh of their dead friend—————— 

So every time he sees something like the woman who was about to be attacked by a goblin, in front of him, he always remembers, Seig Rose and the oath he took on that day, {Although I want to become an admirable figure like Seig, I won't do the same as he did, although I will save everyone I can, I won't sacrifice myself for others, as even Seig regretted saving me when he remembered his sister Rose} 

As the goblin got closer to the woman, Leo's legs took action unconsciously, tossing out, the pros and cons of what he was going to do next,  only the desire to help the woman in front of him was what filled his head at the moment. 

as he was in a unique state, which may have been adrenaline, he reached behind the woman before that goblin could. when the goblin entered the range of his attack, Leo swatted the pipe in his hand to the waist of the small green creature. 


This earned Leo a huge shout from the monster as he fell to the ground while clutching his belly. Seeing this, Leo did not let such a chance go away, as he swayed his weapon again with strength toward the goblin's head, killing him in an instant. 

As the last attack was very powerful unlike before, blood flowed from the monster like rain, toward Leo's face, only then did Leo wake up from his strange condition. He felt like Puking, all he had eaten that morning. 

That was not because he took the life of the monster in front of him. Leo only thought that killing these monsters was the same as when human kills animals to live, so there was no place in his heart for guilt to begin with for such a monster.

Rather, his reason for that was the scent of iron and blood that filled his nose. But such a small issue quickly went away when he saw a goblin very close to him biting the hand of a kid who fell to the ground unable to run away. The anger he felt toward this scene, made him unconsciously ignore the smell, that had been bothering him. 

His legs moved again before he instructed them to, leaving behind the woman who just stood up to thank him, but she couldn't, because by the time she looked up, her target was nowhere to be seen. It was not until she looked behind her, that she saw him running toward a kid that was being bitten by a goblin. 

Catching a glimpse of this scene the woman, although she still wanted to thank Leo, but her desire to survive won against her thoughts, as she moved her legs to run away. 

Leo on the other hand, was running on the newly paved roadway, beside the university with an iron pipe in his hand, and As he got closer to the goblin and the crying child who was bitten by it. The goblin realised that, so he left the kid back on the ground crying, then ran toward Leo., Something that later was pleased with a lot since that would make saving the kid easier. 

As the goblin moved toward him. he used the pipe in his hand as a lance then he thrust it toward the goblin's open mouth.

Although he wasn't sure it would hit his mouth, it happened, { Lucky! }, he thought, but even so, it couldn't come through the other side of its head, as the pipe's head was not very sharp, but that was enough to kill it. 

After doing that, Leo quickly went toward the boy, but somebody else moved toward him before he could. realising it was not a monster, but rather a young man, Leo was about to go away, but before that, he heard the man's words from behind him. 

"... thank you for saving him...", as the man said that, his cheeks were crammed with tears.

Leo who saw that had a look that said 'I can't believe what this man is doing', "hurry up! Fool, Take that kid away from here, and treat him before you are surrounded by those green monsters again", Even though Leo's words seem harsh, the young man understand that he didn't means evil, so he held up the kid in his hand then start to run while thanking Leo in his heart.

Leo who saw that, couldn't help but smile,{Was this not, one of the reasons why I helped?} 

Then Leo looked at the text that had started to appear in front of him, a long ago. and finally, he deduced, that what was in front of him wasn't his fantasy. 

After a sigh, Leo looked seriously at the letters in the air that he hadn't read since he killed his first goblin: 

[Connecting to the world system....]

[ Status window is being generated]

[Achievement: THE ONE WHO KILLED THE FIRST MONSTER is cleared]

[Due to the achievement above the individual Leo will be rewarded with a chance to gain a unique skill scroll]

after going over this, as he had already expected, he found it was one of those systems that came up in novels these days, but only slightly different. Since It was not a system that could only be used by him, but by everyone brave enough to kill a monster. He seems to also be the first one to kill a monster, so he gains a reward, that immediately appears in front of him the moment, he thinks of it. 

Noticing the sudden appearance of the scroll, he couldn't help but be amazed even though he had already expected it. the scroll was all white with no words. After inspecting it for a while, he cut it in half, then another statement appeared beside me.

[The Unique Skill Scroll Is Being Used....

A Unique Skill is being selected from the Database...

Unique Skill: <> is selected...

Start the transfer process to the individual Leo...]

As he read that he felt that something had been stuffed into him, not physically, but somewhere else deeper He also felt pain in his eyes. 

After looking at himself in the window next to him, after slaying another goblin that was seeking his life. He saw that his eyes had turned into a pair of beautiful, purple eyes. 

[Unique Skill <>

- read and understand the intent of everything, can only be used on one thing for a time.

-use the minimal amount of energy/stamina possible to not make the user tired, or hinder the natural energy recovery speed, but as a result, the reading and the understanding time is a little longer, this is also based on how strong the intent left behind in the thing that it was used in.

-???????????????? Conditions are not met to be activated ] 

this skill made him a little confused,{ How do I use it? What should I use it for? Does it even benefit me?}. "ahh, why give me this kind of skill, when I'm in dire need of some attacking skill, sigh. ooh, what is this ?" 

[ in addition to that, the level 1 and 2 body reinforcement potions will be given as an additional reward for being the first to kill 20 monsters with a cold weapon]

[ NOTE: to get high levels of this potion please look at the store in the system window.]

{ hmm so there is a store as well, but there are only 5 potions in it? , it requires a contribution point to buy …..contribution point.... contribution point ....., ah there is it! }, Peeking at the lower part of the screen, he saw where it was.

{ it seems I already have more than 100 points, but if I want to buy the Level 3 potion, I would need 10000 points, that's too much!!. }, "Let's put that aside for now." As he muttered that loudly, he thought of the level one potion, then it appeared in his hand, then immediately an explanation appeared as well.

[ Level 1 body reinforcement potion cost: 100 points]

[ Note 1:temporarily discount to 10 points on the first day of the store's opening. ]

[Note 2: no matter how the user's body base strength is, this potion will raise your strength, speed, endurance, stamina, reaction speed.... to the peak of human level.]

[Note 3: it is recommended to open the status window first before using this potion.]

after reading that I said— "Status Window". 

Name: Leo Lancer

Sex/Age: Male / 22

•Height/Weight: 187.5 cm / 83.8 kg

•Current Condition: Healthy

•Class: none

•Alias: THE ONE WHO KILLED THE FIRST MONSTER, the Defender of the weak.


•Calm (able to rationally think in most dire situations)

•Conviction (will follow his moral code)

• Still being generated.....


•Unique Skill: <>

• Calm (Rank E): Strong mental resistance is granted. Particularly resistant to confusion and impatience.

• Still being generated.....

III-physical status

• Strength: F (0.3)

• Endurance: F (0.4)

• Agility: F (0.3)

• Stamina: F (0.35) 

When he saw his physical status he was somehow surprised,{ Although I am not a professional fighter or runner, I was sure to always train my body, since I was 10 years old, precisely after Seig's accident, so my physical stats should have been better than this. }. but his confusion didn't last long when he saw the next.

[The strongest, the fastest, the one who endures the most and the one who had the strongest stamina in the world in this era, doesn't go beyond the stat of F(0.55-0.6).]

he then figured out that the number that was given to him was calculated reasonably. 

After drinking the potion, his status changed to:

III-physical status

• Strength: F (1)

• Endurance: F (1)

• Agility: F (1)

• Stamina: F (1)

Even without looking at his status, he felt that he was about two to three times stronger than his previous self, maybe even more, Not only that but vision, reaction speed, and there might be some benefits that he couldn't feel at the moment,{ Wow! if this is the benefit of only the Level 1 potion, then what about the next four Levels?? that is something worth looking forward to. .}

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rhongomyniadcreators' thoughts
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