
The cursed fae prince;Fated to die

Zeriel is a cold blooded multi billionaire a ceo to a big company, he doesn't believe in love and not just that Zeriel has a secret identity as he isn't human but has blended himself into one. Hiding his supernatural abilities and coexisting between them. Zeriel a winged fae creature and hybrid of a dark and light fae parents was considered an abomination from childbirth and cursed to die at 30 which led him to leaving his race to the human realm to maintain peace and on the other hand find a way to lift the curse. He finds himself falling for a human girl who he hated so much,this feeling was like a tree blossoming in his deserted heart which he tries everything to kill. Will this love bloom? Can Zeriel change his fate and prolong his life? Journey with me let's discover more adventures.

Seaquin · Fantasy
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63 Chs

kind gesture

Logan recalled the last lady who was his friend's mistress andrielle, a popular model who had shamelessly pursued Zeriel until he later laid her. she however caught feelings and fell in love with him,his friend turned her down coldly killing every atom of hope.

  He was always the one who suffers everytime Zeriel ends things with the women. They all come running to him knowing fully well he was his best friend The women always pestered him,crying and whining threatening to kill themselves. He had warned Zeriel to stop entangling with them if he wasn't ready to give them what they desired.

 Andrielle was one of the stubborn ones who almost comitted suicide in front of Zeriel after he ended things. She threatened to kill herself but they called her bluff only for her to fall from the rooftop where the three of them were relaxing.

Zeriel didn't flinch or attempt to rescue her. It was still Logan who had jumped after her to rescue her. The moment he gripped her, he spread out his wings and carried her in his arms as he flew back to the rooftop.

 He was lucky it was late at night and nobody caught a glimpse of him even though it all happened in an instant. Andrielle who was shocked at what she had just witnessed fainted.

Logan had no option than to erase her memories and send her back the next morning. Zeriel didn't react to what had happened, rather he left the scene to his bedroom. Since the suicidal incident he had stayed cleared women or any for of relationships,despite he never said a word Logan could tell he was avoiding any reoccurrence till he entangled with Alisha.


Alisha had just resumed work the next day after she took some days off as she was instructed by her boss after the trip,she was grateful because it had given her time to rest and heal from her twisted ankle. she was beaming with smile as she approached the entrance of the company,she headed towards the elevator She was corporately dressed and wore a black heels and a matching bag.

Her face beaming with smile as she recalled the sweet memories with Zeriel.

She wondered if he'll keep same energy with her at work or if he would go back to the cold stern mean boss.

She took the elevator to get to her office. On her way a worker accidentally slipped and spilled coffee on her shirt.

 Zeriel had been walking briskly, preoccupied with his own thoughts, when he saw the unfortunate incident unfold.

Alisha's face registered shock and dismay as the coffee seeped into her shirt, leaving a noticeable stain.

 Seeing his valued employee in this predicament stirred something inside Zeriel, and he knew he had to do something.

"I'm sorry ma'am" the young intern bowed severally apologizing to her. Lisha turned to take a closer look at her,she discovered the young girl was not in her department. "It's fine,you're not hurt are you?" Lisha asked the girl who was scared of being scolded.

 "I'm fine ma,why don't I help you wash the dress?" She asked, still panicking. "Don't worry,now run along and be careful next time" lisha warned her and headed straight to her office. Without hesitation, Zeriel swiftly made his way towards the exit of the building, his mind racing through the possible solutions. Determined to remedy the situation, he jumped into his car and drove to the nearest department store.

His purpose clear, Zeriel purposely selected a package that held a blouse, similar to the one Alisha was wearing earlier. Returning to the office building with a sense of urgency, Zeriel walked through the doors, clutching the package in his hands.

 He had a serious expression on his face as usual as he finds his way to Alisha's office. Alisha who was already rummaging around her office to see if she had once left a spare cloth when she heard a knock "come in" she replied .

Zeriel's presence caught Alisha's attention, who was still standing near the drawer, looking down at her stained shirt with dismay.

She glanced up and gasped softly when she saw her boss holding the package. "Sir, what's going on?" Alisha asked, curiosity and confusion coloring her voice. Zeriel smiled warmly, his eyes conveying a mix of apology and reassurance.

"Alisha, I saw what happened, and I wanted to help. I know it's not ideal, but I took the liberty of getting you a spare blouse.

Try it and see if it fits". Alisha's surprise gave way to gratitude as she reached out to accept the package from Zeriel.

 "Thank you so much, Zeriel. That's incredibly thoughtful of you." "You're welcome" he responded with a nod and left, giving her privacy.

Alisha couldn't help but feel touched by Zeriel's words and actions. It wasn't just about the blouse; it was the thought and consideration behind it that made her appreciate her boss' kind gesture even more.

 As she quickly changed into the spare blouse, Alisha couldn't help but reflect on how supportive and caring Zeriel had become in a short period of time.

Feeling refreshed and reassured, Alisha rejoined her team members at the production laboratory.


Just after Alisha had dismissed from work,she had earlier contemplated if she could ask Zeriel on a dinner to thank him for the cloth he had earlier purchased when her clothes were ruined. She finally mustered up courage after hours of pulling a cold feet.

 She found herself standing outside the door, suddenly her heart was pounding,she took a deep breath and stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

 "Come in" the familiar deep husky voice responded. Alisha quietly entered. She scanned through the office. It was her second time entering the office since he took over. For some minutes her eyes scanned through the office,she was fascinated by what she saw.

It was quite cozy and spacious,Zeriel's office was a reflection of his rich taste, exuding a sense of sophistication and elegance. The spacious room boasted high ceilings with intricately designed crown moldings painted in a soft, pale gray.

The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, showcasing a mix of abstract paintings and black-and-white photographs. Her eyes were drawn to the grand mahogany desk, meticulously crafted and polished to a glossy sheen.

The desk was adorned with a collection of high-end stationary and a sleek desktop computer. To enhance the cozy yet sophisticated atmosphere, Zeriel had installed a custom-made fireplace in one corner of the room.

The fireplace, framed with sleek black marble, created a warm focal point, bringing a touch of homeliness to the otherwise polished surroundings.

The inviting crackling sound of the fire, accompanied by the soft ambient lighting, made the space feel intimate and snug, despite its size. Despite the overall opulence of the office, there was a slight chill in the air, which added to its unique ambiance.

 The temperature was kept deliberately cool, as Zeriel preferred a crisp and energizing environment for work. The air conditioning system hummed silently in the background, ensuring a comfortable temperature that offset the richness of the decor.

 One would not forget the view,he could see the bustling city by looking outside the balcony. Zeriel had adorned the walls with a series of sleek, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.

These shelves displayed in an impressive collection of books on various subjects, from business and leadership to art and culture. Finishing touches included a small corner bar, tastefully stocked with a selection of premium spirits and glassware.

Just as she ransacked the whole office with her eyes, she had totally forgotten she was standing before her boss. Zeriel, who had noticed she was absent-minded, broke the silence. "Are you gonna stand there all day without saying a word?" He questioned. Lisha realizes she was carried away by her surroundings and finally speaks.

 "I'm sorry sir, I was quite surprised I almost thought I was at the wrong office . I could vividly remember that the last time I was here it wasn't this way" "Oh yes, I had them set it up to my taste,after I resumed office" he replied calmly,his gaze still fixed on the computer before him.

"I thought as much" Alisha muttered Um sir I-I "Why not get straight to the point, Alisha?" Zeriel interrupted with a hint of impatience in his voice.