
The cursed Blood

The journey of a boy brought up in an institution which is ruled by one of the core family of fire clan in the province of firecia. Where the people swore their upmost loyality to the nation and it's leaders. How he learned about different things, his experience, fun he had with friends and how he changed to a complete new person, to one of the main members of cores- the highest clan . There is a legend of the birth of a cursed child who would destroy the kingdom which was established by their ancestors and everyone wanna kill him so he. But a secret will change his life .. let's see how by reading the book !! NOTE : ***** One chapter will be updated every Saturday's and Sunday's *****

Rysne01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Ah! I can't do it anymore!" cried a black-haired boy who fell on the harsh ground, which had visible soil and some pebbles in it. The boy looked completely drained of energy, and his clothes were covered with dust.

He had jumped with all his might and landed on the ground with a thud. And soon he felt a sharp pain in his legs and a cloud of dust rose in the air. He looked at his clothes and saw that they were dirty with dust.

The boy was wearing a blue T-shirt and black shorts that matched the color of his hair and eyes : black. He had always liked blue colour, it reminded him of the sea, which had never seen in real life but heard of.

Javie glanced at his friend who had fallen behind him for a fraction of second and then focused on his goal. He jumped again with his hands behind his back, trying to reach the finish line as fast as possible. As he was heading forward, he could feel his lungs burning and his muscles were screaming with pain.

He was ahead of most of the other kids who were competing in the frog jump race, except for one older boy who was leading the pack. Javie who was also called jave by people, had blond hair and yellowish- green eyes, and he wore a red T-shirt with white shorts .

The older boy was :Randy, the popular kid in the orphanage. He was smart, strong, handsome and charismatic. He had friends that admired him and followed him everywhere. He had a future that was bright and promising. He was the perfect candidate for " ZENITH", the elite group that everyone wanted to join.

ZENITH, was a famous group in the institution that only accepted potential and strong members. It was known for its achievements in academics, sports, arts and other fields. They had access to better facilities, resources and opportunities than other groups. They also had a noble mission: to reform the system that ran the institution under cores and also to improve the lives of all the kids under its care.

Javie had always dreamed of joining " Zenith", since he was little. He admired their leader Leo - a tall and handsome boy with dark hair and blue eyes who was respected by everyone, he was believed to be a half blood . As a child He wanted to be like him someday, but now his intentions and thinking were different.

But joining the elite group was not easy. It required passing a series of tests that challenged both physical and mental abilities. Javie had worked hard for months with his friend Simon to prepare for these tests. They had spent nights studying and practicing for this challenge. They had passed all the tests except for this one: the frog jump race.

This was the final test and also the most important one. It tested not only speed and stamina but also determination and courage. Only one kid could join Zenith every six months based on this test. And this time it was between Javie and Randy - the older boy who was leading the pack, as the other players seemed to lag behind.

Simon had lost already and now all their hopes rested on Javie. He couldn't afford to disappoint his friends and himself.

Javie, sighed and gathered all his remaining strength and jumped as fast as he could. He blocked out the noise and the sight of his competitor and focused only on the red line that marked the end of the race.

A few moments later, there was a loud thud and a cloud of dust risen up. A whistle blew and signaled the end of the race. Everyone's attention turned to the finishing spot.

Javie lay sprawled on the ground, feeling his body tremble and his bones crack. He turned his head slightly and saw Randy, the older boy, lying next to him. Some of the other kids had crossed the line too and some had given up halfway.

Javie didn't know who had won.

He didn't even feel when he had crossed the line.

His mind was blank and he could feel his veins pulsing. He felt like they would explode any second.

The kids who had been cheering earlier

were now busy with other things. The crowd dispersed quickly as soon as the race was over, just like a sweet candy dissolves in a kid's mouth.

A few kids came over with water bottles

for the racers. Jave took one, gulped do wn the water quickly and poured the rest over his head. his beautiful silky light brown hair got wet and cool. His clothes were soaked and muddy.

"You'll catch a cold, kid!" , Randy commented,

wiping his sweat with a white towel and panting too.

"Maybe," Javie replied with

a grimace.

Javie's heart was still racing and his mind was still blank from the race.

But when he saw the coach approaching them, he felt a surge of fear in his spine.His heart could explode any second.

"You have to win if you want to be a part of us."Those were the words that haunted him.

The words that came from Leo - the leader of "ZENITH ". who was not there in present to watch the race, he was a busy person and this event didn't even bother him.

"Well done, kid! You did great," said the coach patting his shoulder slowly .

"Did I win?" Javie wondered as a faint ray of hope shone in his heart.

"Maybe, just maybe luck was on my side." he thought and hoped.

"You were so close, just a fraction to beat me haha..." Randy added while ruffling Javie's hair.

There was noise everywhere: kids talking,

chit-chatting, players conversing.

But Javie was lost in his own thoughts.The words spoken by Randy shattered his heart into pieces. He felt like he had lost everything: his strength, his dream and above all his hope.

"Y--yeah, congratulations senior," he muttered, not knowing what else to say.

"You were amazing," Randy said getting up.

"Don't lose hope.Next time for sure."

"C'mon! Jave, you did great," a voice came from a boy who was comming towards him, who was no other than simon , trying to encourage jave with a warm smile on his face. Simon offered his hand to the sitting figure . Javie took his hand and stood up, his legs still feeling pain in.

"Let's go and get some rest! The ceremony will be tomorrow," Simon said stretching his arms with smile on his face.

Javie knew that behind that smile there was sadness and pain. Simon was always cheerful and supportive even when he was hurt inside.

Simon had worked hard too even though, he couldn't jump well because of his leg injury that he got from an accident a few months ago, he still did it anyway just to show Javie that he was not alone, that someone was there to trust him.

But Javie had let him down.He had broken his heart and the aspirations of his friend.

Javie did not knew how to face Simon

with those lost eyes. Deep down he felt like a criminal who had killed their hopes.

"Hey! Where are you lost?" Simon's voice snapped Jave out of his trance

and he saw a hand waving in front of his face.

He looked at Simon who showed a confused face.

"I'm sorry I should have tried harder," Javie said lowering his head walking ahead of Simon with his hands in each pocket of

his trousers feeling low.

Suddenly Simon pulled him along.

"Come on let's run!", Simon said cheerfully.

In no time they were running towards their block -B: , The building where their room was located sprinting .The cold wind hit their face feeling nice and cool, as they ran.

"Don't be sad we did our best and we will always," Simon said looking at Javie who smiled back at him sincerely.

"Hey! Let's not run too fast your leg ain't..."

"I know, I know mama!" Simon replied slowing down their pace .They stopped for a while looking at the sunset from their position .

The view was beautiful spreading calmness and orange light everywhere it was a nice evening. Kids were walking around them some playing and doing various activities.

"Simon our goal...we lost it!" Javie said closing his eyes to feel the peace and emotions running inside him.

"Maybe we need to be stronger and more eligible for that " * sigh* " We will one day be a part of Zenith ." Simon replied looking up at the sky with shining eyes which reflected determination mingled with compassion.

"And destroy it...for everyone," Jave added in a husky voice and an enthusiastic tone opening his eyes looking at simon , not too loud but suitable for Simon to hear.

Simon looked at him nodding in agreement.

"yeah ,one day for sure!" … … .




Hello readers!

Hope you enjoyed it, There's more awaiting xd

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