
Author's note

Hey lovely people!

Thank you once again for picking my book and showering so much love on Esma and Reed. I am really glad for everyone who made it till here. This book is on the board because of all your love and support. I am truly and deeply thankful for it! Love you guys to the moon and back.

It's been a joy ride writing this book and sharing with you people. Thank you for sticking till the end with me and tolerating my grammar and other mistakes. I am grateful to you guys for your kind comments. Your constant support have pushed me to write this book and motivated me to write the second one in the cursed series.

I read many Werewolf stories, or at least enough for me to plot something that no one did, I will let you people decide if I am succeeded or not. Now, back to the work.

1. What happened to Reed and Esma? will they ever meet again?

2. Who or what really was the Darkness? Was it somebody who was working with the witches or something far superior than them?

3.Who really has the blade of Zydus? Hecate said she have it but the vision of Diana said otherwise. I know you guys are already frustrated. How can the author leave so much hanging.

4. And yes, what will Esma say to the proposal of Dumeny? Also, will August’s pack accept Diana as their Beta female?

5. this is really not a question but I felt like it should be on the board, did you guys feel Reed and Esma deserves more?

All your questions will be answered in the sequel, INTO HIS DARKNESS. I hope you will wait till then and be patient as much you were till now. I am a student and still studying so it is sometimes hectic for me to take some time out from my busy schedule and write but I am still evolving. Also, if you loved my story, help me by reviewing my story and rate it.

Until then,


PS- did you guys like the title? Comment if you have other fancy titles.