
The curse of the Riding-hood family

TwistedSoul666 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

One big Shit Show

⚠️warning: in this chapter there is swearing ⚠️

"Well little miss Riding-Hood how do you feel about making a pact?"

"A pact?" What was this guy, some kind of Demon?

"Ah how rude of me," the creature then peeled back the black hood which seemed to almost completely cover it's face only to reveal a rather handsome face. He was fair skinned and had black symbols on his jawline that looked sharp enough to stab a man, his glowing red eyes were surrounded by a mask of black, there were also two jet black horns pert ruing out the sides of his head, although what really caught my attention was a massive pearly white fanged smile that was glowing under the pale moonlight, " Like what you see Miss Riding-Hood?"

I snapped out of my trance.

"As I was saying, my name is Zalgoron. I am the demon of lust around these parts, and if you wish to keep your pitiful life I'd recommend accepting my most generous offer. In return for your life I want you to make a pact with me. This will mean that I will be bonded to you, and you to me. I will protect you from all harm and in return you will do certain 'favours' for me. So do we have a deal?"

I was speechless this creature that has been plaguing my family for Centuries has just told me his name, the fact that he is a demon and to top it all off he wants to make a pact with me or I'm dead! This was a lot to take in, before now I had believed that demons weren't real and they were just stories to try and scare kids into believing in God. But now. Knew they were real.

I cautiously nodded,  wasn't about to get killed at the age of 18 and I also wasn't stupid.

"Brilliant! All you have to do is wear this at all times."

Zalgoron then snapped his fingers and felt a sudden gentle pressure on my neck. He must have teleported behind me or something because, he was now holding a mirror out in front of me while he rested his head on one of my shoulders and a his hand that didn't have the Mirror in it on my other shoulder. I peered into the mirror only to see a black chocker on my neck it was thin and felt like it was made of leather, in the middle of it there was a golden charm in the shape of a strange symbol. It was beautiful and perfectly matched my outfit.

"Like it? Be honest."

Like it?! I fucking love it! Although I can't tell him that it would seem a bit weird but Zalgoron is also a literal demon so who knows what he'd do if he thought i didn't like it?

"Well first of all miss riding-hood you can simply call me Zalgo and secondly, I'm glad you like it." The last part he sad in a dark husky voice that made me instantly blush.

I cleared my throat, "O-ok so what now?"

"Well we should probably head back to your place and get some sleep."

"Wait, hold on one fucking minute we?!"

"First of all, LANGUAGE. Secondly, yes we, I need to stay close by you now that we've made a pact, ten feet to be exact. If we go even a quarter of an inch outside of that then your necklace will glow red, you will then pass out and I would wraith on the floor in agony, until we came within the 10 foot rule again," Zalgo then smiled an oddly cheery smile, "Shall we get going then?"

He started walking off in the direction that he had chased me, I cautiously followed him in silence until my family estate's mansion came into view.


"What is it?"

"How am I supposed to get you into my house you obviously don't look particularly normal and my grandparents would wonder who on earth you are and why you are entering the house with me at this time of night."

Zalgo thought for a second he probably hadn't thought of this prior to me brining it up, suddenly his face lit up he must have had some brilliant idea. He snapped his fingers and a black mist clouded around him, once it cleared my Jaw practically dropped. Zalgo no longer had his horns and his flowing black cloak, he was now in a pair of black ripped jeans with a black button up shirt on, the top four buttons were undone which revealed two chiselled pecks and the beginning of a lattice of tattoos that flowed down his right arm, his eyes were no longer glowing and his har was styled to perfection. If I hadn't seen him before I would not have believed that he, this absolute Greek God of a man, was in fact a demon.

"Ok so I know that this will make so many questions arise but when we get inside you have to introduce me as your boyfriend."

"Wait what?!  No, they would 100% not believe me!"

"It doesn't have to be believable just say I met you at school or something! Now come on your grandparents probably think you were killed or something."

I shook my head this was going to go one of two ways

1. It would be fine

Or 2. This was going to be one big shit show