
The Curse of The Blood Moon

Pureblood, are the First and most powerful of all the vampires. They are feared and worshipped by their kind. They believe that their species are superior to all the living and dead. Their kind kept to themselves to not attract attention from prying eyes, to keep their secret and keep their food supplies. Rumors and myth roamed around the four Kingdoms but no human ever proved their existence. Upon awakening from her long hibernation, Lilith Bancroft, a Pureblood Vampire Princess, committed an irreversible mistake that incurred the wrath of a witch. “When the moon bleeds red She will burn into ash Unless she earn The Kingdom’s heart” Cursed, Lilith travels to find the key to break the spell. Her last hope is the Kingdom of Theruvia. Will she find the answer to free herself from the curse or will her eternal life forever be stopped?

aldeheidis · Fantasy
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The Curse

"Ancient one of ancient time

I call to Thee from the other side

On this Earth, where I stand

Give me the power and heed my desire

She who has wronged

Consequences are dire

Life for life

Blood for blood

Her eternal life

Will forever be stopped

For when the moon bleeds red

She will burn into ash

Unless she earn

The Kingdom's heart"

Lilith opened her eyes and gasped. She can feel the burning sensation on the left side of her chest. She moved the thin red fabric draping her canopy bed and stood up, she walked in front of the mirror above her dresser and took off her nightgown. She examined the lines in her chest, they were a dark contrast from her pale, translucent skin. She was marked. Cursed. The lines spreads from her left chest to the top of her shoulder like a crawling tree roots, it is soon to reach the base of her neck. Everytime the marks glow dark red she feels the sharp, prickly pain. She heaved a sigh and sit down in the soft cushioned chair. The pain she felt are increasing in intervals and duration, reminding her that she only has four months remaining to find the key to break the spell. Sylvana. The witch who cast the spell on her, her high-pitched voice sounded like a chair scraping in a smooth surface. It became louder and louder as she finished her incantation. The spell which Lilith memorized word by word as it plays in her head over and over again. The sharp, shrill voice grating on her nerves. It's been three years but it feels just like yesterday when she was forced to wake up from her long hibernation.

Three years ago

Lilith can feel that someone invaded her stone chamber. The spicy fragrance of a creature singed her nose masking the sweet smell of flowers that she detected on and off while she was 'sleeping'. She can't figure out what it is, her mind still woozy and her body felt sluggish. Is she supposed to wake up now? How many years have passed? Fifty?

A creaking sound followed by footsteps penetrated her foggy mind. She tried to open her eyes but she didn't have the strength to even lift her eyelids. She can't fight the pull of the endless sleep. Her casket moved and she felt that the creature outside was trying to open her sanctuary. Danger! Her mind was trying to warn her of the imminent danger, her body was tingling with the remnants of her power. Prey. Food. Attack. The three words kept swirling in her mind. The warm air kissed her skin as the cover of her casket was forcibly opened. Prey. Food. Attack. There was a whooshing sound and a clinked of the blade as it cut through the air towards Lilith's heart. Lilith focused her vision to the young man looming over her, fury lit up his charcoal eyes. Her hands that grasping the man's hands were trembling, she gathered her remaining strength and stopped the blade a second before it was plunge into her heart.

"You arrogant monster! You need to die!!!" His voice thundered like a rising storm. He doubled his efforts and pushed further.

Prey. Food. Attack.

Lilith's body trembled, this time it was because of the sound of the young man's thumping heart. Bloodlust washed over her, her senses heightened and all she can see is the pulse thrumming strongly in the young man's carotid artery.

"Wrun!!!" Lilith grumbled, her fangs suddenly filling her mouth.

A fear crossed the young man's face then replaced immediately by rage, his face sweating and tinted with red. "No! I'll end you right here!" He yelled.

Prey. Food. Attack. Prey. Food. Attack.

Lilith tightened her grip to the young man's hand and flung him to the side with her strength, caught by surprise, the man lost his balance and fell. Lilith rose up and staggered when she put her feet on the ground. Using the stone bed as a leverage, she pulled herself up. The young man who is now standing in front of her, put the blade between them. Lilith scented the air and caught a familiar smell from the guy. Warlock. Prey. Prey. Prey. She shook her head to calm herself. "What is a warlock doing here?"

The warlock sneered and eyed her with full of contempt. "Your family killed and trapped our kind. You don't deserve to live, monsters!!!"

The witches? She remembered, before her Mater asked her to go into underground she said that few witches threatened to kill them. Lilith didn't like to go to hibernation yet but her Mater and Sire insisted, now she wonders if they put her to trance just to obey them. What really happened while she's here? She-

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The blood running through the body of the warlock is calling her whole being. Unable to think clearly she realized that she had the young man pinned between her and the wall. The blade dropped on the ground. Lilith inhaled deeply, a wrong move on her part because the strong spicy smell of the blood entered her nose. She clamped her teeth together trying to restrain herself but didn't loosen her hold to the man. In her one thousand five hundred plus years, this was the first she awakened prematurely. The bloodlust that she's feeling right now is so strong she can't think straight. The other times she woke up from her endless slumber, her family were waiting for her with willing donors to sufficed her thirst and hunger. The young man thrashed his body to escaped from her iron grip. A sense of excitement run through her body, the predator within her enjoyed the struggle of her prey. "Stop mwoving!" Lilith hissed. The young man, deaf to her warnings fought her aggressively. He managed to escaped her hold, scrambling away from her, he tried to run. Prey. Food. Attack. At this moment, the predatory nature of Lilith fully took over her. She saw the young man running away, the thrill of catching her prey thrummed from her toes to her head. Using her ability she melted into the shadows, in just a second she was in front of the stone chamber blocking his way out. The warlock stopped on his tracks, fear reeked in the air. Lilith appearance completely changed. Her sclera turned bloody red which almost looked like black, it shined with hunger. Dark veins appeared under her eyes, she swiped her tongue to her razor-sharp fangs. A sinister laughter bubbled within her. She saw the young man mumbling something, based on her senses this young warlock didn't know how to use his ability, she can't sense any power within him.

"If you kill me, she won't forgive you. You are going to die the most painful way," the man said in a broken voice.

"Die? Hahahaha" Lilith laughed, her voice as cold as the first snow in the winter. "Okay, I'm done playing with you." Her face twisted with a smile. She stalked slowly towards the young man who stumbled down and tried to crawl away. In just a snap, Lilith tackled him on the ground, her legs straddled his torso. She leaned forward and swiped her tongue to the crooked of his neck. The man underneath her tried to resist but he was no match to her strength. Lilith was not supposed to be this strong especially she just woke up from a long sleep but the hunger for blood won, she stopped thinking and start moving on instinct. "Yes! Struggle more!" She whispered sweetly. Unable to hold back anymore, she focused on the strong pulse in his throat before she sank her sharp teeth into it. Loud, pained scream echoed to the walls of the chamber. Warm blood filled her mouth. A sweet and spicy taste hit her tongue. He tugged at his vein and sucked harder to quench her thirst. The young man whimpered. Tears falling down at the side of his head. "Help!" He sobbed. Lilith stopped for a second, a voice in her mind telling her that this is wrong but her true nature can't be ignore easily. Crazed with hunger, she closed her eyes and sank her fangs deeper, she drank and drank and drank. The young man's body became limp but she continued feeding off him. The door to the chamber burst opened and in a heartbeat Lilith was pinned on the floor.

"Stop!" A deep harsh voice commanded.

Lilith hearing the familiar voice, stared at the man restraining her.

"Lilith! Snap out of it! You're stronger than this," his golden eyes pierced through her.

Struck by his words, Lilith blinked rapidly trying to push back the dark power to enveloping her.

"C-Cyprian..." she called helplessly to her brother.

Cyprian put his hands to her face and leaned his forehead to hers. "Fight it. I know you can."

Lilith closed her eyes and concentrated, she willed herself to revert back into her usual form. She breathe heavily, draining all the energy she had. She opened her eyes for the second time and saw the tight expression of his brother.

"Welcome back."