
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

Truths Revealed

"Nathaniel" she says as my name parts through her lips, as she whispers it in her sleep and I can't help but feel butterflies.

As for what feels like minutes I just stand there, waiting for something more to emerge from her lips. Was she slowly starting to remember me? Was it working? I had to know, I missed my Francesca.

As I walk to my bed feeling less defeated than usual in a day, I can't decide if he may actually be helping me or hurting me more. But most importantly I don't know if I'd let him stick around.

As I lay in my bed, allowing it to engulf me as the second my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

But the second I fall asleep I'm a different person. As flashes of light take over my sight and I'm lying on a bed, but it's moving! As another flash consumes me and instantly am walking on the side of the road with books in my hand as they are knocked out of my hands and fall to the ground as a red convertible passes me and I run into the road as they drive forward. As I see their headlights coming towards me I instinctively jump to the side of the road and that's where it ends. The pain, the frustration, the confusion, it's all gone as I stand in a white room with only a woman in it.

"Who are you?" I ask her as her smile vanishes at my question.

"My precious Francesca" she says as she nods her head and I'm left in confusion again.

"I'm Renee, not this Francesca girl everybody keeps talking about!" I explain as she snickers.

"I know my daughter. The first time I saw you I memorized every nook and cranny of that face, I know your eyes better than my own." She says as she takes my hand into hers and instead of pulling away, I let her.

"My mothers dead" I tell her as she sighs.

"That may be true now" she says as she pulls me in for hug, this, for some reason didn't feel like a stranger. Her embrace felt like home, something you'd crawl into for your darkest hours and just cry and feel nothing but safe.

"My dearest" she says as she pulls me out of her embrace and lays her hands on my shoulders as she looks in my eyes with tears filling hers. "I know I probably shouldn't" she says as she leans towards me and kisses my forehead as suddenly it all becomes clear. Through the murky waters I finally see it, my mom.

"Mommy" I murmur through my tears as she smiles and nods as I jump back into her embrace.

"I brought back the one thing that was missing from you!" She says as I feel her breath on my ear. "You!"

"What are you doing here? Is the curse finally over?! Please tell me it's over?" I beg her as she nods her head and my hands fall from her back and I pull away.

"NO! NO!!!! IT CAN'T BE, YOUR LYING!!!" I yell as I finally realize why she's here. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!!" I demand her as she lowers her eyes to the ground.

"It's true" she says solemnly as I break. As with those two words my knees cave in and I fall to the whiteness of the ground. "It was my time sweetheart" she assures me as I know they are lies.

"It wasn't though" I say through my tears. "You still have a daughter, you still have me!" I plea as I already know that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

"I didn't want it to happen like this, but I also didn't want you to see me in pain. This was for the best" she justifies as I can't help but feel alone.

"But I still need you! You can't go!! Please don't leave me alone!!" I beg her. "I didn't do anything wrong mom! I was good, but I'll be better! Please just....come home?" I ask her as I know the answer is bound to be no, but I just wanted to try.

"No, my darling. I'm home, I'm no longer in pain." She says as I finally notice what I looked over. My mother was finally something I prayed for when I was younger and tried to envision her as I grew older, herself. She cheeks were no longer shallow and hollow, they where filled and blush flooded her cheeks. Her eyes were no longer dark and just holes that found themselves on her face, they were golden saucers that found home on my mother's face that I envied. And her hair flowed to her hips as her smile burned into you mind as something you wished you could never forget. She was finally something I recognized, something I always wanted to see her be, healthy.

"Fate works in mysterious ways" she says as she pulls my into her arms as I hold her. "I know you always wanted to see me like this one last time. You were the best daughter I could've asked for, don't forget that. This curse will be broken, and you will be stronger because of it" she says as she pulls away from me and smiles as I close my eyes and feel her lips on my forehead one last time and suddenly she's gone and I'm awake, lying in a twin bed I don't recognize.

All that was going through my mind was how could life only get worse for me? God, Ali, the fucking universe took my mother! In no way could her loss ever be justified, I wasn't even there for her. She must have hated me, and now it was too late for a I'm sorry, she was already gone.

As I sit up from the unfamiliar bed and walk to the only room with a slight light illuminating it, I find myself walking to the bathroom. And as I stand outside of it, teasing the doorframe with my fingers, I can't help but act on my sadness as the tears are still silently streaming down my face. I walk into the bathroom and look up to the mirror as I see my swollen eyes, filled with tears and my saddened eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, as I start to rummage through the bathroom for anything that I could take or use to see her again, I HAD TO BE WITH HER AGAIN! Suddenly as I throw my hand against the mirror and it bounces back and opens to pills bottles and mouthwash behind it as I grab a bottle of painkillers and hold them in my hands and tear open the cap as I stand there, ready to finally have my world stop.

"Renee?" I hear groggily as I turn around to see him, Nathaniel Knight!

"Go away" I whisper as I stand still and poor every last pill into my hand as I take a deep breath and I get ready to take them all and suddenly their knocked out of my hand.

As I look up to see Nathaniel and I lose it! I sink down to my knees and start screaming, "HOW COULD YOU!!!!" I scream as I lay against the cold tile and let the cold grace my body as I try to desperately be with her. "SHE'S GONE!!!! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN PAIN!!" I screech from the floor as my tears keep running and he sighs.

"Renee, let's get you back to your room" he says as I nod in my fetal position on the cold floor and he takes it as a invitation to carry me.

As his arms pick me up and find their home on my thigh and the other supporting my head as I nudge my head into his chest and my tears slow, and for a little while the pain slowed as well. "Your okay, I promise" he whispers to me as for a slight minute I believe him.

Then we arrive at my room and I he lays me carefully on the bed and covers me with the blankets as I sit up, and his face is centimetres from mine. As my tear filled eyes meet his worries filled ones I wearily smile. "It's me" I say as he smiles.

"Frannie?" He calls as I nod and take his hands into mine.

"But my mother........" I stammer as just her name causes my tears, "She's gone" I finish my sentence, avoiding his gaze as my tears steam as he pulls my head to his lap and runs his fingers through my hair. Though he had nothing to say, he knew absolutely what to do. I cried all night but I fell asleep in his arms