
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

The Shattered

Darkness is calm, but silence is the loudest sound in the world. But sometimes even the most severe pain can be solved by the darkness and the cherished silence. But I guess heartbreak is different.

It had been a week since I had caught Eliza and Nathaniel together and since then the darkness and silence had been the most comforting to me. To try and solve this horrid pain I rightfully feared and now resignated in.

I had been in this situation more than once, but never romantically. I was used to a certain type of heartbreak, life was mine. My life was less than ideal, around town I was known as the towns charity case, but I had to deal with my misfortune everyday and it eventually it got me here.

"Daniella?" I hear begging through the door as I nod as tears still silently stream down my face, "No! Please don't come in?" I beg her through the door as it doesn't seem to work.

"I'm coming in there" my mother says as she opens the door to see the rooms in complete darkness as she throws back the curtains and uncovers me from the blaknets.

"STOP, is this what you want, huh? To see me heartbroken and embarrassed?" I ask her as she sees the tears flowing down my face.

"Why? Who did this to you?" She ask me with the most genuine expression plastered in her face.

"I gave my heart to the wrong man, I trusted him and gave him my all and he shattered it right before me. like it was nothing but glass, and by kissing not just anyone but Eliza!" I answer as she gasps.

"She did not! Why would Eliza do that?" She ask as I smile at her surprise .

"Because maybe this whole time he was using me, just to get to Eliza. I should have known he would never want someone like me, because what am I truly to someone like him. He carries the crown, a title and endless jewels, why would he want someone like me?" I ask her as she takes me hand into hers and lifts my gaze to her face.

"Your my daughter, I know you worth. You may feel like that right now but you are the only jewel he'll never have. The greatest jewel of them all, and he may have just lost that chance" she says as I pull her in for a hug as I just need someone to hold right now and her words were more powerful to me than even she may have thought.

"Let's go to the garden, your mother will go with you" she says as I nod and hop out of bed as I throw on a simple evening gown and walk with her to the garden.

"Did you do this yourself?" I ask her as she nods as I'm caught off guard to see a flower garden in the sunlight, with all its glamour and different types of flowers but still containing ravishing beauty.

"I did, untouched by any hand that is not mine." she says as I can't pull my eyes away from the gardens beauty. "I wanted to leave you, at a church." she says as I turn around to face her as I sit on the stone bench.

"What?" I ask as her eyes meet mine and she continues.

"When you were born, I couldn't fathom keeping a kid that wasn't Daniels. But once he saw your face he couldn't bring himself to do it and every time he looked at you from then on I saw the same man I married, the one I fell in love with. You brought that back out in him and even though he knew you weren't his, I never doubted the love he had for you." she says as she sits next to me on the bench and smiles at me with the warmest smile I've seen from her.

"Wasn't he heartbroken, I wasn't his? He should've hated me! Why didn't he?"I ask her as she nods vigorously and my eyes grow cloudier at her words, not because they hurt but because they were truthful.

"No, he didn't. He loved you more than anything because he was my true love. Even though I messed up by running into the arm of another man I never stopped loving him. No matter how many days he would come home and not have any time for me, I made a mistake but he forgave my faults as I did his. True love is to precious to throw away just like that, that kind of heartbreak will never heal, but all the rest will." She says as I smile at her story and I start to cry.

"How did you know it was true love?" I ask her as she smiles and I think I already know her answer.

"When your with them you find comfort in just their simple presence, even the thought of hurting them makes you hurt and they always find a way to push your buttons, even simply with a glance" she says as I smile I know I've found mine right in front of me, Nathaniel.

"But he can't be..." I say as it finally hits me and my tears began to fall but only faster. "He was only after me to grow closer to Eliza, he never loved me, he was never infatuated with me. He lied to me with the hopes of Eliza on his arm and I don't blame him. She's everything a man like him could want and me?He could never want me, but why do I find myself wanting him?"I ask her as she simply shrugs at my question.

"The course of true love is always full of obstacles, its filled with trial after trial. Around every corner is a new scandal, issues and loss but there's a important question you have to ask yourself. Do you want that person by your side? Through all the trial and tribulations, the scandals and the losses? Do you want that person to be the shoulder you cry on? Or the person you keep running from?" she ask me as I find the answer fairly simple, yes.

As I asked that question to myself I couldn't help the answer yes being nothing short of definitive. I wanted Nathaniel to be the shoulder I cried on, I didn't want to run from him anymore. The only place I wanted to run to was into his arms.

"What should I do?" I ask her ask she smiles at my question as she seemed to know the answer all to well.

"Sleep on it and if your answer is still the same you must set your heart free." She encourages me as I she turns to me and wipes away my tears.

"Never be ashamed of who you love, be ashamed of never chasing after it" she say as she stands up from the bench and kisses my forehead and leaves me in the garden as I can't help but smile at my new found solution.

As I walk in the hallway, back to my room I spot Eliza. I had not seen her since I saw her forcefully kissing Nathaniel and I made it my purpose to avoid her to save myself from the pain. Not anymore.

"Look what the cat dragged in, done hiding in that dark abyss of yours ever since your beloved left you?" she taunts as I laugh at her pettiness.

"Actually I know what you did. Forcing a man to kiss you is so pathetic, but that already describes you" I say as her smile vanishes.

"So your going back to that good for nothing man that doesn't want you?" she ask me as I smile.

"No, I was the one in the beginning that didn't want him, he's always wanted me. But I know what I want now" I say as I get closer to her, "And you won't stop me, no matter how sad of a person you have to be to ruin your own sisters chance at happiness" I say as I back away from her as she stands there in silence as I walk away from her feeling nothing short of triumphant.


"Try it, I've already won" I say as I walk away from her and know I can't wait to see Nathaniel, I must see him now!