
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

Silence of Drowning

"So what are your intentions with my daughter Prince Willam? Because from what I hear is many royals now a day lead women on with the promise of marriage and strip them of their dignity and they are left with nothing but to sell their once dignified selves in a cavern. THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN TO MY DAUGHTER!" My mother says heated as suddenly all the eyes in the room turn to her and she calms down.

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Roberts, Frances-"he says as she cocks her eyes brows at him and Eliza and Mary laugh as Nathaniel pulls at his collar as his eyes fall on me. "I mean Daniella is a excellent woman" he says as he locks eyes with me and I'm to nervous to avert his gaze, so I give in. "And anybody would be ashamed, a absolute joke to treat her like a object" he says as suddenly I can't help but feel right now he's interested in nothing but my looks and that does more than frighten me.

"We must go, it's late" I say as I take my mothers arm into mine as I drag her as I feel the farther away from him I am, the less of a complete fool I feel like. Falling for my bully, that stuff only happens in the stories.

"WAIT!!!!" I hear behind me as I dread turning around to see Nathaniel's face peering at me again, taunting me. This has to be a dream or maybe with my luck a nightmare. Any minute someone was going to pop out from behind the corner and laugh at my pathetic nature.

As my mother throws her feet down to the floor, anchoring me to the spot as I'm force to wait for him, looking like a puppy, enchanted by him. "Yes?" I ask him as he wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead and catches his breath.

"I would like to invite you, Daniella to dine with us. And your family of course" he says as his eyes gaze to Eliza and I nod because I realize what he's doing.

"Bad habits die hard, don't they? If you had on your mind to invite the prettiest sister to dine with you Eliza's your woman. Don't taunt me with such vile manners, don't string a lady on, don't try to mock me only to get to her" I say as I've never in my life felt such pain like this, only heard of it.

This pain was described in the most pain stricken way, through the words of some one with a heart that would never be molded, ever again. The words of a true victim, "It's the worst pain ever, sounds lose their sweet sympathies , food loses it's beautiful flavour that you once used to emerse yourself in, now disappears faster than your smile. And every breath you take, you think of that person and what you did wrong." That's what she always said, the worst pain known to man, simple heartbreak.

"I would never, Daniella please" he says as he grabs my hand and kisses it as I'm put in a daze by his smirk, "I beg you" he says as the words come out of his mouth smooth and seductively and I can't help but answer what I never thought I would.

"Yes" the words instantly come out of my mouth as I should feel disgust, hate maybe even regret but I feel none of it, not a single bit.

"Great" he says happily as he smiles and I can't help but want to gaze at his perfect smile all day. "I'll see you tomorrow" he says as he walks away and I can't wipe the permanent smile off my face as we walk to our carriage.

"Don't be stupid Daniella" Eliza say as I stand outside the carriage, "We all know why he asked you to dinner, to get to me. He wants me Daniella" she says as she looks at me as their is one a simple inch between us and I can see the hate in her eyes. If she could she would burn me to the ground, right here, right now.

"And if I don't" I ask her as she smiles and I finally show some bravery that I've been lacking for the last two years of my life.

"Because if you don't, everyone will know your darkest secret" Eliza says as she takes my hand as a stair to climb into the carriage and whispers quietly, "Daddy's little bastard."

The Next Day

"Are you excited my dear" I hear as the curtains of the room are violently yanked back and the sunlight burns my eyes as I bury my head deeper into the pillow. "Today is very important" my mother says as I finally sit up from the bed and cover my eyes as the sunlight burns my eyes.

"You have to go riding with the girls into town, you must find a dress" my mother says as she hastily pushes me out of bed and quickly takes out a dark blue evening gown and as I stand up she tightens my corset as I become use to the struggle of not being able to breathe and she helps me throw the evening gown over and walks to the door but stops as she holds onto the door frame. "I'm proud of you" she says, as she leaves the room.

Even though it was just a few simple words I couldn't help the smile brought to my face. Because for once in my life I didn't feel like such a disappointment, and I loved this feeling.

As I run out of the estate and jump on the saddle hoisted up on the horse. "Keep up" Mary says as she takes off ahead of me and I'm left to trail behind. But nonetheless I basted in the beauty of the fine land into town.

"And that's when I told her, 28 is old to be waiting to be engaged. Might as well be a fossil" Eliza says as she laughs as we leave the shop and jump on the horses.

As the horses start to gallop back into the countryside as I'm to distracted by the view of the lake and suddenly I'm pushed off my horse and land on a hill, "STOP!!!!!" I scream as Eliza takes my dress off the end of the horse and I grab the end of it, desperately trying to win this game of tug-a-war.

"You want it, then take it" Eliza says as she let's go of the dress and it lands in the road and I'm sent rolling down the hill into a lake.

"HELP!!!!!H....EL...P M..E" I say through my splashes through the water as I desperately try to battle with the water. And the thought falls into my mind, this is it.

"I'M COMING, HOLD ON" I hear a man yell through the water filling up my ears and clouding my eyesight. "PLEASE" I scream as a hand comes through the water wrapping around my hip and coddling my head as I'm lifted from the water.

As I see Nathaniel's handsome face again, with the soft sunlight brightening his green eyes and the bright light surrounding his face, making him looking like a innocent angel. Deceiving me, because the Nathaniel I knew would be nothing more than a devil, anything but a angel.

"Francesca, please? Stay with me" he begs as suddenly feel my lungs burning at the sensation of fresh air and finally open my eyes and take a deep breath through my nose and turn over and start violently coughing.

"Wow, when knew drowning was so horrible" I say as I throw myself back on the green grass by the lake as Nathaniel throws himself right next to me and takes a deep breath of relief as I sigh. "You remembered my name?" I ask him as I turn my head to his face as he smiles.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he as he laughs at his ridiculous joke.

"Same reason I ended up in this lake, because I'm pathetic. People are ruthless and all I'll ever be in life is prey to those who want a adrenaline rush. Same with you and John and Matt, all I'll ever be is some sad charity case." I say as he jumps up from the grass and starts to dart from the lake to his horse and I quickly run after him, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I yell as he adjust the saddle on his horse.

"Going to kill whoever did this to you" He says as I pull his arm and pull him away from the horse and to me.

"Don't, their is no need. It was nothing" I say as I look into his eyes and weirdly I can see his anger and it only growing.

"I'm going" he says as he pushes me away from him and I can't help but grow angry at his behavior.

"What is your problem, huh? It's not your business, its my problems, not yours" I say angrily as he smiles.

"You can't handle your problems by yourself, because if I let you handle it by yourself you'll let it slide. Why do you let people treat you like this and look down on you?" he ask me as I can't help but bust out in laughter at his words, "Why are yo-" he ask as I cut him off.

"Your nothing but a hypocrite, Nathaniel Knight you've had your whole life mapped out and nothing to worry about but what girl your going to use for the night. Meanwhile...." I say as I trail off and I look at the ground and grow silently, really not wanting to finish my answer.

"...Meanwhile what? Please don't stop, I want to hear everything you have to say. Don't hold anything back Francesca" He says taunting me as I smile at his mockery knowing this time I will fight back

"Meanwhile you are the reason I don't fight back. The reason I am quiet and blend into the shadows and think so lowly of myself. BECAUSE YOU BROKE ME WITH YOUR WORDS!!!!I want you to know that, so don't talk about my issues when your the one who cause them." I say as tears well up in my eyes, "It was my birthday, I never made a wish" I say as I sob and he pulls me into his arms.