
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

Gun in the Night

Abigail's Point of View

I finally saw him, and I didn't want to. For the first time in two years, I saw his face. His eyes still glowing like a serpent, his dark skin and clean shaved face.

"Abigail" he says as I can't fake it.

"He knows Elijah" I tell him as he shrugs.

"Who knows?" He ask as I sigh, part of me didn't want him to know about what Nathaniel found out, but I did.

"Nathaniel" I say, "He knows about what we used to have" I admit as he takes a step back.

"How?" He ask coldly.

"Lena's old journal" I tell him as his eyes burn in anger.

"I hope to god that Nathaniel remember all the other shitty things you've done" I warn him. "Because of he does" I tell him, "Your done" I say as I try to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"We can be together" he pleas as I shake my head no to his question.

"No!" I say, "We can't" I tell him. "I could never be with the man that cut my husbands breaks" I admit to him.

I knew all along who murder my husband, Alfreds death was no accident. And the look on Elijahs face just proved my suspicion were right.

"I just hope that your past won't catch up to you" I say sincerely as he takes a deep breath.

"I know you still love me" he says, trying to lure me in.

"I do" I say as I lean closer in to him. "It's just so sad that I don't want to be with the man that murdered my sister and my husband" I say as I yank my hand away from him.

The past was emerging and I knew Elijah only had a limited amount of time before it collapsed, taking him down faster than a sinking ship. I knew it was my duty as a officer to protect, but I had no power here. The only thing I could protect was Nathaniel, hoping that he wasn't caught in the flames of his fathers eternal hell.

Nathaniel's Point of View

I remembered it all. But I couldn't bring myself to act on any of it. The bullying, the hate, the kiss, and the curse. She was battling this alone? Or was this just a hallucination?

Was this my brain swelling? Was I really insane?

And that was when I saw her.the old women that told us about the curse itself.

"How are you my dear?" She ask as I'm in shock. "I missed that handsome face of yours" she says as she squeezes my cheeks.

"You!" I speaks as she nods.

"I am a person" she replies as I sigh. Standing up.

"How do we break this?" I ask her as she smiles.

"So your over the, I'm crazy daze?" She ask as I nod my head, I knew it was true and this was my confirmation. "You already know" she says as she hits my shoulder. "But you fear the price" she tells me as I don't know what she means.

"What do you mean?" I ask her as she smirks.

"You fear falling in love with her, don't you?" She ask as I don't want to believe it.

"My mother died because of it" I admit as she laughs at my words, making them seem pathetic.

"Your mother died because you father was too much of a coward to be with the women he loved, he valued power more than your aunt." She speaks as I'm astonished. "Truth is child, you have no excuses" she says as she turns to the door, opening it. "Now you can either love her or lose her" she says as I weigh my options. "And me and you both know it's too late for you to be scared. Because you already love her" she whisper in my ear as suddenly my daze ends as I hear from the doorframe someone yelling.

"MAYOR KNIGHT!" I hear a familiar voice scream through the halls as I walk down the stairs.

"Francesca?" I whisper her name to myself as I see her, standing there, at the bottom of the stairs. "FRANCESCA?" I call her name as I run down the stairs, by her side.

"Nathaniel?" She calls my name, sounding like a question more than anything. "What are you doing here?" She ask me as I smile.

"I live here" I tell her as she smile shyly, "Why are you here?" I ask her as her head hangs at my question.

"I came to see the mayor" she says as she clutches her purse. "He's ruining my life!" She says with tear in her eyes as I can see she's desperate.

"Well of you wanted a audience" I hear as I look to see my father as she flinches at his sight. "You could have just invited the whole town" he says as he walks closer to her and leans down to her. "But my own son" he exclaim in a loud whisper.

"Dad?" I call in name in confusion, what was going on? "What have you done?" I ask him as I get in between him and Francesca.

"Isn't it clear" he says as he smirks. "I'm ruining her life" he says mocking her as suddenly she stops shaking, anger flooding her eyes.

"You have taken everything I have!" She tell him as he chuckles, only fueling her. "MY MOM, MY SISTER AND MY FATHER?" She list as my dad stands there, smirking like a child on Christmas.

"And your home" he adds as she looks confused. "That place didn't mean much to you, right?" He ask her as tears fill her eyes. "Place is demolished, it was a dump! Hope you didn't have any valuables in there" he tells her as she screams.

"ALL MY MOTHERS PHOTOS AND JEWELRY WAS IN THERE!" She screams to him as my father raises his hand as I catch it.

"Don't!" I say calmly as he laughs.

"Your going to protect this girl?" He ask me as I nod my head.

"Your not going to touch her" I say as I stand up straight, ready.

"Then your not my son" he says as he smiles, "Your a traitor!"