
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

Dangerous Manipulation

From a young age I was told about my sister. My mother described her the same, looking through her ex- husbands profile online just to see her. Her pictures laid through the house, a picture of her younger sat on my mother's nightstand. I remember thinking I could hear my mother talking to it, profusely apologizing every single night.

But as I grew up I heard her pleas to my sister, every night. My mother felt like she abandoned her, but my sister wanted nothing to do with her. I'd heard the same sad conversation since I was younger.

"Please!" My mother begged through the old phone as I watched through the gaps of the stairs railing. "I just want to talk to Zela? Don't deny me my daughter!" My mother pleas through tears.

All I heard was murmuring through the phone but I could easily tell it was me. I burdened my mom, with my birth led to the despair of watching her life fall apart.

"It's not her fault, blame me!" She begs as I silently tip toe closer to my mother on the phone.

"It is" I hear through the phone. "I don't want my daughter anywhere near that child! You should be ashamed of her and your filthy actions!" I hear as then line goes silent and all that fills the phone is a beeping as it falls to the floor and my mother sobs into her hands as I just stand there, watching her spilled tears.

"Mommy?" I ask her as she looks up at me and without a word pulls me into a hug as I close my eyes and remember the embrace like it was happening in the now. Pulling her closer to me, remembering her scent of cherries and her smile she held even if she was sad, to keep me going.

"WAKE UP!" I hear the yell as I jolt awake with a solid shake as my eyes open as I'm pulled from my little reminder of the past.

"I'm awake" I say through my groggy tone and eyes as I rub them, seeing a huge house in front of us as I gasp. Where was she taking me?

"Now you are" she says as she pulls her purse to her arm as she opens the car door. "I gave you time to sleep that sedative off" she say as she adjust her pants as I look at her confused.

"Where are we?" I ask as she rolls her eyes at my expression and closes her car door as she opens mine, holding her hand out to me.

"At my house" she finally tells me as I start to relax. As I take her hand and she slowly walks me up the porch stairs and we stop. Approaching the front door she lets go of my arm and pauses, her fist made and ready, but hesitation in her body.

But before she can open the door it's thrown open by a blonde woman, wearing a white blouse and red pants.

"Oh!" She says as she looks at Zela. "Your here?" She says unenthusiastic as Zela smiles.

"Always a disaster to meet you too Tiffany" Zela says as she pushes past the women and I follow behind.

"I've brought it!" She says as she walks into what looks like a living room. "Your birthday present!" She announces as she lets go of my hand and moves to the side, leaving me the center of attention.

As suddenly a man's face emerges from behind a newspaper. His eyes so frosted with judgement as I swallow hard and ignore his hard gaze.

"What is this Zela?" He ask Zela as she just shrugs.

"Why don't you ask me who I am?" I speak, asking the man in front of him why he chooses to dehumanize me.

"Because of my hunch is right to who you are" he says as he quickly down the last of his drinks. "You don't deserve to be treated like a human" he says as I scoff at his words.

"Then who do you think I am?" I ask as he laughs as he looks at Zela.

"The bastard that broke up my marriage!" He says as he slams the whiskey glass on the floor, the shard filling the floor.

"STOP!!!! DAD!!!" Zela says as I shudder at the shard of the glass.

"Tell me" he says as I bite my lip in disgust of the man in front of me. "How's your father?" He ask me as before I can answer he does it for me. "The asshole Henry Burket is probably spoiling you, huh?" He ask as I smirk at how wrong he is.

"I don't know what you mean sir" I say politely as he nods his head at me.

"Your dearest mother was a whore!" He says as he's finally done it.

With those words emerging from his drunken mouth I take the bottle of whiskey and hurdle it toward his head. The room going silent and hate coursing through my veins.

"I'm leaving" I say as I kick down the coffee table and walk out of the house, walking past Zela's car and pulling up my jacket over my shoulders.

"FRANCESCA!!" I hear someone call after me and I can't bring myself to look behind me as I just keep walking. "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE!!" The voice shouts as I smirk at her words.

"I can!" I combat her thoughts as I continue walking. "JUST YOU WATCH ME!" I scream as suddenly me legs start to wobble and I fall on the ground, me bending at the winds will.

"The doctors said your still weak" she says as I see it's Zela and I can't help but snicker at the thought of her helping me, let alone anyone. "What?! I'm helping you!" She complains at my sudden attitude with her as she throws my arm over her shoulder in a attempt to try to balance me.

"We'll I don't want your help!" I say as I push myself off of her and struggle to balance myself. "If I'm so ill why did you discharge me?" I ask her as her face goes blank.

"Because why would you want to be there? Stuck in a padded room?" She ask me as I chuckle at her attempt at a explanation.

"No! You just wanted to show me to your father as some present apparently!" I say as her smile fades. "I don't know what happened between my mother and your father! I don't even know what went on between mom and my father but I don't give a damn!!!! I'm not some prize to throw in front of your father to gain points in some hideous game!" I say as she just stands there.

"Are you done yet?" She ask me as I smirk.

"No" I say as she smirks. "Screw you!" I say as I start walking off into dark streets again.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LEONA!!" Zela screams after me as I turn around.

"She was our mom, not Leona" I say angrily as I clasp my palm, trying to hold it all back. She was my sister, but I guess I'd never really know if she truly thought of me as hers. "Now if you'll excuse me" I start, "I'm going to my home, that I shared with my mom!" I yell as I continue to walk away into the darkened street alone.