

As a child, a boy named Lee watches his loved ones be killed one by one. Before he could be killed, an old martial arts master saves his life and takes him in to train him. Now he will use his newly found skills to help those in need. But soon he'll find out that he was born with a hidden power inside of him. Will it be a blessing or a curse?

DaoistVH0g1W · Action
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6 Chs


One night, a few members of the newly formed Assassin Clan are in a big building working on secret projects.

"I heard that Lord Kang is trying to pull off a big move." One of the low level members says.

"You mean finding a Child of Asura. I thought the Curse of Asura was just a ghost story." Another member says.

"Oh no, it's all real man. Crazy powerful bastards."

At that moment, the masked man comes crashing through the window, throwing two metal rods at the two members. It hits one of them in the head but the other one dodges.

"Who the hell are you!?" The member left standing yells, charging at the mask man and throwing a kick.

The mystery man catches his leg, grabs him by the face, and slams him into the ground. More members of the clan quickly sees what's happening.

"What's going on?" One of them asks

They all then charge at the mask man. The mystery man leaps into the air and knees the first one in the face. He then flips over and lands a double kick to two members at the same time. A very large man charges at the mystery man at full speed.

"I'll break your spine!" The man yells.

The man in the mask easily dodges a punch and knees him in the gut. He then lands a powerful punch that sends him flying through a wall.

The mask man walks into a room where he sees two more members beating on an innocent man.

"So you're the one making all that noise." One of them says.

"What's with the mask? You playing a superhero or something?"

The masked man doesn't respond, as one of the men rushes at him with a punch. The mystery man easily dodges and knocks him into the wall with one swing. The second one charges in after him with a punch of his own, but the man in the mask flips over him and slams his knee on the top of his head. The masked man then looks over at the beaten up man, scaring him.

"Get out of here." He demands.

The innocent man slowly gets to his feet and runs out of the room. The masked man then grabs one of the men by the throat and pins him against the wall.

"What does Kang want with Monroe Ijin?"

That morning, Monroe Ijin is surrounded by his four students.

"Well? Shall we get started?" Monroe asks.

Lee and the others then start charging their Ki.

"Ready?" Seokju asks.

"Ready." Mira, Mikey, and Lee reply.

They all charge at Monroe with strikes. Ijin dodges them all, then knocks away Mikey and Seokju. Lee throws a high kick, but Monroe ducks down and sweeps Mira's legs from under her. He then throws a kick that Lee has to backflip to avoid, scratching his chin. As Lee wipes the small amount of blood from his chin, Monroe takes a Wing Chun stance with a smile.

"Come on Lee, don't tell me you're afraid." Monroe says.

Lee smirks then charges in with a bicycle kick. Ijin easily sidesteps it and blocks a backhand thrown at his face. The young fighter throws multiple punches and kicks with his master being able to block and dodge with ease. Monroe throws a kick that knocks Lee across the ground. Mikey then gets up and throws a palm strike at the master, who uses his momentum to flip him on his back. Seokju tries to land a combination of punches but Monroe counters with strikes to his biceps. As he kicks Seokju away, Mira rushes Monroe from behind. She throws a kick at the back of his head. Monroe quickly ducks it, grabs her by the leg and throws her into her brother's, knocking them down for the count.

"That is another win for me." Monroe says with a smile.

Everyone sighs.

"Do you see now... why we still train?" Ijin asks.

Lee kips up to his feet.

"I can still go again." Lee says.

"No. I think that's enough physical training for today. Next we focus on mental."

Everyone is confused by this.

"What do you mean, master?" Mira asks.

Ijin steps up to his children.

"You can not surpass your limitations... until you acknowledge them." Ijin says.

As the four students think about what their master just said, Mikeys stomach starts to growl.

"Right now, my limitation is my stomach. I'm so hungry." Mikey says, making everyone laugh.

"I'll fix us something to eat." Mira says.

Seokju, Mikey, and even Monroe look nervous while Lee looks excited.

"Yes! I can't wait to have your cooking, Mira." Lee says with a grin.

Mira smiles and rubs Lee's head.

"I know how much you guys love my cooking, so what does everyone-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she sees that everyone is gone except for Lee.

"Well that's weird." Mira says.

After Lee finishes eating, he stands outside of the dojo gate, meditating. After a few minutes he hears noises nearby and goes to check it out. Soon he sees three men cornering a little girl.

"You think you can steal from us and get away with it?" One of the men asks.

"Hey take it easy, it's just one apple, relax."

"You little.."

The man raises to hit the girl, but Lee comes up from behind and grabs him by the wrist.

"Hi." Lee says, throwing him to side and kneels down to check on the little girl.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

Before she could answer, one of the men runs at him with a kick.

"Watch out!" She yells.

Without looking, Lee blocks the kick and lands a palm strike to his gut, dropping him instantly. As he stands to his feet, the other two men charges at him. Lee lands a strike to their necks, knocking them both out.

"Holy shit." The girl says.

Lee walks over to her.

"Someone your age shouldn't be using that kind of language." He says offering her his hand.

The girl scoffs while taking his hand, getting back to her feet.

"You sound just like my sister, Kira."

"Kira? You're Kira's sister?" Lee asks with a smile.

The little girl is confused.

"Yeah?... Oh, You must be the guy she won't shut up about."

Lee chuckles.

"The names Lee Ijin."

"Dayeon Sujin. It's nice to meet you, and thanks for the help."

Lee smirks.

"No problem. Come on, I'll walk you back to town."

As the two walk with each other, Dayeon can't help but notice how Lee genuinely seems like a good person and that maybe her sister chose the right guy. Off in the distance, Hak Son Kang is standing infront of four fighters, and a giant mutated monster.

"Five people in this area with large amounts of ki. Jitae, Gijeok, Seongnam, Miseon, you'll take on the old man's students, I want them all back alive so we can figure out which one of them has the course of Asura on their souls. Leave the old man to Project X-9 and I." He orders.

Jitae grins devilishly.

"Fine. But don't blame me if the one I fight comes back with a few broken bones." He says.

"As long as they're not dead, I really don't care." Hak Son says.

Jitae and the others laugh, ready for blood to be spilled.