
The curse mortal

When someone has lost everything, home, friends and family, even his own humanity, a creature is reborn who must live in the shadows calling it his new home and with his longing for blood. What can a person who feels no life inside him do? That the only thing that keeps his heart beating is his thirst for blood There's only one thing you can do to keep someone like that alive. That is the power of revenge that can make any living being with no hope of ever living again with burning intentions destroy the one who did this to him. Follow Marcus on this dark journey of blood and pain in which he must do anything to control the power within himself, which will help him achieve his revenge against the one who did this to him! I feel like is more appealing this way, but you can change if I didn't give justice to your character.. --------------------------------------------- Here my patreon https://www.patreon.com/Mattfuncool Discord https://discord.gg/HcaG8GgQ3U Mattfuncool#0219

mattfuncool · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Annoying Elves

The two sibling wood elves had taken notices of movement happening in the woods of their home.

They search to soon find two female humans who are showing signs that they were running for their life.

These two kept an eye still for a little longer to see if anything was going to happen and if it was going to be a threat to their home that they needed to act against.

Soon someone else appeared to stand before the two human females as they stopped scared surprisingly.

This person didn't show their face as it was covered well by the hood, so they could not tell if it was male or female.

What surprised the two wood elves was how this one was able to be not heard by them.

Yet they didn't forget about the weapons this person was carrying telling them right in front of their face this person was not friendly.

"Well, I believe it's time to end this game, I took my time long enough." the hooded person said.

"Who are you!." Queen Edith asked.

"Someone who is being paid for both your lives and also the one who helped bring your Kingdom to its state now."

"You, that was what you're doing to help take everything from us, I curse you for helping such a monster."

The person before them laughed loudly enjoying what the woman just said to him.

"Curse that I am already and the man who has taken your home is no monster as he is just a human following desire. No real monster is the one who is standing before you ready to take both your life."

That person began to move slowly toward them while the wood elves still watched.

"Brother should we not do something." the female wood elf asks.

"This is a human matter, nothing to concern us, let 's return before it is too late." the male elf wood responded.

"I know that brother, but still are we just to let this happen, not something I can just accept like this."

"Sister you have to because what is important to us are our people and home."

The brother wood elf began to leave while the sister still kept on watching, seeing close the Queen moving back slowly with her daughter behind her.

"Listen Arlene when I act you start to run and don't look back," she whispers to the girl

"Mother, I can't just leave you."

"It won't matter you going to have to," she said to her daughter right as the woman charged forward.

This surprised the stranger in the hood not expecting that the Queen was going to do this.

That woman attacked, throwing a punch, but it was easily caught and she received a backslash to the face.

"Mother!." Arlene calls out to her after seeing that happen.

Princess Arlene didn't just stand by the girl and quickly grab a rock off the ground and charge at the person aiming to hit them with it.

Once the girl was close in rang to strike the rock upon the attacker, but it failed as that attacker used one arm to block it.

After that, the hooded stranger takes out a dagger using the thing to stab into Arlene's shoulder.

The girl let a cry from the painful feeling she felt from the dagger blade enter her flesh.

The dagger was pulled out soon as Arlene fell onto her knees with a hand placed onto the wound.

"Nice try princess, but you should know there was no way you were going to hurt."

Arlene looked at the attacker with pure hate, but with fear as well because her own life was about to come to end where she felt a hand tighten around the neck.

She was then lifted into the air ready to be stabbed again by the dagger only this time it was aimed for her heart.

Arlene was only to see from under the hood the red eyes of the one who was about to take the girl's life.

Right the moment a sound of an arrow could be heard being released and flying in the direction of Arlene and the attacker.

The arrow aim was the one holding the girl as she was let go to fall onto the ground while the arrow was dodged by the attacker hitting the ground.

"So you decided to interfere, I thought it wouldn't come to that by you elves not wanting anything to do with humans."

The attack faces the female wood elf who was standing on the ground not too far or close already placing a new arrow into the bow.

"If you wish to keep your life, you leave these two at once or this next arrow will not be so easy to miss."

"Brave words from one that is going to die."

When the attacker was about to charge at the female wood elf, another arrow this time was able to hit the hooded stranger in the shoulder as it was not her that shot it.

"Brother!." The female wood elf was shocked to see her brother coming down from the tree that we're on.

"Grab the two humans females! Run back to our home now." her brother come.

She listens knowing it is not the best of times to argue with him about staying to fight with him against the hooded attack.

"You think, I am going to allow that to happen once, I have finally had prey."

The attacker grabs the arrow in his shoulder, putting it out and then grabbing the young princess Arlene by the hair.

"No please!." Queen Edith cried out.

Yet the brother wood elf fired another arrow at the time before the hooded stranger could kill the girl.

The arrow was coming fast, but the attacker acted fast using the dagger to hit the thing right in time.

At the same time the wood elf female kicked the attacker in the chest she charged after the arrow was shot.

"Come on let go!." she said to the princess grabbing her hand and began running.

The queen soon followed behind them.

"Oh you don't they are mine." the attacker said, going after them until having to stop when the brother wood elf stood in his way.

"You will not go no further," he said

"You think that getting in my way will save them, I'm sorry to say your life has just been wasted tonight."

The male wood elf puts his bow away and takes out a short sword to use against the one standing before him.

"This night is becoming a pain in the ass nonetheless, I take care of this quickly."

The hooded stranger takes out another dagger taking up a fighting stance.

"Come then and let death come for your life as well."