
The Lone Cup

Once upon a time there was a cup in a world of other cups. The cups fill with all types of wonders as they grow and explore. Well this cup never filled it grew and grew explored till there was non to explore but it was still empty. The cup was alone forgotten the cup was different and so it was treated different. One day a cup full as can be saw this cup empty and alone and approached it but being so full of wonders some splashed and a drop landed in the empty cup. The empty cup look at the other cup and for once felt not so alone and as they started to connect something happened the empty cup was suddenly filled with a new wonder a wonder it had searched for but could never find.

As the cups spent there time with each other. A cup joined them but this cup was half full and the empty cup was filled even more and more as all these new wonders filled and surrounded it. Then it saw an empty cup alone and it and the other cups approached and one by filled the empty cup with some of there wonders. And in doing this the cup found new wonders different wonders and showed them to the other cups and what one cup found so easily was what the other cups wanted so badly love real love one that they could hold onto forever and with that love sparked a new and a new and another and another. Bound by one with to much and one with to little.