
34. Knowing His Past

Of course! I'm not a child in the first place!" Li Jie looked like a pufferfish, totally irritated that everyone mistook him as a child. He was only 165cm long but come to think of it, he really looked like a child when he was being circled by a bunch of titans.

To his brother, Li Jie was just like his baby.

"Right, right, you're grown up."

"You won't believe me!"

"No, no, I believe you." Big brother Chang coaxed his family's pufferfish and smiled.

"You, really love the General, but you never seemed to realize it." Chang said, Li Jie became a statue.

"W-what do you mean? Of course I like him!" Do I?

"I'm your brother. I know everything." Chang Bao said, his tone was calm and relaxing, but inside held the deepest sadness within.

"Back then when you two stayed in the house, I saw the reluctance hidden in you eyes. But at the same time, I'm not sure what you felt inside. Did he...force you to do it?"

After hearing this words, Li Jie felt uneasy and jittery. He would never expect that Chang Bao could see right through him, and it was inexplicably uncomfortable.

"What do you mean? I love Delun that's why I married him!" Li Jie lied, but upon hearing his answer, he felt that the half was the truth, and it made him feel confused.

"If that's the case, then it's good. I will never forgive him if he really did that to you."

'Well, he did forced me before.' But he didn't say it and shouted it only in his heart in case his brother will surely kill him in the spot.

"However, Delun seems happier when he's with you. And you're happier when you're with him too. I have no right to interfere from your happiness. It's good. I've never seen the General this happy before, not even with..." He then stopped when he realized that he shouldn't mention that past. How careless could he be? Chang thought. If he knew the past, he was sure that his brother will be upset.

"With? With whom?" Li Jie said as he looked at his brother. It felt like his heart panicked when Chang blurted out those words. Who is that person? Did that person loved Delun before? Did Delun fell in love with that person? It was like his mind was possessed and his brain malfunctioned.

Chang Bao panicked upon seeing his brother's ashen face. However, they were husband and wife. Did Delun didn't mention it before?

"It's nothing!" Chang Bao sweat dropped, facing his brother's anxious appearance. He felt really stupid, what should he do once his brother started crying.

"Da ge, please tell me. Promise I won't tell him." Li Jie said, a hint of anxiety rang his throat. Chang Bao scrunched his nose and looked at Li Jie guiltily.

"Alright. But, promise me to calm down okay?"


And so with that, Chang narrated the story about their friendship with Delun, the Emperor and the Empress.

"We four always hang out with each other. Playing pranks, just like those normal teenagers. However, Delun, he was distant against us. That's why, I started to get closer with him and I found out that, Delun was normal behaved like that.

Delun doesn't say too much words, but his actions were honest and true. That's why, he was like a brother to me." Chang said, Li Jie listened out of curiosity about his brother's childhood. He never imagined that they were close with Delun before, as well as the current Emperor and Empress.

"However, one night, a tragedy happened inside the manor. All of the descendants of the Feng were killed. Elder Feng, Madame Feng, almost all guards and people in the manor were killed, except with the two masters of the family, Feng Delun and Feng Qingyuan.

That time, he grew colder. He was more distant than before. He never approached us, nor talk to us. It was as if we never existed in his life before. No matter how I approached him, he always pushed me away. Believe me, I never gave up even if he pushed me million times. However, he never really cared anymore." Chang Bao felt disheartened and continued.

"But, there was something that I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried to trash that memory away. I knew he liked someone before, and I kept saying to him that don't mind that person anymore. Because that person...loves someone else." Chang lowered his eyes. Li Jie felt lile his heart being crushed. He then shook his head and continued listening to his brother.

"Li Jie, are you sure you wanted to hear it? I don't want you to get hurt." Chang said with a coaxing tone. Li Jie just put up a smile, a bright smile that one could tell that he really was fine. But, Chang could tell from his eyes.

He felt pained.

"He likes...someone. That he forgot who he is himself. However, I managed to stop him. And from that moment on, I really hated him to the core."

"He likes Wei Haoxuan, but Haoxuan loves Wang Yong. And no barriers could ever stop the love between the two."

Li Jie was shocked. He then looked towards Delun's direction.

'Well, Delun seems happy when he faced the Empress. He smiled towards the Empress. He even showed him his teeth.'

Chang Bao felt the malicious aura coming from his brother. He looked at his brother and felt shivers on his spine.

His brother was smiling, yet he felt something was off.

"Well, I know that he loves someone but I never knew that person. It seems I know that person now." Li Jie smiled stiffly and stared at their direction intensely.

Why do I feel like my hypertension kept worsening after I saw that vile man?

He felt like he really needed to kill this man and never let him live. But he was frustrated because he couldn't do it.

"Brother, I think that was in the past. I think he was happier compared to before. Believe me!" Chang Bao panicked and coaxed his brother. For all of his life, he never saw this side of Li Jie.

He really saw the looks of a murderer.

Li Jie was shy and quiet. He was kind too. But he never thought that Li Jie was this kind of person when he was angered. And it really was scary. Li Jie was smiling, but Chang felt that his smile could kill people when provoked. Just like now, he really felt it was creepy.

"No, I'm okay at all."

'No you're not!' Chang wanted to retort but no voice coming out from his mouth.

Suddenly, Delun felt a chill coming from Li Jie's direction and saw his wife's unusual face.

Seeing Delun's gaze, Li Jie's monotonic smile felt like a sinister sorcerer putting curse on someone.

Chang Bao was distressed. But wouldn't it better if Li Jie knows the truth? Delun looked at their direction and Chang Bao scoffed. Look at how he smile at the Empress. He really wanted to rip that smile and feed it to the dogs. How could he smile like that in front of his brother? Does he even had a face?

"Brother, should you go to your husband now?"

"Why? He looks happy. Why should I bother going to him?"

This time, Chang Bao regretted saying it in front of him.




On the other side, Delun felt wronged. What did he do to see that smile? Li Jie's smile felt like he could kill an elephant.

He was so busy bragging about how cute and adorable his wife was that he talked nonstop. The Emperor and Empress regretted inviting the 'cold' and 'aloof' General in the palace. All he spit is his wife. As if his wife is the only one he worshipped.

Delun pondered why his wife looked at him like that. Is he hungry? Does he feel bored? At the same time, he looked at Chang Bao. Seeing him, I think he knew already.

Delun felt like he was facing a formidable opponent. He planned telling Li Jie the truth. It seems that, the situation advanced.

His wife was smiling yet not smiling. His monotonic gaze made his scalp tingle. The Emperor and Empress were stupified. The General who was fearless and courageous, felt like a coward and afraid.

The two followed the General's gaze and the sight landed on his wife. The two turned into a statue.

Seeing Li Jie's smiling face, it looks like a hanged ghost smiling at them.

The adorable wife of the General was even more scarier than the General himself. The Empress and Emperor laughed dryly. They didn't know why the General's wife changed his excited mood into sour.

Ah, they looked at their sneering guard. It looks like their family's guard Chang said something unpleasant to the General's wife behind his back.

"Looks like you're wife is whipped for you. I can smell the intense of love starting from here." Empress Wei chuckled. He doesn't know that he was the reason why Li Jie was staring daggers at his husband right now.

"A-jie, the General loves you a lot. I can smell the overflowing scent of his love from here!" Chang Bao whispered, distressed at his brother's glare.

"Da ge. Why is it that I feel pain inside? I don't want to die early. I think I have a hypertension."

'What is he talking about?'

On the other side, Delun was scared that Li Jie might end this. That's why he had a pale face. It looks like his blood was being sucked out with no drops of blood left.

Li Jie stared and smiled creepily. Delun sweat dropped, he then ran towards his wife. Chang Bao the culprit, immediately dispersed without a trace.

"A-jie, do you feel uncomfortable?" Delun asked, he was distressed and worried.

"No, not at all. I'm perfectly fine." Li Jie said with a monotonous voice.

"A-jie..." Delun wilted like a wilted puppy. The guards who were passing by were all afraid. It was as if the General was possessed. Not just the guards, the Empress and the Emperor were speechless.

The walking ice berg finally melted.


A/N: short chapter. I'm really having a block this week and I can't focus well. I was binged reading that I forgot how to write lololol XD

I'm finished reading Sha Po Lang and I'm having a hard time getting out of Gu Yun and Chang Geng inside my head.
