
We've Got System Upgrades!

[We notify you about new mail.]

Alright please open it if you will.

[Opening Dao Body Realm Gift Pack.]

[Lucky. Congratulations on obtaining Rare Ice Spirit Dao Seed.]

Nice ,now I can gain True Qi faster.

[We would like to notify you on another important news. Currently Grade-1 Beasts have starting existing on the current planet.]

That's good to know. I guess I shall continue cultivating.


After cultivating some more ,I've spent a total of 2 and a half months on this new world and have broken through to the 7th Realm Of Dao Body. In that time ,I also leveled up my Spirit Array some more. After doing that though an alert appeared from the entity.

[We have found a Grade-1 Spirit Plant nearby. We have detected that since it is the first spirit plant on this world it has gained a drop of primogenitor blood and become a mutated plant. Suggested that you grab the plant and take further action later.]

Sounds interesting enough. I get up and walk out of my little home and search for this 'Spirit Plant'. After going for a bit ,I can detect an area with stronger Qi nearby. I head there and find a plant with a slight glow. There is also an animal. It's a tiger. It seems to be guarding the plant until maturity. I walk over to the tiger and punch with all my strength. Of course any normal Grade-1 beast has around 100 STR and END ,probably. From what I've learned no Grade-1 beast should be able to survive my punch.


As expected the tiger died immediately as I hit it and flew away. All bloodied and stuff. After doing that ,I went up and isolated the dirt with the plant with Qi. I brought it back to my abode and planted it. I dropped my blood with some Qi to make the plant recognize me. As a spirit plant it should have a slight intelligence. After creating a bond ,I went to grab some water and water my plant. Obviously ,I'm not using normal water for it. I infuse my True Qi into the water and I sprinkle it onto the plant. After 5 seconds ,the plant couldn't handle it anymore and I lifted the makeshift watering can. After a little bit ,the plant seemed stronger and it looked close to reaching a Grade-2 Spirit Plant.


After getting the spirit plant I cultivated until I had spent 3 months on this planet. I had finally broken through to the 10th Realm Of Dao Body. And surprisingly after reaching this realm the system upgraded and changed the need currency to upgrade the spirit array to Spirit. It now looks like this


Spirit Array - Lv: 30

Spirit: 300/300

Spirit/Min: 30/4

Upgrade Cost: 1 Spirit


Also when I started upgrading it I was also surprised when the max spirit went up by 100. After upgrading it all the way to Level 38 with all the Spirit I had saved up. I noticed the Cost Pattern was weird. It's a bit different than before ,probably due to balancing purposes like the cost going so high up it's impossible to upgrade.


Name: Taida Orisu

Age: 17

Cultivation: Dao Body R10

Physique: Spirit Water Body(x2)

Dao Seed: Rare Ice Spirit Dao Seed(x4)

Left Eye: Rare Spirit Eye Of Slowness

Right Eye: Rare Spirit Eye Of Heaviness

STR: 1211

END: 1212

Technique: Spirit Turqoise River Flow Mantra(4 Qi/1 Sec)

Total Qi/Sec: 32/1

Mail: None


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