
The Crying Dragon

Subub · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Doctors lab

"*Please ..*huff* ..*huff*, please let...*huff* .them go ..ple-*huff*..m- ..children"

The blonde women barely mustured up the power to say those words,she was covered in blood,a sword peice was stuck in her rib cage piercing the heart , legs and an arm were cut down,she was trying to crawl towards two babies locked up in a container who were an inch away from her reach.

A masked individual crushes her arm with his legs,

"what the fu*k , she's still alive?, I know dragons are supposed to be tenacious but this is insanity!".

another masked individual follows up with,

"I know right! she was wayy too strong when she was in her true form if it weren't for Captian and ms Leine we-"

a voice interrupts the conversation,

"C'MON LADS! Don't waste ur time in the chit chat , decapitate her,and take the body kids to the base" the order came from a man who looked to be in his 30s ,his white hair has become red from the blood ,his body was showing signs of a hard fought battle,his arm was cut off ,he was carrying the handle of the broken sword.

After the order , one of the masked worrior with the swing of his sword tried to cut the women's head,but he failed as his sword only made a scratch on the *now dead* women's neck .


in the distance,

"What is it NOW?" the white haired guy replied in frustration,

"we can't cut the neck, should we load the body as is?"

"Leine , go help them !" Said the captian ,

A red haired lady in her 20s walked towards the body with her long katana and pointed the sword upwards ,the sword emitted a bright purple aura and decapitated the women with ease,

"Tch, what a pain in the a** , even after dead" said Liene ,

As she was also heavily injured during their battle.

After some time in a place far away from civilization,a large base spreading over 400 acres ,it looked like a research facility.

Inside one of the labs

"Doctor, here are the kids" said the white haired guy, handling the container to a old man in his 70s with wrinkly hair who was wearing gloves and a lab coat.

"U DID IT AGNES! HOW COME WE GET TWO OF THEM?,"said the doctor as he was happily swinging the container with the kids, and then he stopped suddenly with his expression changing completely.


"I was wondering about that too doctor , one of them.... is crying?" , said Agnes.

"Agnes , bring me the magic orb"

Agnes brings the orb that was white in colour and hands it to the doctor ,

Doctor places the hand of the quiet twin on the orb ..the orb starts glowing blue ,then it turns red, it changes colour 7 times before bursting into peices.

"Now I know why Lucius is going to such lengths for the child , this talent- " doctor says with surprised expression on his face.

"Bring me another orb, Agnes!"

Now doctor places the hand of the crying kid on the orb ,the orb glows red and stops glowing after that.

"Are u sure you are his brother, no are u even a dragon?",doctor mutters looking at the crying kid .

"Agnes send the quite one to Lucius and bring me the necklace his talent will be unparalleled in citropia ,you can do whatever u want with the crying one,his talent is barely average "

Agnes does as ordered leaves the crying baby in the dark forest that is far from civilization.

new to the writing world go ez on me :')

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