
The Cry of injustice

Esgorth was but a normal land until aether filtered into the world. Twisted became the creatures just as the heart of man became darken and malice.

Emmanuel_Reyes · Action
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3 Chs

The Story Teller

It was but dawn in the village of Night bloom, a given name for its famous violet flower that tends to grow around the fields. The cries of roosters begin to screech, almost as if it was brining life to the village. The men of the village would gather to finish up the field while others went hunting. While the women would gather to gossip while tending the chores while keeping eyes on the young children.

A group of young boys and girls begin to gather around an old thin man, almost as if he was on his deathbed. His scrubby, unkept beard give him an aura wisdom, as for his eyes give a rather keen sense of intelligence. The group of young kid patiently waited for the old man to give story as they sit around. The old men wet his lips as he has begun to speak, his hoarse voice rang out to his audience. "Long time ago the land was but a peaceful place, a place where one could wander.

Until the great catalyst sweeping into our world. An unweaving force of unknown power swept the land. Twisting and corrupting anything it touches. Giving birth to unholy forces of abomination." the old man pause as he was about to continue a young boy interrupt, who stood out a bit differently from the rest as he wore a robe of training to be an acolyte. "Like the Night Howlers?" the boy spoked out, while the rest of the kids begin to glare at him for interrupting as he realized his outburst, he shrunk back.

The old man smiled quite kindly unbothered, and he nodded to confirm the boy statement "Yes Nathan, like the night howlers", he continued from when he was interrupted as he clears his throat "this force was later to be named as aether, aether changed the way of life itself, making the world a more dangerous place for it give birth to the corpse eaters, the night walkers, the "manikin and its bigger brethren's known as viri and various dark and twisted malformed creatures." he pause as he stared and looked around as he crept in closer, "the least of them all of those practice the way of Aether, cursed astray children who had sold their soul for power." he stops letting those words sink in. "Witches and Wizards" he continues., "but those aren't the ones to fear but those who kidnap misbehave children and make them consumed the demonic core that corrupt one very own soul." he stop as he sees the children around him trembling, he claps waking them from their nightmares "alright now kids, its only but a story" he gets up as the day began to set "start heading home and have a warm supper with your family" he starts to shoo way kids as he begin to get up from his wooden log that he has was sitting on.

He stares onto the horizon, he sighs "a dark ominous loom over us and may we stay pure and warmth" as the sun was setting down.

Unknown Source—Night Howlers are creatures consumed by primal wild instinct who take form during the night of different "were" creatures, some are werecat or werewolves as they tend to be the most common, but yet none know why they tend to howl at the moon regardless of what creature they take form of.

That it for chapter one, let me know of any erros and give thoughts of whether if you liked this chapter.

Emmanuel_Reyescreators' thoughts