
The Crusader Emperor

The Sacred World of Pangea was once a peaceful world where not a single man lived. But… after many years, a war god brought forth entire nations across time. Japanese Samurai, Nordic Vikings, European Knights and the hordes of China all clashed against each other. Looking around, they realised that the battles they were fighting in the past… were mysteriously concluded. Now, they were in a different land and had several different opponents before them. Did they all shake their hands and embrace each other peacefully? No… quite the opposite. A war without end had been waged... The War to conquer Pangea and its divine treasures! (Fantasy world very loosely inspired by history and myths)

SovereignOfHeaven · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Red

Admittedly, Artos Pendragon had drunk a little more than he had intended. The Vikings around him had gotten him caught up in a drinking game or two, of which he performed admirably but lost. Once he had enough, he sat down on his own and had some meat. When he glanced to the side, he saw Egil having a good time with a young woman.

'The old man still has some energy? To think that he could charm such a young woman, in the first place... the old man is still young.'

Artos Pendragon laughed to himself, trying to shake away his blurry state. But, alas, it was not so simple.

"To think that this was the boy I scared away with a single shout!" One Viking grabbed his shoulder and laughed rather cheerfully. "Look at him now, half a year with us and he's a man! Killed those stupid Eternians like he had been raised a Viking all his life!"

Artos Pendragon moved away his hand away from his shoulder and chuckled. "I'm a better... fighter than you as well."


They both laughed in their drunken states.

After all the partying was over and everyone was either tired or too drunk to move, Artos Pendragon finally gained some peace. He hadn't remembered the last time he felt this happy... he even forget completely about the fact that he had killed two men today. No, more accurately, he brushed it aside and accepted the truth.

He didn't even see himself as the thirteenth prince anymore... that title had died to him the moment the knight attempted to kill him for a second time. The only regret that remained in his heart was leaving his sister behind... but the fact remained that she was treated far better than he ever was in the royal palace.

'Perhaps, she's better off without my bad influence...'

Deep in his heart, he still dreamt of a united land... yet he did not know who would bring such a miracle. If everyone was at peace then none of these attacks would ever happen as they would be outlawed, leaving only criminals to deal with...

However, that dream was nearly impossible to achieve. The feuds between the Four Kingdoms had been going on for two millennia already and barely anything has changed... so how could it be so simple?

'It would require a man with the strength of God and the authority of four Kings...'

"You are not as drunk as the others, Artos, adopted Son of Egil."

He turned to the girl who spoke to him and recognised her face almost immediately. "You're... that girl."

"I heard you moved like the wind in that battle. Odin was with you... even if you follow your false god."

"You... watch... ed?"

'Damn it, I don't think I said it right.'

"Yes, I did. It's hard to see you as an Eternian anymore. All that remains is the gold hair and green eyes."

"You follow me... it looks like you want to get... touched." Artos Pendragon muttered what he thought. He wouldn't speak in such a blunt manner ever before... but he was too drunk to care.

"Not by an ugly boy like you."

"Hah..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Who... who are you?"

"Kari Agnarsdottir."

Her smile grew wider as Athos Pendragon let her words sink in, his face growing more confused by the second.

'Daughter... of the Jarl?'

"Daughter... Jarl?" He questioned, his eyes widening.

"You belong to Egil and Egil's loyalty is to my father." She nodded, tilting her head. "Doesn't that mean you also serve me?"

'She's... moving directly. I'm still not interested.' Artos thought, standing up "Sorry. I go now. Very drunk."

"I'm sure you do..." She remarked, frowning slightly as her lip curled into a disappointed face. 'Am I not pretty enough?'


Two weeks later, another attack followed as Jarl Agnar had foreshadowed.

The village of Hafr was far more prepared this time with Jarl Agnar's troops stationed within it. However, Eternia's invading party was also a great deal bigger and led by a holy knight blessed by God himself. Or, more accurately, a knight who had received the war god's blessing according to Egil.

This was to ensure that the last battle's loss was completely washed away by a decisive victory. After all, the crow prince Aryan Pendragon would not allow himself to lose to a single village twice.

"Did you hear, boy? They're only hours away at the most and led by a holy knight of Eternia."

"One of the heroes of my homeland." Artos Pendragon nodded, feeling rather conflicted as he sharpened his sword. Once, the appearance of such a knight would bring joy and endless reverence to his heart. But now... he saw such a person as his enemy.

"It's likely that this battle is lost before it even began," Egil stated with a strangely warm tone. "They are coming down with over a hundred men along with that holy knight who should count for twenty on his own at the very least..."

"Sounds like you've given up, old man." Artos Pendragon smiled as he observed the sharpness of his sword. "Have you?"

"Haha... I've fought worse battles. Protecting this village is no longer an option, however. It would be best to join the Jarl's garrison and guard his walls."

"Do you think that the knight will try to break through?" Artos Pendragon wondered.

"Eternian knights are widely known for their arrogance." Egil nodded, laughing a little. "Go on, take the rest of our valuables and join the defence. We will leave nothing for those Eternians."

"Still, the village itself will be undefended... they could very well raze it and leave. Although they wouldn't gain much from such an act, the village would be lost completely to us."

"Have you lost faith in your good-willed Eternians?"

"They're just like everyone else when it comes to invaders." Artos Pendragon replied honestly. "A reward of plunder and most of them will run to it. It's not like the soldiers are all that rich, nor do they care much for foreign lands."

"It's good that you understand." Egil smiled before his expression became more serious. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made. Not everything in this world can be protected... nor can everything last forever. What is destroyed will naturally be rebuilt through the efforts of the villagers. Their lives, however, cannot be restored."

"The name Eternia disagrees in regards to nothing lasting forever." Artos Pendragon jested, sheathing his sword.

"Eternal... eh? Not even Eternia will last forever. In due time, the Kingdom will split into several halves... or become something else entirely. I can already see it."

"... That hasn't happened since Eternia was united two millennia ago. How could you be so confident?" Artos Pendragon inquired, doubt settling in his mind.

"Hm... for one, your father is the weakest Eternian King in quite a while. He rarely acts in his old age and whenever he does it's a small attack at best. It's the Knights Crusader who are the true swords of Eternia. It does not help that he decided to have thirteen sons... all of which live till this day. There's bound to be some chaos because of his lustful desire to bed multiple whores."

"Whores...?" He clenched both of his hands into fists.

"Mistresses, I meant. Was your mother one?"

"She was the most angelic woman in all of the world so how could such a lowly title be presented to her?" Artos Pendragon glanced at Egil, his emerald eyes seemingly burning with fire. "She was gentle, kind, charitable, wise and while she still lived, she was seen as the true Queen of Eternia."

'And I... took her for granted so many times.'

"... My apologies, Artos." Egil sighed, shaking his head. "I used the wrong words."

"Just don't mention her to me again."

"As you wish, Lord." Egil chuckled.


"You are a prince still. Never forget your true heritage... I feel as if someday you will find meaning in it." Egil looked towards the door. "Right, it's time we head out before that holy knight comes galloping down in his shining armour and self-righteousness."

"Of course..."

"Here, you'll carry all of this."

"ALL of this?" Artos Pendragon frowned as he watched Egil point to a massive bag full of treasure. It was almost the size of a whole man!

"Yes, ALL of that. You're a strong young man so this should be a minor inconvenience for you."

"... Minor inconvenience-"

Artos Pendragon felt like crying deep inside.


Somehow, Artos Pendragon found the strength in himself to carry Egil's belongings to the Jarl's hall which was protected by walls. He had no idea in the slightest how he managed it without collapsing halfway... but he managed to pull through.

When he looked back, he saw the village of Hafr in flames which made him clench his fists.

"The Eternians are coming, roughly a hundred strong!" Egil spread the word below the walls. "A holy knight is said to be among them."

"So we've heard." One of the vikings on the wall nodded. "Open the gate for the old wolf!"

"Why do they call you old wolf?" I questioned, glancing at Egil.

"I'm old... and I was a wolf in my youth. You may see how and why." He grinned slightly. "I gave Jarl Agnar and his father before him plenty of trouble. Though, they learned to be better and so did I."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The Jarls of these lands weren't always so accepting of Eternian blood." Egil smiled, looking up. "Now... if you fight for the Nords, you are seen as one. Simple as that. At the very least, in the lands under Jarl Agnar. I cannot say the same for the more northern regions."

The only entrance inside of the walls was a fortified wooden gate that would require a battering ram to get through. As for the walls themselves, they were bordered by sharpened wood spikes.

All things considered, it wasn't going to be easy to break through.

Another good thing was that there was enough food to last three months. Within that time, if they managed to hold, reinforcements would most certainly arrive to save the day.


The time eventually came, Eternia's army kept marching up to the Jarl's keep after they had plundered the village's riches and burned the rest. Fortunately, the village had all evacuated by that point. Artos Pendragon watched from the Jarl's walls with anger... and a feeling of shame.

'Eternians, knights, holy knights... they're no different from anyone else, are they?' He thought. 'What if... Gladius is no different?'

'The noblest and most powerful knight in Eternia...'

"This is the so-called chivalry of Eternian knights." Egil remarked as he noticed Artos Pendragon watching the village burn. "No doubt, a number of them would've loved to rape some Nordic women too. It is the way of war, I suppose."

"... Damn it all." Artos Pendragon cursed, although his eyes stayed glued to the fire. 'Are there no heroes in this land?'

"Prepare yourself for the battle ahead."

Egil pat his shoulder, walking away.

Soon enough, the holy knight galloped up to the hill and stopped short of arrow distance. It was true, he did wear shining armour. He wore full plate armour that shined golden under the sun, giving the knight a holy presence. His kite shield looked pretty damn durable too along with the sharp gold-embraided longsword in his right hand.

"To the leader of these heathens! You have precisely a day to open this gate before my men and I tear it down!"

"What is the knight saying?" Jarl Agnar turned to Egil for a translation.

"Nothing of value." Egil replied with a simple, blunt tone.

"... It is as I thought." Jarl Agnar laughed. "We will hold."


It was not long until the holy knight's small army prepared three ladders alongside a battering ram as they marched upwards with the intent to climb the Jarl's walls and break the gate. Using a shield formation reminiscent of the testudo formation, the troops sustained minimal casualties moving the ladders and battering ram forward. It was then that the Vikings guarding the Jarl's wall were starting to panic slightly.

They dropped fire and large rocks down but the spirit of Eternia's soldiers remained strong led by their holy knight's chants.

"Charge... for you are men of God! Each struggle is another step closer to Heaven!" The holy knight shouted, raising his sword. "Break that fucking gate wide open and slaughter these dirty heathens!"


The first hit of the battering ram struck the gate.

"This is not good..."

"You don't say, boy." Egil shot another arrow, leading to one of the men below falling off the ladder and plummeting to their death.

Artos Pendragon took decisive action, aiming to pull down the very first ladder with all his strength. He was later supported by another... however, that was when the holy knight set the ladder right within an instant.


"What is this hellish strength!?" Artos Pendragon blinked, bewildered by what he had witnessed.

The holy knight climbed up the ladder but Artos Pendragon pulled it down once more... and, for a moment, it looked like the holy knight would fall and sustain severe wounds.


Artos Pendragon's eyes widened as he watched the holy knight leap off from the ladder and jump the wall.


The holy knight had jumped at least five feet and descended gracefully onto the wall!


After a loud roar, he drew his sword and cut through three Vikings in the blink of an eye. Artos Pendragon stepped back in true fear while Egil remained steadfast.

'This... is a hero?'

Even the 'fearless' Vikings on the ramparts feared the holy knight.

"Valhalla seems to be calling my name." Egil dropped his bow and drew his sword, standing in front of Artos Pendragon. "Courage, boy... that is how heroes are made."

"Valhalla? No, you can't..."

Artos Pendragon stepped forward but it was too late.

The two had already clashed, creating a mighty gust of wind from their swings.

"You are blessed too?" The holy knight inquired, shoving Egil backwards with a kick. "By the devil... slaying you will place me closer to God."

"Perhaps," Egil replied in Eternian, smiling confidently as he charged forwards.

"Our tongue... hmph, damned heathen, you dare speak it?!"

The two clashed again... again... again... and again, astounding all around them. Every blow was met with a blow from the other, each stronger than the last.

'Is this... a battle between heroes? Warriors blessed by God?'

"You would've surpassed me in your youth... but you are too old now."

The holy knight remarked as he began to overpower Egil.

Artos Pendragon watched as Egil endured a gaping blow to the chest and then another to his leg. It all had happened too quickly...

Before he knew it, Egil was on his knees and prepared to accept his death... but...

A moment of fury overcame him.

The dragon had broken free.


Artos Pendragon grit his teeth and soared forwards like a dragon. Using his shield like a battering ram, he shoved the holy knight down the wall and onto the ground... along with himself. Fortunately, it was the Viking side of the walls so the fall wasn't so great.

The pain to his body was lessened as he had tactfully used the holy knight's body to take most of the damage.


Artos Pendragon grabbed his sword and attempted to cut the holy knight's neck... but he rolled around and kicked him up several feet into the air.

Artos Pendragon coughed up a mouthful of blood once he dropped to the ground, feeling like he had been kicked by a mountain.

"Boy... that was a courageous attack." The holy knight admitted, grabbing his long sword and preparing to slay Artos Pendragon. "You're..."

He paused, standing over him. "Pure Eternian."

"..." Artos Pendragon got up on his feet and stepped back, lacking faith in the knight.

"They forced you into fighting for them, didn't they?" The holy knight stepped forward. "Drop your sword, I will free you once the fighting is done."

'... Free me?' Artos Pendragon's eyes widened.

This... was the truest test of his loyalty so far.

Right here, he had the choice to return home... or stake his life for the Nords.

"It seems that you lack the courage to face me head on, regardless." The holy knight turned away from him as vikings gathered to meet him. He grinned slightly. "I will return you home, I swear it."

Then... it happened.


A terrifying roar spread across the land, shaking everyone's hearts within five miles. Using that moment of opportunity, Artos Pendragon went up the ramparts to see what the hell was going on. As he looked down, his eyes widened further and further.

He was stupefied.

It was not even an understatement.

Nothing made sense when he watched the sight unfold.

The holy knight ran up to join him and he, too, was just as shocked. The people on the walls seem to all freeze as they witnessed... power. True power.

An unstoppable force.


One colossal man had come running up to Eternia's troops and started to cleave through every last of them like a mad man. A single swing of the giant's greataxe led to at least five deaths which rapidly piled up with every passing moment. Their shields... were like butter to a sword... meaningless.


Their armour? Nothing more than water to his axe.


Eternia's men were like toddlers in a line getting run over by a massive truck that would not stop.


'What in God's name...'