

Name; Basil / Klyn Haine Bloodwing of the house 'Bloodwing' from "Konozia Empire."

Age: 17

Race: Human

Constitution: 'Unknown' (Needed to upgrade the System to reveal it or find it for yourself.)

Level: 1

Evil points: 0

Fear points: 0

Hate points: 0

Kill points: 0

Bonus points: 0

Rank: None

System Tasks: None at the moment (No tasks have been completed.)

Wicked Shop: Closed and only open at 8 am up until midnight. Still, of course, you could open it in closed hours if you use some of your points to forcefully open it, but some of the prices of certain items will skyrocket.

System additional perks: currently LOCKED.

Please raise your level to unlock.

You can gain points from completing tasks and doing side quests. You can use points at the Wicked Shop or open additional perks that you still haven't unlocked.

If you want to know more about the System, I advise you to level up quickly.


The chilly wind makes me shiver. As I am trying to figure out how to survive tonight. I woke up, I found myself in a forest, in the middle of nowhere. I was just about to go to school, and yet here I am.

I heard a strange voice in my head; It was robotic, but it carried a feminine tone.

The voice introduces itself as a system.

This System was unnerving and weird. I felt this System was up to no good.

I'm not sure what happened, but I'm certain there is something off, I'm not sure what is it, Is it just me being paranoid?

"Hello, host," The System called out to me, breaking out my line of thoughts.

"I suggest you should now get going, or else something bad might happen to you." The System suggests in a strange, soothing yet robotic voice.

"Can you explain what's happening right now?" I ask the System, burying my worries.

"Dear host, as you could see, you died in your old world and transmigrated to this body in the middle of the forest. Of course, host, you could not remember how you died because you were unconscious."

"What are you talking about? I was going to school back then, I didn't see or felt anything bad."

"Dear host, Back then, you were kidnapped and tortured. So I am forced to seal that memory, or else your mind would break again just after coming here."

"I am what?!!" That's bullshit. I don't remember anything like that!" Jesus christ, Can you please come up with a more believable lie? You're a damn system, an advance technology!

"Exactly, because I sealed it."

"Host, I know you have your doubts, but you should know that I am the one who saved you and bear no harm to you." The System said.

"Why would you save me?" I probed for more information. I don't know if the System is lying or not.

"Host, you can find it out you have enough authorization in the System, so work hard and fight for it. Level up and unlock everything." The System encouraged me. With a lot of questions, I know answers will not be delivered in short notice so I just look to this more pressing matter.

'System, could you tell me anything or what I should do right now?' I asked in my mind. I know the System could read my thoughts.

'Unfortunately for the host, you are currently in a very tight situation. You didn't have any survival skills, and your body is weak right now.' The System 'helpfully' informed me.

Wow, advance technology my ass. Never mind.

The System was silent for a moment.

"Host, your previous body is dead, and your soul is transferred to this body." the System suddenly informed.

"So what happened to the previous owner of this body? Why didn't I receive any kind of memories or something like that?" I felt this was strange, not according to the "scripts" I've read before.

"Host, you didn't merge nor devoured the previous soul of this body because your soul is fragile. I could only throw it out. I don't know what happened to the soul."

"What the fuck? Then what is the identity of this body?" I asked panickily.

"I don't know, I didn't get any kind of information about this world nor the identity of this body." the System explained.

"Some functions are unavailable; I can only do push it away. Your soul is much weaker than the original soul. Instead of you eating that soul, you will be the one that would be eaten instead." the System continued explaining and making me quite speechless.

"So just nothing, no info dump, no shit that could help me right now! Why are you useless!" I yelled at the System inside my head! I'm really frustrated with this advance tech.

"Shut up! I have saved you, and now you are blaming me for being useless! You are the one who is being useless! The voice shrieked out!

The moment the System shrieked, it was like hammering my head!! I instinctively clutched my head!

I screamed from the pain and lost consciousness.


Dozen of people were searching with their torches lit.

"Sir, can we take a rest? We've been looking for 2 days; our group is dead tired right now." A man in his mid-thirties asked the Old Man leading the group.

The old man wore a butler's attire. He silently glanced at the group who are taking heavy breaths.

After several seconds of examining, he slowly nodded.

"Thank you, sir. Let's set up camp here and rest for tonight. tomorrow we will continue our search again." The man in his thirties thanked and started to set up their tents.

"Sir, do you need a tent?" The man asked the butler, but the butler shook his head.

"No need. We will continue by daybreak." The old man apathetically said.

The man didn't mind the old man's tone and nodded.

"Ok, Sir, I will be resting. Tell me if you need anything." The man started preparing his tent.

After everyone finished settling their camps, they rested while one person stood to watch.

The butler walked towards the man. "I will stand as a lookout. Rest for now." The butler told the man.

The man raised an eyebrow but regardless, he nodded. He went to his tent.

The old man just stood beside a tree and pondered.

'We have to find the boy before they find him.'

'if we can't find him tomorrow, maybe Madam has already found out that the boy has been lost.'

'If she truly goes crazy, then the entire house will fall, and the other houses will not stay idle. All of them trying to get a slice of this cake, but even if she didn't go crazy, our house's only chance to indeed rise is gone.

'For the Blood! The young master is the only hope we have.'

And then suddenly, something heated up in his pocket.

"The young master is near! Wake up! Find him!" The butler shouted, taking out the hot stone in his pocket.

The entire camp was shocked by the butler's roar. They just finished their tents, and yet they have to continue searching again.

"What are you standing there for? Go find him! He is near!" The butler impatiently shouted

Even with bitter feelings, the group didn't question the butler and went searching for the young master.

After a couple of minutes, they found the young master.

A boy in his teens, his entire body is covered in blood from head to toe.


I was awake for a couple of minutes right, I found myself in an elegant yet simple room.

The bed was comfortable, and the study table is near the window.

I look at myself in the mirror.

A faint scar on my left cheek, but this face is still handsome. This body is lean and ripped, Damn! I feel like I am some supermodel back on earth. How can this body be weak?

I closed my eyes and tried to visualize something in my head.

(Main Panel)

Name; Basil / Klyn Haine Bloodwing of the house 'Bloodwing' from "Konozia Empire."

Age: 17

Race: Human

Constitution: 'Unknown' (Needed to upgrade the System to reveal it or find it for yourself.)

Level: 1

Evil points: 0

Fear points: 0

Hate points: 0

Kill points: 0

Bonus points: 0

Rank: None

System Tasks: None at the moment (No tasks have been completed.)

Wicked Shop: Closed and only open at 8 am up until midnight. Still, of course, you could open it in closed hours if you use some of your points to forcefully open it, but some of the prices of certain items will skyrocket.

System additional perks: currently LOCKED.

Please raise your level to unlock.

You can gain points from completing tasks and doing side quests. You can use points at the Wicked Shop or open additional perks that you still haven't unlocked.

If you want to know more about the System, I advise you to level up quickly.


'What the hell is wrong with this system!' I roared in my head!!

'Host, there is nothing wrong with our system.'

'I have a few questions for you, my dear system,'

'Go ahead, but I can't promise I could answer it.'

'So about the shop, why does it have Opening hours damn it!?'

'I couldn't do anything about it,'

'Oh, so who created you and why?' I asked. I am curious about this System.

'I'm sorry, host, you still didn't have enough authorization.'

Let's just try to analyze my situation for now. What should I do? I lack the information to make my move. Let's just act I forgot all of my memories. Based on his room, the information I have for now is that the previous owner is a book lover and a humble person.

He is perhaps not some flamboyant young master but rather some genius.

This is a troublesome matter. Just how I am suppose to act like a genius?

Let's not think about it and leave it for tomorrow me.

I walked towards the seat near the study table and looked through the window.

"The night sky is indeed wide and beautiful."

A long silence occurred. It was just a handsome young teenage boy sitting in a chair looking towards the night sky. Feeling dreadful for the future that is coming.

"Now what?"

Hello everyone.

I did it, at least I made it barely readable. VOTE! Cheer ME UP!

LonelyChilicreators' thoughts