
The cruel Alpha’s mate

Amelia White's life takes a devastating turn when she is rejected by her mate, Alpha Kade, and betrayed by her cousin, Isabelle. Sold to the ruthless Alpha Damien, Amelia finds solace in Luther, Alpha Damien's son. As their connection deepens, Amelia discovers her true lineage and escapes to a new pack. But a dangerous love triangle and a web of deceit follow her, forcing her to confront her past and fight for the love she deserves. Will Amelia find her happily ever after amidst the chaos and turmoil? Or with the two Alpha’s tear her apart!

WearsMira · Teen
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

chapter 6

Amelia's POV—

"How am I your mate?" I asked Alpha Luther who just at me confusingly.

"How can you not feel the pull?" He asked me before letting go of me as I stood up after him, clean all the dirts on me.

"I don't know, I am just a weak wolf." I murmured making him chuckle.

"How was it possible my dad picked you, you can't even connect with him, the link won't be there." Luther said putting on his shirt while I stood still focused on how amazing he made wearing a shirt be.

He turned towards me and stared at me weirdly after not getting any response from me.

"Can't you speak?" He questioned.

"I can speak just stunned."

"I know you must be shock that I called you mate but I am also just as stunned as you are since it turns out you are going to be one of my many step mother, what a weird fate the moon goddess decide to place me into." Alpha Luther said as he hissed afterwards before walking away.

"Am I really your mate or not?" I asked curiously, he stopped on his track and turned back at me with a devilish grin.

"Find out yourself." He whispered before asking away, I still couldn't describe why exactly I felt this pill with him but it felt good, how wished he didn't just joke about me being his mate.

"Go inside or you would catch a cold." I heard a voice tell me from above making me look up almost immediately and it was him, so that was his bedroom…I smiled back in response to his words before rushing offf, I have gotten enough foresight for one day.

I sat on my bed all my thoughts still on Alpha Luther and charming he was, everything felt so right and at ease with him than with anyone and here I was back in my lifeless bedroom waiting to be summoned by my new Alpha who was three times my age if I am correct.

I decided not to think much about it as I was more than sure Alpha Luther would be nothing like his father and might be my comfort zone in this unbearable life I am about to live.

The next morning Lady Rosa woke me up but this time she talked to me in a very nice way as she instructed me to get ready the Alpha was now ready to see me and beside me on the bed was a very pretty but yet petite dress.

I took a warm bath and then wore my dress and to my surprise it was my exact size, the dress didn't actually come with any princess heels like in the movie which made happy and comfy, I opened my door and took in the riches of the sunlight on my skin, I might have lost everything but I was ready to give up in myself just yet.

I stepped down the stair slowly to see Lady Rosa waiting for me in the entrance on the hallway.

"Don't forget all the things I warned you about, any mistake you make puts us in danger also." She whispered to me before pulling me and pushed me in slamming the door behind.

On entering, I saw four other young woman who were also dressed like me and here I was thinking the dress made me special but instead it was a uniform worn by his bride.

One of the bride who looked almost my age was serving him tea and the other's were either massaging his feet or taking care of his dish except from one of the she sat proudly beside him and that was clearly going to be the first wife or oldest wife.

Despite all I had just seen, the second Alpha Damian looked up from his tea I smiled widely like I was more than happy to finally see his face and oh moon goddess he looked so much like a young king i stil couldn't believe he was the father of Luther.

His aura was just so hot and he looked just like Alpha Luther but hotter and more sophisticated than him but he still looked wicked and Luther still looked cuter and calmer.

"Amelia." He called my nae softly with a smile.

"I am so happy you are feeling so at home in your new castle." He said while the two women who were massaging his leg gave me the bad stare but I ignored them and just moved closer to him before bowing my head as I tried acting cute and calm as that would be the only way to be at his favor,

"I like how you behave Amelia, I think we would get along very nicely." He said with a content smile on his face, meanwhile the beta who had drove me to the palace stood behind Alpha Damian with a smile as he mouthed a thank you to me.

"Thank you my king." I said to Alpha Damian still with a wide smile.

"You have earned my respect Amelia and how else can I reward you for this respect." He said to me with a smile but I still didn't dare say what I want all I did was just smile at him, my head still to the ground.

"Beta, how do I reward this bride of mine?" This time around he directed his questions to his beta who was surprised that Alpha Damian really wanted to reward me for being calm and respectful to him.

"Alpha, why don't you give a respectable position as your newest bride and secondly the youngest." His beta said as I understood where he was heading, if I was given a special pace it also gives them chance to make authorities for themselves using my name.

"That's a really good idea." Alpha Damian said,all his brides including me stared at him in shock, he agreed to make me a special bride.