
The Crowtit Cries of Injustice (placeholder title)

If you think about it, like, actually think about it; transmigration isn't exactly a walk in a park kind of deal isn't it? Transmigrators have to keep worrying about every little plot that comes knocking at the door, worry about their survival daily, and cry every night as they miss the convenience of the modern life when being faced with the truth where fantasy don't live up to reality. So here's our main character, punted into that very same scenario where she can't even tell what's going on due to dropping the story at her earliest convenience to avoid further plot rage. Now possessing the body of one of the earliest villainess, scheduled to die a year after the heroine makes her grand entrance, she starts to. . . Do nothing?? Wait, why aren't you doing anything? You're going to let the knife plunge without stopping it??? Hey, stop, that's not the right script!

RollieOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

9.2. Chapter nine(2)

Theo's voice slithers into the room and vaporizes any warmth that had clung onto my skin after the bath. His smile, from what I can see at this angle, is wide as his eyes meet mine from the crack of the gap and that causes him to just push his way inside without any regard to Sasha, who kind of gets shoulder-checked away from the force. 

"Ah, good, you're awake! Mother has been worried about you." That smile, that damn smile... I want to take a pair of scissors and cut that asshole's lips into slits-

Ay, hang on a sec. Why am I getting so worked up with this guy?? Carla, girl, do you have anything to tell me?


No? Well, time to fuck around and find out.

"When has she not?" I push back with no small amount of ichor at the mention of the woman, holding back on the venom since I have no idea how this man will react. My feet shuffle, almost unconsciously, leading me away when he steps further into the room. "As you can see, I am still recovering."

Theo's smile only widens as he crosses the distance from the doorway to the bedside and scans the room with his magenta-colored eyes, causing Winnie to shudder in what seems to be fearful respect while his gaze passes her by, settling on the new vanity table and mirror with a smirk. "I can see that very clearly, my dear sister. Mother asked me since she wishes to be careful with you, is all."

"Especially since our last meeting was… quite a disastrous event, won't you say?" His voice softens as the man bends down a bit to meet my eyes, his smile still sweet while he crosses his hands behind his back. "All the more reason that I check in with you as soon as you're awake."

Shit, he's bringing that up?? Now!!?? Right in front of my maids???? You're definitely looking for a fight, aren't you??! 

It is at this moment that some flashes of Carlyanne's memories are unlocking. And actually being informative this time, instead of making me look into thin air like some sort of looney. From the quick flashes, I gather that they very much do not get along, and most of the interactions she had with this man have always been arguments. A lot of arguments.

In fact, I'm going to initiate one right the fuck now since I get the perms, can vent a bit of this foreign anger, and stay in character as a bonus. "Indeed, it was quite an explosion. I'd say it was entirely avoidable, but alas, I am still grateful for you showing me how a gentleman behaves first-hand, brother Theo."

"In any case, I wish to know if you're only here to deliver Mother some news about my condition?" I cut before he can reply with something even cringier and turn to the veranda, going straight for the seat. "I'm sure there's already plenty of things you can tell her, now that you've barged in the middle of a lady's most private time."

A sharp, short huff of air that sounds like a chuckle cut shorts pass through his lips as the guy goes back to full height again, towering over while he shrugs nonchalantly, "Of course, of course. I'd be guilty if I ate much more into your precious time. Aren't you a bit bored, being cooped up inside the room all by yourself?"

"Oh, and you, my dearest brother, are offering to fill my time by gracing me with your presence?" I quip back so fast that I almost bit my tongue doing it. This body has some quick-ass reflexes for verbal fights! I love it! "It'll be such a shame if I become the reason that you miss the chance to enjoy the lovely day outside, brother Theo. Don't let me stop you from feeling the fresh sun on your skin, you certainly… seem to need it more than I do."

This would have been a great time to have a hand fan so I could hide my lower face and start going 'fufufu' while my eyes are clearly smiling ominously but alas, I don't have one, so I can only use the fan at home and hid my lips by covering it with my hands. The effect is practically the same since everyone is all tensed up watching this fight, but there's just not enough drama in the tension!

I do my best to sit, gracefully putting one's ass onto the seat like I've trained that for years which kickstart the maids again to start moving. "If there's nothing else, I'd like for you to leave, please."

"Oh, but there is something else!"

I almost jump and give myself a bruise on the noggin' after seeing this fucker's head pop above mine on the suntanning bench. Motherfucker got lucky I kept still. "You're right in that it's such a lovely summer day that I can't help but wish to invite you to go outside and ride for a while. You won't have to do much, just sit and let the horses take you."

Theo's expression doesn't look anything out of the ordinary, necessarily, but even I can sense the off-ness of his smile. It's charming, showing a little bit of teeth, paired with his crescent-curving eyes, this smile makes him seem so approachable and friendly as his dark wavy hair is framed by the sun to reflect some purple undertones.

Also, horse-riding? Really? You're definitely up to something to invite a literal patient to ride a goddamn horse!!!

Before I can refute the offer Theo cuts me off by taking my hair, caressing it gently as he says, "Consider it a way that I make up for last week's accident, hm?"

Ah, see, he's still not letting go of the goddamn vomit incident. Stop pressuring me with that goddamn incident!!! This is what's making me so hesitant to talk to this guy even before I get reverse MIB-ed!

Between the first day of him fishing to make me fight with Eric and now acting worried for my health, the difference between his sweet and mean demeanor is such a contrast that it'd give anyone else less practiced a whiplash of emotions. Too bad that he's not talking to the real Carlyanne, she would have blown a fuse right about now.

I'm going to have to think of a way to say no to this. I'd apologize if I have to (sorry Carla, you picked the worst person to be petty about things), but I'm coming up with blanks that I can feel my lips are about to turn that smile upside down-


The knock on the door had cut through whatever thoughts I had, scattering them as I turn my head around Theo's figure to see the blond entering the room, familiar book in his hand, and eyes meeting mine for a few seconds before he bowed politely.

"My apologies for arriving late, miss," the blond says with a respectful tone, addressing Theo next as he says, "And young master Theoderich. I hope you may forgive me for my ill-timed appearance."

Ill-timed appearance indeed. With the pressure now gone, Theo retreats from harassing me, his lips twitch a bit as he sweeps a glance at Sieghart with a look too long to count as a normal swipe of a gaze, making the room a bit more awkward than it already is before turning into a somewhat neutral upturn of lips. "No, no need. I'm just about to leave and let my little sister recuperate since I've got what I came here for."

My braid slips out of his hands, though not before he kisses them as he leaves the bubble of my personal space. His eyes lock on mine which, I swear they glow a bit as he smiles coldly, not matching his words at all as he bids goodbye. "Then, I'll see you this weekend, Carlyanne. Have a good rest!"

Theo exits with what I'll call cheerful steps, taking skips as if our spat hadn't happened, leaving weird ass vibes in the room. I hold back from sighing as a new, mental headache threatens to bloom watching the man saunter away.

Casting my glance to Sieghart, the concerned maids, and the still slightly shaken-looking Sasha; I try my best to keep my sigh in my chest and annoyance out of my tone as I ask them to "Get out of the door and make sure that guy is gone for good."

"I'll check for you." Sasha doesn't miss the timing to answer, already walking after giving a slight bow and opening the door, stepping out briefly before entering again with a very present relief on her face. "The halls are clear, miss."

Whewh~! I'm glad that motherfucker is gone! Then, adding as the thought blips into existence from relief I ask, "And get Doctor Keller in here, now."

Sieghart seems about ready to put down the book at this point but another well-timed interjection of "No please, let us do it!" from Ina causes the blond to stop in his tracks. She's saying something a little too low for me to hear, but somehow manages to get a nod from both Sieghart and Sonya, then turns to me with a very determined expression. "Don't worry miss, we'll make sure you'll find a solution for this predicament!"

Oo...kayy?? I don't get where the determination plays in this, but I give Ina and Sonya (which I figured the 'we' in the subject) a slight nod as they step out of the room with the pace of a speed-walking person. Ina, speeding, more than Sonya. The brunette looks like she's kind of struggling to catch up despite supposed to have a larger stride and why is her face looking so grim…

Argh, whatever, I'll ask when they get back! Let's continue sunbathing!!! 


"Absolutely not."

Comes the predictable answer from the stern-faced Doctor Keller after he's been briefed on the situation. He looks a little frazzled in attire as if he just got dragged out of a typhoon. Or out of bed, more likely, seeing the back of his head looks very much like bed hair. While the sight of the tussled hair is certainly interesting, my eyes immediately lock on the piece of very familiar-looking bread arrangement he's pulling out of his medical bag. Is that a fucking sandwich??? Holy shit, that is an actual footlong sub!!!

"I am not the person you should tell this to," I manage to say instead of asking what filling he has in his sub. It's a very close thing though! "It's the idea of my very smart and lovely older brother, Theo."

"Then I shall give young master Theoderich a visit, it shall be brief!" Doctor Keller looks like he's about to roll his sleeve and gear up to deck the guy with the sandwich as he stands, only for Winnie (!!!?) to be the one to force him to sit back down with a two-handed shove. "You–!"

"You mustn't, sir!!!" Winnie whines in such a high pitch that she sounds almost like a deflating balloon, the annoyance in her face clears as the day as she struggles to hold back the older gentleman in his seat. "Young master Theoderich will beat you up to a pulp if you confront him! And then who's going to treat our miss?!"

"Why in heaven's name you're killing me already?! I'm just going to talk!!!"

"Asking him for a duel to the death will be better than that if you're looking to die early- ow!"

The argument cuts as Sonya, stealthily without anyone noticing, stands by Winnie's side and pinches her at the waist, causing the exclaim of pain. "If you want to argue it'd be best to do this outside, where there isn't a very ill patient in hearing range."

Her tone is calm, her demeanor is calm, but the look in her eyes is anything but.

Said dark brown eyes sparing a glance at me, who is actually enjoying the drama for once since it's not happening to me, which causes the two's attention to switch to me before looking away with reluctance in their synchronized 'humph!' while looking away, Winnie looking a little more guiltier than the doctor. It's cute enough to make me want to let a chuckle, the tsun are strong in these ones!

Ina, who looks utterly confused at the situation, raises her hand sheepishly as she asks aloud, "I-It certainly can't be that bad, right? Just riding a horse for a few hours surely isn't too hard for miss' bo— MMHPH!??"

"I'm sorry miss, please don't punish her, she's just ignorant!" Sonya covers the girl's mouth with such a lightning-quick speed that I have to slowly blink from the surprise, which makes her even more terrified for some reason as her pleading gets wilder, "I'll give this girl a stern talking to in private later!!!"

Hmm. Is this another case of Carlyanne lacking the skill needed of a Count's daughter or noblewoman of this world not allowed to ride horses? Place your bets, me! My gut feeling says it's definitely the first one!!! "Make sure that she's up to speed from now on."

"Yes miss!"

The staff answers with vigor that even Sieghart, who's sitting kind of awkwardly in the corner doing nothing and watching this situation unfold, answers alongside them in a lower volume. Yes, I've been making him sit doing nothing, holding the book without reading it, but in my defense, the mood from 30 minutes ago wasn't right to read some dead person's achievement! Even if they are very interesting achievements!

"In any case, it seems that we are at an impasse with no worthwhile suggestions to offer to the miss…" Sonya pats her cheek with her left hand as she casts a regretful look and, wait, so this is what she thought I was making them do??? "We can only hope that young master Theoderich will be.. lenient, this time."

Hearing her words, the people in the room once again tense and turn a bit depressed. Even Doctor Keller, whom I had only known for a few days now, also sighed in- ah wait no, he's just finished with his sandwich. "There's already some anti-nausea agents in Miss Carlyanne's medicine I've prescribed. If we tweak the consumption time a bit, she can drink it before going."

Hey, girls, hey, you're making it sound like I'm not here for some joyride but for torture instead??! I know that Theo (still not used to hearing his full name, Theoderich whomst?) acts kind of icky but is he even worse than Carlyanne???

Considering that the Countess, who as far as I remember, never appeared in the novel outside of her death-cum-flashback recount from the big villain, is a big bitch; I'm a little bit scared of what the guy can do??? Are all Hortensias messed up in the head or what???!!!

Oh, wait. I think there's a way to find out about that, isn't there? "Your concern is appreciated, Doctor Keller, but it won't be necessary."

Doctor Keller, "???"

"I don't know how this works, but I wish to invite my other siblings to this outing. It'll be a shame if we miss out on precious family time together since the rest of the summer season is going to be… very busy. So, since I'm the most free of us all, tell them this,"

This time, I don't hold back my smile as I call for the maids to come closer, ignoring the sudden sliver of fear that pass through their collective face as the plan solidifies itself as I keep talking. In confidence, in excitement, in amusement,

"Pick a day that's most convenient for you. I will wait."