
The Crowtit Cries of Injustice (placeholder title)

If you think about it, like, actually think about it; transmigration isn't exactly a walk in a park kind of deal isn't it? Transmigrators have to keep worrying about every little plot that comes knocking at the door, worry about their survival daily, and cry every night as they miss the convenience of the modern life when being faced with the truth where fantasy don't live up to reality. So here's our main character, punted into that very same scenario where she can't even tell what's going on due to dropping the story at her earliest convenience to avoid further plot rage. Now possessing the body of one of the earliest villainess, scheduled to die a year after the heroine makes her grand entrance, she starts to. . . Do nothing?? Wait, why aren't you doing anything? You're going to let the knife plunge without stopping it??? Hey, stop, that's not the right script!

RollieOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

5.2. Chapter five(2)

Sieghart nods, already opening the book and ready. "There comes a point where, in his life as a noble, Albert was forced to choose between duty and heart. He, unlike most of the other nobles at the time, chooses to embrace duty as he to the King's assignment personally, of running an event for the princess' birthday. A party that, not only planned to show the might of the kingdom but also, most importantly, to find a suitable husband for the lovely daughter of the beloved King Riker."

"Ooh! We're finally getting to the good part!!" Ina squeals while covering her mouth, though when does that help her curb her volume? She still gets stink eyes from the other two maids for this behavior. "Oops, sorry! I'm just so excited! Our miss understands right? The-"


Sonya cuts her off at the right time, though that doesn't make the pout on the green-haired girl any less severe. If you look at her face without context, you'd think that someone had just murdered her baby in front of her eyes! She looks at me with those aggrieved, watery eyes, and I instantly look away.

I know! I know the feeling well 'cause I'm also excited, but I can't take your side here! Even though we are fellow rofan lovers, the betrayal called spoilers is a crime of the highest degree. You're totally in the wrong here!

Thus I can only make my stance clear as shortly as possible. "Silence, or be silenced."

That threat works well enough that Ina's skin turns a shade lighter. I trust that she won't make another noise until the book is finished.

Sieghart looks mildly amused as he continues reading. "This party lasted for an entire week, during which, many nobles and even envoys of other allied kingdoms are invited to participate in the festivities. During this period, it is believed that

"One that most were excited about is not the ball itself, which took place in the newly built royal castle, but the competition taking place outside in its newly leveled grounds.

"In the arena of dust and blood, on top of the highest dais, Albert has placed the princess as the prize to be coveted by many and swore to the gods that this trial will be one of fairness and that the princess may choose any man of her liking- not just the winner. They only need to impress her, and the first step is done by trying.

"Any man with a shred of bravery will give the challenges a go, trusting the words of the man hailed as the Laplace's Silver Vow and, with the rising number of failures, the more spirited the spectators grew in anticipation….."

I take a sip of water as I listen, a bit enraptured with how this story is going. Most history books will just note down the achievement of the figure in question, citing other personal accounts and facts, if necessary, to smooth out a believable timeline. 

Something about this one is a little different, though, either because this is a fantasy world or because it is a fact that the princess herself penned this book— it must mean something that she and by conjunction Albert thought of this event as one worthy of the annals to remember.

The tournament starts with challenges of the mind, where most of the uneducated men fail though without much hard feelings. Then followed after that is a test of one's wit, as riddles and puzzles are brought to the forefront of the masses to judge. From there, they test their endurance and patience with the most basic task of running nonstop around the castle.

One by one, the number of challengers fell and with it, raised the expectations for those remaining in the competition. I imagine the stadium, the castle, and the people surrounding the desperately running men circling through the grounds while kicking dirt. Watching as they fall to the ground one at a time, like a fly shot from the sky... I think it won't be all bad to those who failed at this point since they've shown themselves to be capable men, just a little short of the crowd favorites.

"The Count, Geralt Laplace, and General Aoife remain running, even when all others have fallen. It is noted that this running even starts from the morning of the fourth day and- by the time they are the only ones remaining, the time dawn of the last day is about to arrive yet there's still no clear winner between the two."

"So they ran for three days straight??!" Ina exclaims, perhaps forgetting the threat already due to being so immersed. "Are those two even humans??"

"..Considering this book is from 500 years ago, maybe some things are a bit.. exaggerated." Winnie offers with slight hesitation, stealing a glance at me first before she continues after not hearing any reprimand. "Not to mention, the princess herself wrote the book, she might inflate some things in this so her husband looks good?"

Ina gasps as if she's being murdered. "You're saying that the princess lied???"

"I'm just saying that there might be some creativity involved here!" Winnie huffs, then perhaps realizes what she just did and bows hurriedly in my direction, "My apologies miss!"

Ina copies her without missing a beat, "Sincerest apology, miss!"

I say nothing to the two since I'm not that mad, but it's fun to watch them squirm, so I remain silent for nearly a full minute until I turn my attention again to Sieghart. "So?"

Sieghart continues reading on my prompt, "They have run side by side for three days, just as they have guarded each other's back during the war. Albert had vowed that this competition would be just, and it was true, it's just in the way that he knew that no one else could win this last trial- aside from his two friends. He knows that they and only they alone possess that others don't, a treasure that no one can quantify until that very moment- unbreakable spirit."

"As the first ray of sun broke through the horizon, Count Geralt's step slows by a single fraction, which leads to him tripping on a particularly small mound of sand, leading to his fall on the floor."

"The moment of ground being broken echoes through the air, tearing through the silence as if the gods themselves were watching. The moment that Count Geralt fell is the moment that all manner of voice burst and blooms into cries."

"Yet, despite the cheers of joy and cries of elation, General Aiofe did not look happy. He did not stop, either, merely slowing down his pace and, without a shred of hesitation… turned around to help the other man back up."


There's clear surprise in the face of everyone that's hearing this. Not even Sieghart remains unaffected, since he paused in his reading, as if taking the momentary moment to actually register what he just read. His wide, alarmed look of surprise isn't masked either, showing in full as he composes himself to finish as if nothing happened. "It is unknown what words the general whispered into the ears of the Count as he lifts him off the ground, but the next words, everyone hears." 

 "I wish to share this moment, this triumph this- happiness with you, Geralt, my friend. Let it be known that you are the only one who can match me in spirit, as proven here, none can equal mine and completes me more than you."

"With that declaration, General Aiofe slung the hand of the Count over his shoulders, and the Count braces the General's side against his. The two climbed up the steps, under the blessing showered onto them by the falling petals and flowers that part where they walked. Their stride matched one another's, until the moment where they stopped, a single step separating them and the waiting princess.

"The Count pushed his friend further with a wordless smile, to take that single step and bridge the gulf as the general stumbles forward, right into the embrace of the most beautiful woman of the kingdom, receiving his prize that turns out to be the sweetest kiss bestowed by victory."

"The king was so touched by the display he witnessed that, as a reward for Geralt's loyalty he bestowed the house of Laplace with ducal rank, effectively raising the prestige of the Laplace family and thus, securing the fourth spot of the ducal house closest to the royal family."

"Albert was also conferred nobility, raised from a commoner merchant into a Count in his own right. He was bestowed with the name Hortensia, for the rain of blessings in the forms of flower petals, to have brought the illusion of an early spring blooming in the heart of the new capital. The territory given to him comes from Geralt, who offered willingly a sizeable land of fertile grounds and fresh wind, located near the capital of the Laplace Duchy where there's no doubt that it'll prosper no matter what, the so-called Everspring."

Ina doesn't even try to hide her hiccuping, crying into her palms as she rubs her reddening eyes. "Hic! That is so sweet!! I can't- hic! I can't imagine how wonderful it must've been!!! I don't know why I'm feeling so-!"

Sonya pats the young girl's shoulder lightly, consoling her with her actions while Winnie is the one saying comforting words. "Be proud and touched that you can serve a house filled with such meaningful history!" She says, though I can see that she's not as calm as she's trying to sound as tries to discreetly wipe the corner of her own eyes in the guise of fixing her glasses. "It's all we can do to honor the sacrifice of those great heroes before us."

I can't say that I find myself agreeing to that notion and, from the split second of a thought I catch in Sieghart's eyes, I think he also finds it a bad answer to take from this whole tale. As expected of the leader of the rebel army.

 "What time is it?" I ask to hopefully ease the sudden patriotic air hanging around us, unintentionally causing the girls to flinch and rush to try and confirm the time as they took my inquiry as an order.

Sieghart ends up being the one to do it, pulling out a brass-colored pocket watch and flicking it open. "It is 11 o'clock, we've been out here for nearly three hours." He pockets the watch and takes a look at the book, memorizing the page before closing it and addressing me again, "Would you like to return, miss? Lunchtime will be upon us soon."

I shake my head while also feeling astonished. 3 hours?? How long did it take for me to walk around this goddamn mansion??? No wonder my feet were throbbing the moment I sat down! "I wish to…"

Pause. I stop as I see a servant that I think is making their way over to me. My guess is proven true as his figure becomes clearer as he gets closer and finally, is standing in front of me just outside of the gazebo's boundary.

"Good afternoon, miss." The grey-haired man bows shortly as we make eye contact, not so low that I can still see his plaster-like face is having a hard time trying to talk to me, in a different way than other servants that I've encountered these past few days.

The major difference? He's smiling at me condescendingly as he speaks, "I've been sent here bearing a request."

"The madam wishes to have lunch together with you, will you be amenable to spare your time, miss?"