
The Crown of Sun

In the land of Allessan d'Rio, Enigel is an elemnit with control over the crystals. Once she is betrayed by her sister, she decides to enter The Order of the Shatteres, who are the embodiment of the death of the crystallites. Regretting her decision, knowing that being a Shatterer, isn't allowed to do many things, her life takes a turn when the crown prince asks her to help him search for his long-lost son, promising her to get her out from the order, letting her keep the deadly power she was given when becoming a shatterer: the power of death. On the other hand, Ryzen, a crystallite, is a successful soon-to-be an interplanetary lawyer, who is also asked by the crown prince to help him find his son. In change, he is made a lawyer out of the royal order. Eventually, the crown prince is assassinated and since Ryzen became his voice, he becomes the next ruler, the prince's son still being missing. But Ryzen didn't want to rule, and Enigel is also responsible for his crowning. Therefore, out of his rage, she becomes his right hand and the unknown ruler of the Allessan d'Rio. Will Enigel become the true Queen of the Land, or will Ryzen turn the world upside down?

Daoist7cOCOs · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I am finally laying in my bed, with all the lights off, trying to sleep. Even though I am more than exhausted, I still fix the beautiful and dark ceiling in my eyes.

All I can say is that this day has been quite... special. I've got through many different stages, like the fanciest entrance of Ryzen in our series-room, or the constant feeling of angst, fear, anger and, after a bunch of hot and salty tears, the feeling of reassurance and contentment, as if that weight from the morning has lifted. Though at times I felt as if I were about to be beaten to death.

What the hell did my half do?

Since I felt as if I was under the demolitions right after the wall broke down, can I say that he was already beaten? So, has he been waiting all this day for a second round of beating?

What on Alphamundus?

This means that... Is he abused at home?! Or maybe has he got into a street fight?

Who is this man?

And now... Now I feel something wet downside, right between my legs.

I'm sure my half has already gone to the toilet several times today and I felt nothing. And I remember that Rodrigo also assured me last night that I don't have to worry because I won't feel it when he empties himself.

But what is what I am feeling now?

No, I am not pissing in my bed! I'm no longer three! And I had my period a week ago. It can't be since I am one of the very few girls that have it regularly.

I turn on the crystal-standing light, get off the bed, and check. I am not wet. Nowhere is wet.

Now I feel as if my bottom part is hugged from every position. I also feel as if I am standing on something tight, warm, wet, and soft, with a titillating ridgy texture. Moreover, all the pressure that covered me like a blanket miraculously disappeared at this moment and the fact that all the tightly hug thingy feels as if it is the only thing that matters or ever will matter; suddenly, I felt like all my problems, fears, insecurities, everything has just vanished.

It is better than every sweet I could ever imagine.

I just find myself moaning.

What is this?!

Then, I burst out from my bedroom's door into my sister's room, asking her what is happening, thinking she would know.

"So what do you say it feels like?" she blinks a few times, quickly, but not taking her eyes away from the crystal glass of the reading table she is holding in her hands, while comfortably laying on many fluffy and bright colored pillows on her bed.

I needed a nice explanation. I couldn't tell her about the pee feeling.

I feel like hell.

"Well, it's just like I rub my tongue on the inside of my bottom lip, but this time, a lot warmer, wetter, and tighter, " I conclude.

"I know what it is!" my sister bounces as if she has been electrocuted.

"What is it?" I thrown.

"He is making love with his girlfriend right now!" she widens her eyes at me.

"No way!" I shout at her, barely abstaining from slapping her.

"But it can be!" she begins to laugh at me.

"How do you know that?" I lift a brow at her.

"Because I read romances!" she grins.

Yeah, right! Lynne has read smut since she was sixteen.

"Gross." I shiver.

I have to find a way to make him stop.

I have an idea.

"Do you remember our little silly game from the third year of the medium cycle?"

"The kitty cat slap thingy?"

When I was thirteen, there was a trend in which girls have to slap the bottom front part of another girl, while trying not to get caught. It was sort of a slap! but dirtier.

If I slapped my bottom part, it would be as if he got kicked in his balls.

It would hurt him. Badly.

"Why? What has come into your mind right now?"

If I told her my idea, she wouldn't agree. Lynne would hurt even a fly.

"Nothing. Just I miss it. Slaps!" I shout laughing, trying to slap her triangle.

"Hey! Rude! What's with you?" she tries to slap me back, but stops at a centimeter in front of my bottom part, realizing what I wanted from her. "No. You can't do that. Just let it be. I think you're gonna love it!"

No way. It's just too...

"Ew, gross, " I make a face. "Korag!" I call out for my adoptive father while I am going to the living room, knowing I would find him there, watching the crystal pane as usual. "Slap me! Right on my face!"

"No! Don't do that, Papa!" Lynne comes running behind me. "Don't touch her there!"

She still thinks I've asked him to do me what I asked her to.

No, I would never ask a man to do that to me.

"What?" Korag sneers at us, taking his eyes away from the pane.

"I told him to punch me. In my chin." I explain to my sister, throwing my hands here and there.

"Why? What did you do?" Korag gets up from the dark red armchair he was sitting on.

"She did nothing. It's just a game of us." Lynne takes it before me.

"No, it's not like that," I sigh. "It's just…" I pause.

How can I make him understand that I do have a half just like any other crystallite out there? He will never believe me.

"Well," he comes near me, putting his arms at his chest. "I'm listening." "Since my mother was a crystallite, I got to be like her and, therefore, it seems that I have a soulmate or a half, as other people call it," I close my eyes, put my head back and explain all of this in one breathe. "It is approved by the natural sciences and by the physic masters as well," I continue, looking at him, blinking, in a lower voice, like a squeak.

"And now you tell me?" Korag bugs his eyes out.

"Well, it all happened just yesterday. I barely have time to tell you," I lie.

After the deep sights, he continues, with a strange face: "I knew this would also happen to you," he smiles at me and gives me a tight hug, lifting me. "It seems that little Enigel grew up." After he lets me down, he explains with a bright face: "You know, your sister got through the same thing last month. At least, we are experienced in this. Not to mention our teenage!"

"Whose teenage?" Adrianna gets into the room, wearing her white and fluffy cotton bathrobe, having her hair covered in a big old towel.

"Ours," Korag explains her. "Enigel has a half as well," he laughs.

"Oh, no! Not again," she rolls her eyes and turns back to the bedroom. "At least, you are no longer alone," my stepfather whispers. "You might have me and Adri, but we are not your real parents. I mean, we are not blood-related and, so, we weren't chosen to you by the Great Creator," he explains, seeing my sad face. "Maybe you have your sister, but, even so, she will not stay with you forever," he goes on, getting closer to my ear. "You don't know this from me, but Adrianna has a sister that once betrayed her. Maybe Lynne won't betray you. Maybe you will be the one who will end your sisterhood. Accidents can happen," he lifts his shoulders, getting a little back from me. "And don't forget that I and Adrianna will always love you," he finishes, sitting down on his armchair. "So? Since you've asked me to slap you, this means that you are in the stage of feeling the physical things that your half is experimenting with and the other way around, doesn't it? But what did he do?"

"You'd better don't know," I facepalm. "Just slap me. Hit me. Punch me," I beg him.

Just make it stop!

"But I don't wanna hurt you. Again, what did he do to you since you wanna make him feel pain? Have you already found out who he is?" "No, but, trust me, it's better this way." "Lynne?" he turns to my sister who has been standing in the doorway all this time.

"I know nothing, father. I promise," she lowers her head, fixing her pink and fluffy slippers.

"I won't touch you. And I believe you sister won't too"

"Adrianna!" I burst out of the living room, huffing to the parent's bedroom, where I could find her. "I know you can't wait to do this. So, please slap me."

Hearing me, she lifts her gaze from the crystal glass of the reading table only to tell me this: "Maybe I get on well with you for Korag's sake, but it doesn't mean that I hate you. Also, as you may know, my standards are so high that they can't get to a lower position so I could act as you wish."

If I can't let my parents and sister slap me, I have to ask somebody else to do it. I can't ask Rodrigo to do this, because he loves me too much to hurt me.

But I know someone who can do it: Ryzen. He would beat me with no hesitation. He hates me so much, that he would do it everywhere at any time.

I go straight away to Lynne, who was still in the living room with Korag and ask her to borrow me her crystal communicator. I'm more than sure that she still has stored in it Ryzen's contact line. I haven't even let her answer, grabbing from her hand the little paralelipipedic flat transparent device and scroll through the contact lines from the archive until I found his name lighting there. I touch onto the blue-white symbols and wait for the connection to be made.

"Hey! What are you doing? Who are you searching for?" Lynne runs behind me, who I hurry to my bedroom and loudly close my door, locking it with a press of a metal button. "Hello, Ryzen! It's me your dearest enemy," I greet, pushing my back against the door. "I have an offer!"

"Enigel, what are you doing there?" his voice barks from the device speaker. "Anyways, keep your thoughts to yourself! My standards are too high to listen to a poor chica like you. It seems that I have to block this line as well… But where did you get my contact line from? Are you there to make fun of me? Ha, ha, you fool! You thought you could put me under a bad light?"

"You haven't even listened to my offer!" I roll my eyes. "Please, I beg you, listen to me, just for this time!" I cry.

"What would I get in change?" "You will finally do to me what you have always desired to." "How so?"

"I searched for you because I wanted you to beat me."


"Me. To beat you. To hit you. To punch you. To slap you. Is this correct?" He explains jerky.

"Yes, with all my heart, yes!" I shout right into the crystal object. "Meet me at Bellugia Park, at the eastern gate in half an hour. It's no joke. I promise."

"Why should I believe you? Why would you want me to beat you?"

"Because I deserve it, you dumb ass!"

"How ironic!" he ends the connection.

Right after this, I grab my everyday dark-colored jeans and a random white T-shirt with short black sleeves, along with my red sneakers, and hurry to the front door, bursting out of it. The park was not even fifteen minutes away from me and even if I told him to meet me in half an hour, I run to the park, because I truly wanted my soulmate to be slapped, somehow, by me.