
the crossfire

Tawakalitu_Adejumo · Teen
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5 Chs


she picked up the little comb with her dirty hands ,she was happy she finally laid her hand on something beautiful.

phoebe raised it above her head and smiled before tucking it in her stuffy pocket.she had to head home really fast .she turned back to pack the remaining flowers that was yet tobe sold and walked steadily with her short chubby legs .her instincts were right, she had know when she woke up in her little attic that she will find something beautiful.

'urgh!people throw out valuable things. rich dudes!' she snarled with an eye roll.she met teenagers of her age coming from school with their backpack strapped to their back but none say hi.well,that is not her concern right now,she need to get home quickly.

phoebe,a vibrant 18 year old lady or adult,should we say? her appearance would have made one think she was horn in the 60's buy she very much lived in the 21st century.she had grew up in a small town in texas with her mother.yes!her mother,she was the mystery in her life .her mother would batter and maltreat her little body. don't be mistake ,she was the one that bore her ,she was mistaken at first too but they gat the same blonde hair and blue eyes. initially, she think and brood about the pain her mother had caused her but with time she gat adapted to the pain

"you are a mistake!"are the words she loathe so much and her mother wont hesitate at anything to rub it on her face but was it her fault? she should be the one to question her mother and not vice versa. there is surely light at the end of the tunnel.

she entered the house and saw her straddling with a man.well,she had grown to adapt her mother flock with different men.she knew well than to genuflect so she just passed and slipped into the kitchen.none of them noticed her petite body enter the kitchen.she started preparing dinner.

after she was done she walked to the living room,the man had left,she assumed that since she met her alone watching the t.v .she beckoned to her that food was ready while she gave back a scoff.

she retired to her small attic with her food .she had named the place her ' little heaven' that place had brought warmth and solitude to her. sometimes,she would picture her life like the popular Cinderella Disney story but will she ever find her prince charming?

after she was done with her dinner,she did the dishes and gave the money she made from the flower business to her mother without leaving a dime.she wouldn't dare!

she was returning back to her room when she heard a loud thud!,she turned back swiftly. initially,she was confident but it dwindled when she saw a rough hand grabbed her mother's neck,she sneaked to a corner she is terrified. she covered her mouth with widened eyes .who could it be? what will happen? were all the questions running through her troubled mind but she was too scared to think of a suitable answer.

then the person turned and met her gaze,she stiffened and let out a muffled noise.