
The Crossbreed

For as long as I can remember I've hidden my true self. I've learned from my past and now know not to trust anyone with my secret. But after years of hiding, I've been given no choice but to show the truth about me. This small town in Maine is about to have a hybrid on its doorstep... {Synopsis} - After staying hidden for over a hundred years James decided to go to Mystic Falls to investigate his mother's murder, once he got there he found something out about the case and himself that he just couldn't believe. My Instagram is @blaze3xx you can reach me there for any questions or comments on the writing. Also, the book cover was made by @v.sm_morgenstern

Blaze3xx · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Mystery Vamp

"Man, I'm so tired of traveling all around the world, aren't you?" Derek said to James

"Alright well, how about all of us take the night to get some sleep and regroup to talk about a plan in the morning?" James said to everyone

He looked around at everyone and all of them shook their head yes.

The brothers and Verona made their way to a hotel, James was more quiet than usual.

"Are you alright bro?" Derek asked

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking," James responded

"Thinking about what? Let's talk about it." Said, Derek

"Nah, I'm good," Responded James

"Let me guess, you're thinking about Kayla."

James looked at Verona with a smirk on his face but didn't respond.

"You have yourself a little crush huh brother?" said Derek

James responded saying, "It doesn't matter whether I do or not, that's not what we should be worried about we need to focus on going to New Jersey and finding this man Kayla said has the information that we're looking for."

"Throwing yourself into your work are you?" Asked Verona

Derek stopped the car looked at James and said, "No, no I will not allow you to just throw everything into your work as a way of distracting you from going after what you desire, you did the same thing as a kid. You would pick up little hobbies, things you've never even had a little bit of interest in just to use them as a distraction from what matters to you. Why do you do that? Why won't you allow yourself to be happy?"

"Listen brother after all of this, after we deal with this pack of some of the most powerful creatures in the world I will do everything in my power to be happy with Kayla, would that make you happy?" responded James

"Yes," Derek said with a smile on his face

"I'll do everything in my power to help you complete this mission of love, if you ever need any advice or any questions I'll be happy to help," Verona said to James

James looked at her and said, "Thank you, I'll hold you to that, can we go to the hotel now?"

Derek started the car and drove to the hotel.

Once they got there everyone exited the car and made their way to the front desk, "I need two rooms." Said, Derek

"Two?" Asked Verona with a confused look on her face.

"Yeah two, I don't want to see you guys getting your freak on. I just want to sleep tonight and prepare myself for whatever craziness tomorrow brings us."

James took his room key and went towards the elevator, "you guys can take the stairs."

He went upstairs to his room, made his bed, took a shower, and just sat on his bed staring at his phone screen with the contact name "Kayla" on it. He wanted to message her but he hesitated out of fear.

Derek and Verona were in their room dancing and blasting music, James used his vamp strength and threw her onto the bed before using his vamp speed to take off his clothes. "Oh come on that's my favorite part, I like to unclothe my sexual part myself." Said, Verona

"Oops." Replied Derek

The two started to make out while Verona slowly unclothed herself.

*boom boom*

"Oh come on right when things were about to get good," Verona said

"James Is that you knocking at my door?"

*No response*

Derek checked the door and no one was there.

"No one's there it's just someone messing with us." "Let's just go to sleep, baby." Said, Verona

Derek walked over and laid down on the bed to cuddle Verona until the both of them eventually fell asleep.

The next morning Derek was woken up by the sound of a notification from his phone. He got up and went to see what the notification was but while getting up from the bed he woke Verona.

"Who are you on the phone with babe?" Asked Verona

"It was just Kayla texting me saying that she's ready to go to New Jersey."

"Start getting dressed and I'll go and tell James to get ready."

Derek walked To James' room and knocked on the door. *No answer* he knocked once more and still got no response. "James?" "James I know you can hear me, if you aren't ready to go yet just tell me and I'll give you the rest of the day to get yourself together.

Derek still got no response so he just decided to call. He took out his phone and saw messages from Verona telling him to hurry and make his way back so they could leave.

While walking back to the room Derek called his brother and asked where he was, "I'm in the car with Kayla, we're on our way to the airport." Said, James

"Airport? What do you mean you're on your way to the airport, you just left without us?" Derek Replied

"Yeah I left without you guys so I could get some alone time with Kayla, you said I should go for it right?"

"Alright, well call me if anything happens we'll be on the next flight to New Jersey ASAP." "Also, text me the address of the place we're all meeting up at."

Derek hung up the phone, walked into his hotel room, and told Verona to grab the bags and start leaving. "Where's James?" She asked

"My little brother is on his way to New Jersey right now with a little witch, trying to work his magic. We'll meet them at a certain address once we get there."

James and Kayla arrived at the airport, "So Kayla is there anything I should know about this friend of yours before we just show up on his doorstep?"

"Let's see, he's paranoid, he's probably the strongest vampire I've ever met, he attacks first and asks questions later and he also doesn't trust anyone." She replied

"If he doesn't trust anyone then how do you know where he lives," James asked

"I might've had something going on with him a couple of years ago, that was before I even knew what he truly was though."

"The planes here, grab the bags, and let's go."

"All of them?" Asked James

"Yes all of them, you're a vampire you got it."

Meanwhile, Derek and Verona were on their way to the airport.

"So do you think this thing will go well?" Asked Verona

"Which part? My brother trying to get into the little witch's pants or the part where we are just showing up on a vampire who we know nothing about doorstep?" Replied Derek

Verona looked at him with a confused look on his face and said, "The vampire part."

"Well I'm hoping everything goes well but if not then we'll just torture him to get whatever information we need and afterwards kill him."

Verona shook her head and replied, "Okay I guess."

"Where are you going? The airport's that way."

"We aren't taking a plane, we'll just drive and spend a little bit more time together before we walk into a potential warzone," Derek said with a smirk on his face.

James and Kayla had just landed so he took his phone out of his pocket and called Derek, "We're in Jersey, where are you? He asked

"We're on our way, I'm driving to you instead of getting on a plane just go and get some sleep and we'll all meet up tomorrow morning," said Derek

James told Kayla what was going on so they decided to go and get a hotel room.

"The thing between you and the mystery vamp is over right?" Asked James

"Yes, it is don't worry you don't have any competition." Replied Kayla

The two looked at each other and smiled. They booked their room and went to bed early so they wouldn't be tired for whatever would come the next day.

The next day James woke up to his phone ringing, he looked at the phone and it was Derek calling. "Hello?" "Rise and shine brother it's time to go and meet our mystery vamp, me and Verona are in front of you guys' hotel so hurry up and get down here."

James got out of bed and went over to Kayla he tapped her and said, "My brother's outside get up and get ready to go."

"What time is it?" Asked Kayla

"It's nine o'clock in the morning" responded, James

"Nine? Jesus, don't you guys think it's too early to just pop up on someone's doorstep asking questions?"

"Nope it's not too early at all now get up and let's go, we have a long day ahead of us."

Kayla got her things together and the two left the hotel, both she and James joined Derek and Verona at a park not far from there.

Once they all met up they came up with a plan, "Alright so Kayla and I will go and see if anyone's home while the two of you wait in the car." Said, Derek

"What? Why? No way in hell!" James responded

"It's okay James I'll go just watch my back." Said, Kayla

"What do you mean watch your back? You don't trust me to protect you? Don't worry James I won't let your little girlfriend get hurt I promise."

Derek and James looked at each other for about a minute, James trying to figure out whether he trusts his brother enough to let Kayla go with him and Derek hoping that James will give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Alright go ahead let's just get this over with," James said

"Take care of my little brother," Derek said to Verona

"Take care of him? He's the hybrid he should be taking care of me."

Derek and Kayla approached the front door, it had to be the biggest house on the block, it looked like there used to be a garden of flowers and vegetables in the front but someone had stopped taking care of them a while ago. There were at least five cars in the driveway and there were so many windows in the house there had to be at least ten rooms.

"Let me do all the talking." Said, Kayla

Derek looked at her and said, "What do you mean? I'm supposed to just stand there and listen to you guys blabbing on and on? No, we will get straight down to business."

Kayla knocked on the door lightly and waited for a response while waiting, she and Derek talked. "Why do you like my brother?" She looked at him and ignored the question. "You don't you? You're just saying you do so you'll have someone with power by your side." Kayla looked at him and said, "How dare you? How dare you accuse me of using him for his power you don't know me and it's none of your business as to why I have feelings for James now stay in your place and be quiet."

Derek banged on the door screaming," Come on man we don't have all day just open the door already." "Don't do that Derek you don't know how he will react." "I don't care how he will react we need to hurry this thing up." He said with a frustrated look on his face.

*Whoosh* *Crack* The mystery vamp snapped Derek's neck and took in the house. "Derek!?" "Derek, where are you?" "Hello, Kayla." Kayla turned around and saw the vampire, "Hi you remember me right? We were the best of friends a couple of years ago."

"Yeah I remember you vividly, the question is why have you shown up on my doorstep after all these years?"

"My friends and I have some questions for you and then we'll be on our way."

"There's more of you?" "How many more?" "Answer me!" He grabbed her by the throat and said "Call them and tell them to come inside."

Kayla called James and told him to come in.

James went in and saw him holding Kayla her neck. "Let her go." Said, James. "Let her go or I will kill you." James hissed at the vampire just to show that he was a hybrid.

"Hahaha," The Vampire chuckled and said, "you don't scare me." He hissed back at James and his eyes were a mixture of orange and yellow. "I'm a hybrid too and I'm a lot more powerful than you are." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Who are you and where is my brother?" Asked James.

"Your brother is taking a nap and I'm Blaze, I'm your worst nightmare."