
The Crimson Tale of Conquest

Volume1 Origins: We've all heard of the Hero's Journy, but what about the opposite? With Silver hair and Crimson eye's, Lucilla Crimson would be feared across the world. But before she was known as a ruthless Empress, she was but a lone girl named Ruby. A girl that spent nine years of her life raised in a Labatory as one of their Lab Rats. After escaping Ruby will set out to find what her purpose in life is, with her adoptive family, while searching for her mother. -- -- -- Volume2 Journy Begins: Still Writing, will have a synopsis when done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first Novel. Thank you to anyone who decides to read this, and I hope you enjoy it. And thanks to my sister for doing the Cover Art. Her Insta: notagood_hunter922

Wild44Writer · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 6: Escape the Lab

--Hero's POV--

I stood on the deck of the air ship, watching it touch down in the city of Prosperty. Rumor has it the founder of the city was an OtherWorlder like me. Lady Prosperty founded this city before the people of this world cared to document or find OtherWorlder's. That means her identity as one is only a popular theory.

"Sir Jason," a black haired woman called out, "We are ready to move immediately when we land. The Knight Captain just wants to go over some final details with you before we move out."

"haaahh, let him know I'll be right there." I said to her.

Giving a small nod to the woman walked away, presumably to the Knight Captain. May is one of three women in my party. A capable swords woman that the Church found. But that's the problem. It's been 143 years since I was summoned to this world. and no matter what, the Church always makes sure I have a 'Hero's Party' around me. Mostly made up of women and the occasional guy thrown in from time to time.

When I was younger, I found this pleasing, but now that I'm older, I find it kinda disturbing. At least they aren't teenagers. Anyway, the 'Hero's Party' is probably only meant to keep an eye on me, especially since I've been slowly getting weaker in recent years.


[Name: Jason Grey]

[Tittle: Hero]

[Class: Hero]

[Lv: 800]

[Stats: ]

{MP: 15,000 | Chi: 10,000 | AP: 5,000}

{Str: 10,000}

{dex: 5,700}

{int: 8,600}

{Con: 9,500}

I sighed, looking at my stats. I'm still considered one of the strongest people in this world. But I'm also known as the weakest hero in history and the longest living. Heroes are known to die young, so I can be considered quite lucky. Doesn't change the fact that I'm old and weakening, though. The higher-ups probably want to replace me.

Sighing, I turn towards Where the Knight Captain is. "Guess It's time to get to work."


We found the Lab somewhere west of Prosperty City deep underground. I took the lead, leaving everyone else behind to charge into the Lab. Going over the blueprints of the place in my head, I blasted through the walls. I was aiming for the test subjects' rooms.

Some people tried to get in my way, but they didn't even pose a challenge for me. One of the guards charged at me, but getting a little annoyed with all these weakling, I channeled a little more Chi in my attack than I planned and punched him through the wall next to me. Woops.

I wasn't planning on going in that direction, but looking through the dust, I saw four figures standing there mouth agape. Weird, unlike the others, they aren't charging straight at me. I couldn't see them properly because of the dust, but when it cleared, I was pleasantly surprised. Both targets were here.

Dr. Vancer and even the so-called monster girl. The girl didn't look at that well, slumped over the shoulder of that undead like a sack of flour. But that didn't really matter at the moment. Here were both targets, just sitting there together. That makes my job so much easier.

"The Hero."

As if that snapped them out of their daze, the Raven masked person slipped the football sized Crystal into their jacket. They lifted up their hands with two glowing magic circles engraved into their gloves. My reaction was slow. By the time I started to move, the raven masked person touched their hands to the ground.


"Gah!" I got hit in the face when a large stone wall erupted from the ground. It didn't cause any damage, but it did stun me for a second. Enough for the Raven mask one to get a decent head start. *Sigh* I hate it when they run.


--General Pov--

Dangling from the Undead fighter's shoulder, Ruby was barely conscious. Her vision was hazy and dark, barely able to see the Hero's figure running after them after breaking through the stone wall Sable put up. Dr. Vancer was running somewhere nearby as well. His bloody scent grows stronger thanks to his panic and fear.

Looking to her right, Ruby saw the other undead carrying Yuki. Completely unconscious. She tried to reach out to the girl but couldn't. she was hardly able to move. Moving her attention back to the figure running after them, she noticed they were gaining on them. Fast.

"I don't think so."

Sable pulled something from their pocket before tossing it towards the Hero. Noticing this Jason quickly used their sword to swat it out of the way. In doing so a large wave of water was summoned and crashed on top of him.

"What the!?" Holding his ground, Jason was able to stop himself from being washed away, but that gave the people in front of him time to get even further away. "Uhg, I hate chasing people. [Flash Step]."

Suddenly, Jason was directly next to Ruby. Caught off guard by this, Ruby looked at him with wide eyes. Jason quickly swung his sword in her direction. The Silvered haired girl watched in slow motion as the sword came closer towards her.


Once again, the Hero was blocked by the raven masked person. Holding what looked to be a solid black staff. Jason was now annoyed. They weren't causing any damage to him, but the constant interruptions were going to be a problem. He needed to get rid of this obstacle first.

Charging at Sable, Jason swung his sword in a very telegraph swing while he channeled Chi into his feet. Sable used their staff to Knock the swing out of the way and was caught off guard when the Man in front of him threw a Chi enhanced kick their way. Barely dodging out of their way, the raven masked Necromancer lost their footing.

Taking advantage of that Jason channeled Arcane Power into his palm, "[Holy Flash]." A blinding light filled the hall, and using this chance Jason quickly slashed into Sable's abdomen. The Necromancer very quickly distancing himself from Jason, with far more agility than one would expect after being injured in such a critical point.

'Weird. Not only can they still move well, they also didn't make any sound when hit.' Jason thought.

Noticing this oddity Jason didn't pursue the Necromancer. Observing them Jason noticed that there was what seemed to be smoke or steam rising from the Sables body. The spell Jason used is just a big flash bang type of spell to blind his enemies, but there is an added effect that he doesn't use often. The Holy effect. The effect in the spell isn't very strong, but it does have enough power to slow down the undead. and if they are strong enough they only thing it will do is make them smoke a little.

"An undead? I've never seen this before. How are you making such complicated actions without commands?" Jason asked. "And don't give me the silent treatment I heard you speak earlier."

"Why would I give away my secrets so easily? " Sable taunted.

"Guess I'll just have to find your real body." With that the fighting resumed.

While Hero and Necromancer faced each other, Dr. Vancer and the undead fighter carrying the girls turned a corner. Without warning the undead fighters stop moving. Dr. Vancer not expecting this almost trip on himself trying to stop.

"What are you doing!?" He hissed. "We have to keep moving!" In his panic Dr. Vancer never questioned why the Hero was able to use magic in the facility.

Not responding to the Doctor the fighters just stood there. Ruby whose own mental haze was starting to lift was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. That's when she felt someone's blood scented hands touch her.

"Fine I'll just carry her myself. Let. Go. Of. Her. You stupid zombie!"

'Gross, gross, gross.' The revulsion that went through Ruby's body was the strongest feeling of rejection she has ever felt before. Since she has equated this day as the day she will escape, the part of her that was suppressing her disgust weakened significantly.

"Get... your hands... off me." Ruby said, struggling to finish that one small sentence.

"Shush." With that one simple command the magic collar on Ruby activated.

Unable to speak or make any noise Ruby tried her best to make her tired body move. While Ruby struggled the undead suddenly started moving again. Placing Ruby on the ground the Undead grabbed the collar around her neck. The other one doing the same with Yuki.

"Hey! Stop that!" Dr. Vancer said, attempting to pull the fighter off of Ruby with little to no success.

The Silver haired girl on the other hand was still attempting to move her body, or even just speak. She didn't really pay attention to the bloody doctor at this point. But through sheer will Ruby was starting to gain control of her body bit by bit.

*Crack* "NNNNNNGGG!"

Cracks started to form on the Slave Collar around her neck, allowing her to make noise. She couldn't speak yet, but it was a good first step. Both Ruby and Dr. Vancer was so focused on their individual task, neither of them noticed the two sets of foot steps approaching them. As the steps got closer the more force the fighter put into breaking the collars.


Judieth and Morella watch the scene in front of them for a few seconds. The red headed Doctor then punched Dr. Vancer with a stone covered fist. After knocking him out, Judith riffled through their pockets a bit before pulling out a key. SHe used the key on the collar around Morella's neck first before she quickly moved over to Yuki. The undead fighter moved out of their way to let Judieth use the key on the collar around the demon girl's neck aswell.

"Okay Ruby your turn." Judieth said turning to see two Crimsons eyes silently staring back at her.

Ruby became aware of The Doctor and Nymph after they clocked Dr. Vancer, but she couldn't help but be a little bewildered at their sudden appearance. Even though she felt that way she was still glad they showed up anyway. Just as the red headed Doctor moved next to her they suddenly stopped.

"Ah shit." The very next moment after Judieth said that, a very battered Sable, or the undead puppet known as Sable, flew into view, haven been thrown. "Okay. It's time to move! Here, take this, and drink it." She then gave Ruby a bottle full of light green liquid.

The undead fighter once again picked up Yuki and Ruby, but this time, they carried them in their arms. Everyone started running down the hall, Sable following behind. Ruby popped the cork on the bottle and downed the contents inside. Her body suddenly felt energized. Quickly hopping out of the undead's arms, she started running on her own.

'I don't know what she just gave me, but this is much better than being carried.' Ruby thought to herself.

Next to her, Judieth started channeling arcane power, chanting and forming a magic circle in front of her. In a matter of seconds, she finished her spell, and turning around, she activated the spell in the direction of the Hero, who was once again giving chase. Dozens of large pillars started filling the hall, much more powerful than when Sable made the wall of earth earlier.

"What in the world!? Hey! Get back here!" Jason shouted after he was almost crushed by a stone pillar.

"That should hold him for a bit. Follow me!" Saying that Judieth started running again.

Following the Doctor through the facility, she eventually stopped in front of a nondescript wall. Placing her hands on the wall, she poured Mana from her hand into the wall. A secret passage slowly reveled itself. She motioned everyone inside before closing the entrance behind them. Everyone then walked down the short hallway into a small room barely big enough to fit everyone.

"Okay, just hang in there for a little longer." Taking a crystal out of her pocket and crushing it in her hands, she let the crushed crystal fall to the ground. "Teleport!"

With the sudden sensation of floating, Ruby's vision went black.

First Chase and Fight scene. Never wrote those before in my life. So this is kinda a test to see what i did right and wrong. If you want, tell me how bad I am and what I did wrong.

Thank You.

Also dont think to much about the stats in this chapter. they are 100% just a place holder since I didn't want to do math.

Wild44Writercreators' thoughts