
The Vermillion World

The plains are laden with blood. Abominations and monstrosities battle and fall ,Creatures that should not exist roam the world and life faces danger.

Each entity composed of several beings that shall never belong together being stitched together into the most atrocious of flesh,the deadliest of flesh and the most inhumane of flesh.

The silhouettes of men fight against them, giving up everything to survive a little longer,to live a little longer and to protect just a second more. Yet they all fall inevitably and join the ranks of their enemies.

A shrill voice rings out "save ... meeee" the last words of the warriors ring out forever and now they fight against their own former kin.The voice echoes out and each monstrosity calls out a call for help,all to lure in more pawns.As the last of the beings fall,the only sound heard is that of a ear shattering echo,all calling for help.

The world repeats this rhythm endlessly. All the world is covered with blood-red skies as though the deaths have seeped into the air itself.

An endlessly occuring, repeating cycle showers the blood with its existence and each being continues to fight caring not for others but only for its own survival . Fighting so it may live, each animal fights whilst depending only on its own survival and they continue battle caring not for another's survival.

Even the monstrosities die at the hands of humanity but they are soon replaced and humanity continues to crumble,ever slowly the dread of death befalls the soldiers and makes them stumble and fall and soon death embraces their souls but their bodies remain the victory spoils of the creatures


Even in this dire and grim scenario, humanity continues to survive. Each human placing their hope with the next . Humanity continues fighting back becoming better with every drop of its life. Creating bases throughout the world and advancing technology to grip on to the hope of surviving .Each of these bases connected together and fighting back .In one of these bases, humanity's greatest hope lies and continues its own existence.

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