
The Crimson God-Slayer In The Omniverse: Samael Solomon

A young handsome man by the name of [Samael Solomon] from one of the many Multiverses with super-powered humans tries to get superpowers from unknown nuclear waste and energy and dies blowing himself leaving him in the void of nothingness where he meets the All-Mother Goddess Shub-Niggurath who gives him three wishes in her own odd way. --- Samael," All I have done and all I ever will do is to keep moving forward while piercing through anything that stands in my way! Gáe Bolg Alternative!!!" ~~~~~~ [Disclaimer: This is a side project I will be writing whenever I feel like it or in the mood to write this. Furthermore, this counts as a wish-fulfillment Fanfic for me, so if you don't like it then bugger off. However if you do stick around then I welcome you to my Hell known as my Imagination, let's have fun mmmkay~?] ~~~~~~ PS." I don't own anything other than my OC's and original ideas." ------ PSS." I write for my own personal enjoyment and pleasure when I get some free time in between my job so if I don't update then you know why."

Astolfo69 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter - [3] - Rewards~! The Night King!?!

[Question Of The Chapter: First Anime you ever watched? ]


After showing the greatest known as Anime to Solomon, Samael appeared back on his throne bored out his mind. However, realizing something an unusual smile crept its way to his face.

' System use all my rewards.' What better to cure his boredom than get even more powerful than he is already.

「My Lord are you sure you want to use - Random Angel From Date A Live Token/ 1 Random Loot Box/ 1 Random Gacha Token - all at once?」

' I'm sure.' If FGO hasn't taught him anything, then he knows oh-to well to not get his hopes up, less he wants to go down that rabbit hole known as Gacha once again.

「 Affirmative~ Best of luck to you, My Lord~!


You Obtained - [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract] from the 1 random Gacha Token: The Demon's Extract is an Elemental-type Teigu from the reality known as Akame Ga Kill! that gave its you the ability to instantly freeze anything by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms, meaning they effectively make things colder, ranging from slightly chilly levels to absolute zero. Furthermore, you can also generate and manipulate ice as it's been a part of your very soul since you came into existence.


[History]: Demon's Extract was created using the lifeblood of a super-class beast that lived in the Northern parts of The Empire. It was sealed off from all other Teigu due to the danger it posed to its user, as all who drank it went insane afterward. 


[Abilities]: It was speculated by Najenda to be the strongest of all the Teigu. Its physical form was a chalice of blood, and once the blood was consumed, a tattoo appeared on the user's body. Esdeath assumed that the amount of blood that the user drank determined their level of power. Demon's Extract couldn't be removed once applied, and it also had a dangerous side effect: it caused the user to hear voices that drove them mad if they didn't possess a strong enough will to resist them. The user is able to completely freeze anything in an instance and is able to summon and manipulate ice, even without a nearby water source, the user is also rendered completely immune to harm from any temperature.


You Obtained - [Red Dragon Sword] from the 1 Random Loot Box. The Red Dragon Sword was created from the greatest Warlock known - Leylin Farlier.

Sword Length: 91.5cm.

Gender: Female.

Sword Weight: 2512g.

Sword Materials: Unknown Red Dragon Bones, Unknown Dragon Scales, Unknown Refined Metal.


[Abilities]: This is a sword made with materials from a Legendary Red Dragon. Based on the categorization of most worlds, it has entered the ranks of legendary items! This item has a terrifying sharpness and the ability to pierce through most armors. In the face of this sword, most defenses are frail. The blade also seems to have mysterious unknown magic that thirsts to drink the scalding blood of her enemies making her Master stronger. Soon say this sword possesses the deceased Dragon's soul in it, waiting for a way to come to life again. Others say this evil draconic sword amasses and traps its dead enemies' souls for its endless amount of leisure and entertainment.


You Obtained - [Kerubiel] from the Random Angel From Date A Live Token.


[Abilities]: Kerubiel is capable of launching numerous blasts of energy from every direction. Additionally, it can fire golden wheels as projectiles. Furthermore, Kerubiel can respond to its Master on a subconscious level, meaning the Master has to have a lot of control of their feelings to not accidentally blast a city for waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Kerubiel is very durable, taking numerous hits from Tohka and the others in their sealed form and not being damaged by a direct attack from Fraxinus' Mystletainn. Additionally, it can summon a small sphere that turns into a cage upon being in close contact with its target. The cage can regenerate itself unless the core is broken. Kerubiel can assume a large drill-like form. In this form, it is capable of charging a large blast of energy from its tip. A single blast was enough to wipe out a large region.



When Samael saw his rewards, his mouth twitched possessing one thought,' Fuck, I better not become dense like most of those anime OP Harem protagonists. Oh, and there goes the flag...'

Putting these odd thoughts aside, for now, Samael suddenly changed positions into an even more lazy position as his eyes flickered every now and then.


Only after a good four hours of lazing around did Samael mumble," Let's have some fun.'

Making up his mind, Samael disappeared and reappeared to an open grass plain as far as the human eye can see.

Following this, a golden chalice materialized in front of Samael floating harmlessly. Appearing next to the chalice is a blood-red demonic long sword with a crimson demonic eye at its hilt. Lastly, fluttering down the havens is a pair of golden massive Angel wings landing on his left.

Looking at his rewards, Samael's chuckled a little too chilling and alarming.

Then without hesitation, Samael seized the golden chalice and opened it. Likewise, after opening it, he started drinking the mysterious dark purple liquid in it.

Only did he stop not feeling anything come out of the chalice. Similarly, the golden chalice disappeared having done its one job.

Licking his lips an unusual expression made its way to Samael's face,' Huh? Didn't Esdeath say something along the lines of " The amount of blood that the user drank determined their level of power,"...? Meaning I'm a broken person who drunk it all while at the same time finding the taste very good?' From what he could tell, the liquid In the chalice tasted like grape soda on steroids. Truly, Samael doesn't think Demon/Danger Beast blood should taste like that. In all honesty, he was surprised as hell when one drop landed in his mouth and not wanting to throw up immediately. No, what surprised him more was it smelled and tasted like grape fucking soda, the same type of soda he drinks for late nights at his laboratory ever night!


Suddenly out of nowhere a horrible and unbearable pain assaulted his chest. It felt like someone dropped him naked in the coldest pits of hell as they slashed and stabbed him over and over again at his chest with a very sharp weapon.

Every second that sharp weapon pushed deeper into his chest at a very slow pace.

" K̵̢̢̛̼̰̤̥̜̭̯͎̥͍̎̍͘͜i̶̱̖̓͛̎̐̅̾̑̆̀l̴̨̰̦͉̦̝̮̪̳͎̦̙̙̦̙̈́̈̋̎ͅl̸̢̨̛̹̙̮̣̿̀͊̔̐͑̈́̈́͒͛̋͜͠!̶̝̦͍͙͔̤͍̦̭͈̯̱̘̐͊͒̈́̏̉͜ͅ ̸̣̫͍̜͙͉̉̃̀̍̄̀̂̄͐͌̌͌̔͜͝͝ͅK̶̥̩̙̭̘̗̻̼̥͓͖̮̼͐̂̍̏͛̄͗i̵̹̥̼̤̜͇̣̿́͐͛̑̅̈̾́̔̆̄̾̽̕͝ͅľ̸̢̢͕̮̳͉̪̂̈́̈́̌͘͠l̴̢̺̝̓͂̔̓͋̓͌̃̈́̐̕͜͜͝!̴̡̭̬͚͋̓̄̋͐͛̀̽̓̑̑̐̎̚͝͠͠ ̷̢͕̞̮̹͔̻̼̲͔̥̮̭̤̫̈́͗̕Ķ̴̮̪̜̭̣̖͕̏͑͜i̷̢͔̭̯͙͓̋̀ľ̴̡̜̝̦̖͚̦̣̞̟̗͉̭̔̔͂̅͐͑̾͊͊͘͠ͅl̷̢̙̖͚̝̹͕͈̻̹̓̄͛͒̏͗͒͋̾̈̾͝͝͝͝ͅ!̵̖̣̼͔͙̣͍̩̏̋̀́̇̑͂̑̏ ̵̡̡̘̬͉̮̥͍̫̠̠͠K̴̢̫͔͔͍͉̠͑̐̓͛̈́̑͊̀̚͜͝͝ì̸̘̯͚̻̳̣̜l̵̨̛͚̖̆͗̏̀͛̌̒͌̈́̏̈̀l̶̢̥̠̫̬̂̑͗̈̋̈͗͂̽̊́̄͊̊̄͘ ̶̛̼̥̯̒̄̓̎̋͑̈́͐́̽̆́̏̎͝͝ë̶͙͚̮͈̬̱̺̟̫̫́͌͌̍̇̕ͅv̵̡̥̹̱̫̩̺̳̰̠̘͉̪̗̟̜̎̄ĕ̵̢̝̤̘͚̋ͅr̵̢̠̼͈̮̱̹̪͊̐̐y̴͙̝͉͂̄̒͐̓̆̀͐͛̃̔̏̏͗̚͝͝t̶͉̦̩͓̦̱͒̌̏̚̚̕͝ḩ̸̳͇͚̳͓̫̗̖͜͝i̸̛̹̇͋͋̈n̸̢̨̢̳̥̼̮̟͓̰̺̭̻͍͍͆̒̿̐̽̊̍̓̈̐́̃͛̈́͠͝ͅg̸̥͇̓̈́͗̈́̔͘͝͠ ̴̧̨͉͚̱̤͉͚̫͓̪̅̓̕D̵̨̹̟̮͛͐̇̈̀́̃́̇̔̈́̊͘͠ą̸̛̦̳͈̪̞̞͚̭͙͓̲̯̼̳͕͉̿̽͆̓͠r̷̻̯͖̈̄͛̕͘l̴̨̯̻̦̺̿̈́̏͘̚͜͝ị̶̫̏̅̌͌͝n̷̜̳͕͙̟̫̞̦̿̄̇̐̊͋ͅǧ̸̡̜̀͛̿̔̄́̒̑̊͗͊̆̍̚͝~̶̦̞̗̣̺̩̘͐̍!̶̢̨̬̫̳͚͇̄̅̒̉̿́̏͌̋͜ ̶̡̼͎͚͙̺͍̪̞̄ͅ"

Not letting Samael rest a mysterious disordered beautiful yet creepy obsession female voice said over and over again right next to him.

" Ķ̷̢̛̭͓̜͚͕̳̭̫̄̊͒̊̏̏́̌ï̵̛̳̭̬̓̔͑̓͌̀͌̓͌͝͝l̸̢̧̬̘̱̜̻̬̤̤̲͎͕͙͒͘ļ̸̨̧̬͍͉͈̰͌͒͝ ̸̛͎̀̑͐͗͑̏̋̏̉͛̓t̵̝̮̳̣̰͔̻̮̽ȟ̸̯̟͎̝͉̣̟̜̾̾̿͂̓̔̑́̍̿̍̒̚͜ͅe̶̦̤̳̹͓͕͎̣̔̉̔͊̇̾̀̎̔̚̕n̸̡͓͇̪̥̺͖̚ ̴͎͉̭̳̬́̑̍́Ḑ̶̛̭͙̯͇̬̖̞̮̮̗͉͖̄͐̇͂̆̀̓͊̃̕͠ą̷̗̘̻̭͔̻͈̬͕̣̳͕͖̑͌͜͠͠r̴̡̛̞͉̼̝̐̿̏̌͑̓͌̍̿̆́̚͝͝ͅl̵̡͉̰̗̻̮̼̰̘̪͕̹̆̂͆͋͒͆͌̍͊̈́͊́̃͝͝͝ḯ̶̡͙͇̘͙̦̺̦̰̊̉̆̀͋̃͂̀̒͆̆̓̅̐̾͜n̴̦̭͉̥͍͑̀g̵̡̛̠̲̝͔͓̹͕̭̪͈̿͐̾͑̇͠ ̷̯̉̊̍̆̎͛̊̃̕t̶̲̫̱͉̺̼̊͆́̈́̇̿̽̀̆̈̅͆̕͜͝͝͝ͅh̷̨͓̖̱̝̖̖̥̤͗ͅē̵̢̛̛̙̗͖͙̖͓̊͋͋̃̐́͂̈́̀ÿ̸̨̝̦̣̱̙̦̯͎̳̘͖̖̈́̐̉̓̾͘͜ͅ ̵͐̃̾͐̄͂̅͘͠h̸̬̱̣̯̜̼̫̠́̂̽̃̊̀́̇͝͠͝ů̷͕͓̠̖̈̍̃̍̇̿̄͛͆͆̿́̑̕̚͜͜ͅŗ̵̜̱̟̜̻̳͍̙̳͉͙͚̠̀́́̉͌̓͒̀̓́͗̇̈́̐͘ţ̸̥̝̬̞̭͍̫̻͓̤̬̼̟͆͂̂̀̍̉̎͑̈́́̕͝ ̸̹͍̣͚͉̝̥̝̼̘̪̉M̸̪̑̋͛̑ẻ̷̩̥̜͈̪̹̭̭͔͇͗̄̑̏̔̉̃̓̔͜͝͠!̸̮͖̻̯̪̪̦͚͍͕͍̮̤̪͔̿͒̀ ̸̰̙͚̩̺́͗̃͋̈͐͜K̸̨̨̧̨̡̨̺̰̣̙͓͚͙̙͔̼̰̏̏͛͑̀͐̐̔͛͛͆̕͠͝͠ḭ̴̡̻̻͖̬͕̲̞͍̮̱͇̜̦̣̒͑͂͋̊͌̓̐̌̕ḽ̸̨̹̟̖̤͎̫͉͓͇̠͚̈͆̋͂̃͌̈́̾̒͌͠ͅͅl̸̡̡̬̭̞̻͈̗̗̺̘͖̖̭͎̲̅̐͗̃̆͒͝!̶̨̖͔͓̞̲͊̈́̿͊ ̴̨͍̤̪̗̪̩̭̿̓̉͂̑͑̏̿̍ͅĶ̵̲͓̪͔̣̤̟̖̫̐͗̈̅̊̀̎̽͂̂̾̏̚͝I̸̡̧͕̰͔̠̥̥̽̎̃́L̶̮͖̗̣̦̣̝͙͎̐͒̓̃̄̍̓͆̄͐͑̃̈́͝͝L̷̟̤̪͑͌͋̉͊͊̕̚͠͝!̶͖͔̦̼̪̯͋̎ͅ ̸̰͓̈́̑̊̂̆͗͗̕̚͘S̷̛͈͌́̑̀̔̽̾̍͗̚͝h̸͉̽̏̓̇̀̔͝ͅo̸͓͙̼͎͖͇̦̓̆̂͜ͅẃ̴̡̧̺̳͙̑̎̍́̐́̿̍̋͜ ̶̢̮̻̪̘͖͈̖͔̠̲͇̮͚̟̝̊̄̿̽̎̐̀̋ţ̸̧̨̫̹͎̩͎̳̰̝̜̯̯̭̆͆̅̌́̈́͝h̸̬̓̓͆͑̋̾͘͘͠e̸̹͇͎̜̗̥̞̋̔̌́̃̏͐̎͊̐͊͘n̵̛̛̫̠͎̋̆̿̉́̽̂̾̀͆̚̕͘ ̷̧̡̳͎͔̹̞̞̞̮̹̣̘̥́̃̆̓I̷̧̨͖͈͔̳͕̭̘̞̍̔̍͂̇̔̍̾͋͊̔̐̎̋͒̕͜͝'̷̢̡̢͙͖̹͉͚͉̗̯̲͖̅̊̐́̆̈̄̾̽̅͊̋̔͘͝ͅm̴͇̘̬͗͂̔͊͂͗͂̀́̄̕ ̸̧̧̧̧̪̞̩͇̝̜̹̪̩̙̗͚̒̈́̑̓ͅB̸̡̢̗̥͈̖̜̭̬̬̲̠͓̠͈̣̱̾̀̾͑̉̉̊̋̒ǎ̷̭̺̟͖̰̹̙̘͕͙̺͎̼̏͜ͅc̴̼̖͚̰̺̬͍̈́͊̇̅̓̈́́̓̐̚̚͘̕͝͝͝ķ̵̺̈́̂̕͝!̵̛̦̯͋̽̇͆̊̃̀́̀̕͘̚͠͝!̸̧̨̨̘̯̙͖̗̻̦̻̳̫̅!̷̧͕͍͕̔̏̋͘͜"


Blasting out of the earth around him is beautiful crystal blue enormous ice spikes. Each ice spike looks the size of a school bus.

Then as if setting off something, the ground around him started turning blue as dark and light blue ice spears and blocks began appearing.


Following all of this, the ice surrounding Samael embarked on a conquest against the earth transforming the very world by him.

Behind Samael, a fortress made out of Ice started taking form shooting to the heavens. With it, humanoid beings came into existence encircling Samael kneeling with their head down.

These humanoid beings appear to be humans with knight armor with glowing blue eyes and frost spikes coming out of their armor.

However, there was one different humanoid being kneeling right in front of Samael. He has a crown made out of ice on top of his head while possessing a unique complex and complicated design running along with it. He wears some sort of blue leather armor holding a Lance created out of ice in his left hand. His right hand glows ever-so demonic purple as a piercing blue eye appears to be embedded in the palm of his hand. The eye itself looks like a regular eye, just with a dark purple pentagram instead of its normal pupil.

""" My Creator!!!"""

Yelling with pure worship and devotion passing that of the old Gods, all the blue Knights screamed out to Samael still looking down at the ground not daring to stare at their Creator.


Still on his standing somehow, Samael waved his hand and said in a heavy voice," Rest My Children!"

Without hesitation, all the blue Knights disappeared in blue particles shooting to Samael's forehead.

And as if someone pulled a trigger, Samael chuckled falling on the pure white snow landing on his back.

" Let me gaze at the clouds for a while, mmkay?"


[**Sometime Later**]


Only after gazing at the clouds for who knows how long, Samael stood up. Feeling good enough, he started breathing in and out slowly taking in the sweet scent of Mother Nature love.

" *Inhale!*-*Exhale!* Haaaah, Nothing beats the heavenly smell of Natural."

Breathing her smell some more in, Samael suddenly smiled," Ok, let's get this show on the road once more~!"

Saying this, he grabbed the demonic-looking crimson. Then as setting off something, the crimson sword began releasing a deep black and red aura.

Facing the full blunt of the aura, all Samael did was a smirk. Following his smirk, an even more dangerous crimson aura flooded out of him that started devouring the other aura.


Obeying the aura, Samael heard a dragon roar full of submission and dread. And with that, the two auras disappeared letting one think if they were even real in the first place.

Still possessing that smirk from early, Samael put the sword in his Inventory for now.

Now looking at the wings, Samael suddenly chuckled," Now~ Please don't give me a hard time? Kay~?"

As if hearing him, the pure golden wings floated and landed on his back gently. Following this, he felt the wings snap on his back creating a pleasant feeling that erupted throughout his body and soul.

Basking in this feeling, Samael suddenly felt a new sensation. It as if something lost came back to him. No rather than that. He can now feel a new understanding of something he knew before but somehow lost it.


Flapping his wings unknowingly, Samael blasted into the air and started flying around like an expert.

Feeling the cold wind hitting his face and wings, Samael laughed happily and delightfully," I'm loving this already~!"


Only after having his full of flying around, did Samael land back onto the ground with a big smile.

Making his wings disappear magically, Samael thought,' Now what to do~?'