
The Crimson God-Slayer In The Omniverse: Samael Solomon

A young handsome man by the name of [Samael Solomon] from one of the many Multiverses with super-powered humans tries to get superpowers from unknown nuclear waste and energy and dies blowing himself leaving him in the void of nothingness where he meets the All-Mother Goddess Shub-Niggurath who gives him three wishes in her own odd way. --- Samael," All I have done and all I ever will do is to keep moving forward while piercing through anything that stands in my way! Gáe Bolg Alternative!!!" ~~~~~~ [Disclaimer: This is a side project I will be writing whenever I feel like it or in the mood to write this. Furthermore, this counts as a wish-fulfillment Fanfic for me, so if you don't like it then bugger off. However if you do stick around then I welcome you to my Hell known as my Imagination, let's have fun mmmkay~?] ~~~~~~ PS." I don't own anything other than my OC's and original ideas." ------ PSS." I write for my own personal enjoyment and pleasure when I get some free time in between my job so if I don't update then you know why."

Astolfo69 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter - [1] - End Only Means A New Beginning

[Question Of The Chapter]: Do you still remember what kind of superpower you wanted to have while you were young?]


" I'm dead right?" A Pure white sphere questioned looking into the void emotionless.

Truly it's not even a question, because he is sure as hell felt that unknown nuclear waste and energy blow him up from the outside and inside out.

In all honesty, he just checking to see if anyone or anything is here with him in this dark void of nothingness.

[•∆• Yes, you are dead •∆•]

And lord and behold, a thousand if not Millions of voices replied back containing male and female voices from every age imaginable... from human common sense.

" Yeah, I kind of guessed...and if you think about it. Trying to gain superpowers from unknown nuclear waste and energy was not the best or brightest idea I had in my 21 years of life."

[•∆• Well at least you did not die from a tractor thinking it was a truck that will take you to another world •∆•]

The voices said with a chuckle and giggle making the pure white sphere shiver.

" Yeah, I guess..."

[Ahem! Well, Samael Solomon as you see you are dead and We are currently in Purgatory while you wait your turn to be reincarnated in a new body.

However! I have a better solution that you will find to your liking and if my sources are corrected you know what it is.]

Hearing the voices the now identified [Samael Solomon] soul form glowed.

' Wait! isn't this the start of all if not most reincarnation fanfics and novels where the MC meets a [R.O.B] or [GOD] and gets a system or gets immediately overpowered in a new world?'

Having this thought, Samael soul form glowed even more brighter.

" Is it something along the lines of Reincarnation and you wanting my karma?"

Then almost immediately after the voice said... happily(?).

[Yes! And maybe yes. But if we are talking about karma then the only karma you have is bad karma.]

" Huh, karma is a thing?... If I had known before I wouldn't possibly experiment on those people and animals. *sigh* Well, as they say 'there's no crying over spilled milk' now is there?" Samael knew that's a lie because he would have done it anyway for his own pleasure and amusement. However, did that voice need to know that? And this voice possible being some sort of God/Goddess is high, meaning if this voice calls him out on his lie, then at least he knows this thing can mind read.

[That is very true. However, you still can trade your 'bad' Karma for a similar not-so overpowered One wish coming from the Wheel Of Reincarnation.

However, don't get too sad, I will throw in two random wishes to my liking with a random world to start you off in~!]

Hearing the voice, Samael chuckled seeing a white and red wheel of fortune appearing in front of him having questions marks on every slot not letting him see what he could get.

[ Just say spin and you know the rest~!]

" Spin."


With sounds of wind blowing around him, the arrow on the wheel of fortune started spinning everywhere... only to stop on a blood-red spear.

With the arrow stopping, it brought about an emotionless mechanical female voice.

「 Ding~! Samael Solomon, you have won - [Incarnation Of Scáthach].


Incarnation Of Scáthach: By being the Incarnation Of Scáthach you will slowly digest Scáthach's powers, skills, talents, memories, experiences. But don't worry you will still be Male. You will just have her signature purple hair and crimson-eyes making you look a long-lost twin of Scáthach」

[ Huh, you got her. Looks like she will get her to wish soon enough.]

With these ominous words, Samael consciousness started slipping away.

However, by some sort of miracle, he let out.

" May I have my benefactor's name?"

[ Ara~ Ara~Yes you may~!]

" Shub-Niggurath, my name is. Be sure to keep it close to you~!"

With the last bit of his consciousness, Samael chuckled as his soul form sparkles a kaleidoscope of colors.

" Ha, just my luck meeting The Black Goat with a Thousand Young, Shub-Niggurath herself."

[ Yes, truly you possess Divine luck to meet me in my own Personal dimension, My only Apostle's~!]

With her farewell, the soul known as Samael Solomon disappeared from the void as a thousand if not Millions of different otherworldly Immortal roars and screeches sends him off waiting for their summons.




Appearing in a kaleidoscope of colors is an extremely otherworldly handsome young man. He has sort purple hair going past his shoulders and blood-red eyes wearing a full-body outfit that highlights his muscular body, with metallic shoulder pads. He seems to hold a long crimson spear that has a complex and complicated design radiating a deep bloody red aura blasting everything around him.

" Huh, I should have known the only person that can kill me is Me."

Hearing this beautiful and elegant voice holding the just right viciousness in it as a battle-hardened warrior should have, the unknown man chuckled as he spins his weapon around perfectly without any difficultly compelling more deep red aura to flood out creating some manner of long sea snake-monster growing around him.

" Yes, the irony is something, Scáthach."

Looking around the unknown man found himself in Japanese temple ruins. Smelling the air he inhaled in ash and burned air while retaining the aroma of blood.

" I see, we're in the Fifth Holy Grail War." Letting this out, the unidentified man smiled seeing a beautiful young woman standing behind his target possessing exceptionally thick thighs, aqua eyes, and long wavy brown hair in a two-side-up hairstyle, which consists of part of her being made into twin-tails tied with black ribbons, while the majority hangs loose. Her clothing consists of a red turtleneck, a black skirt, and long black socks under brown leather flats." Am, I right Tohsaka Rin or would you prefer me, I you call by your Real name~?"

Hearing this, a hollow look appeared on 'Rin Tohsaka's' face, nevertheless, she spoke up bringing back her normal facial expression.

" No, I would prefer you called me by my new name."

Nodding, the anonymous man said looking back at his target.

" Scáthach, Queen of the Land of Shadows, I Samael Solomon has come as you wished. What would you have me do?"

Noticing and recognizing the long crimson spear, Scáthach smiled.

" I see, both of my wishes came true." Saying this, Scáthach dropped her weapon and looked into the now identified Samael crimson eyes, only to end up noticing everlasting loneliness she knows too well." I see, then you mush be like me. Unable to die, and can only wait until the time the World and its outside finally disappear."

Struggling his shoulders nonchalantly and carefreely, Samael can only merely smile hearing how heartbroken Scáthach sounded even though they just meet.

" While you find living forever a curse, I find it a blessing in disguise." Getting closer to his lookalike, a twisted appeared on his face." Different from you, I don't push it away. Different from you, I embraced the darkness and found, We are more than alike." Stopping in front of her, Samael's eyes flickered with an insane amount of mana and Od.

Now only six feet away from Scáthach, Samael mana and Od shaped itself into a bright fiery blue Phoenix that flew in the air crying out its entrance to the world.


Pointing his crimson long spear at his counterpart completely Ignoring the Phoenix, Samael's smile became kind and gentle without a moment's notices.

" As I ask once again: Scáthach, Queen of the Land of Shadows, I Samael Solomon has come as you wished. What would you have me do?"

Staring at Samael something in Scáthach's brain turned. Then as if making up her mind, she said with a pleasant smile as seeing off her lover.

" Kill me. That's my Wish Samael Solomon. Let me see if you can make it happen."

Hearing her wishful tone, Samael flashed a smile as he spins his spear around once more and muttered. " May you have a pleasant rest, My Queen." Following this, Samael soon starting chanting out loud getting into a spear thrusting motion as twisting and suffocating crimson aura expanded from the tip to the rest of the spear. The entire frontal area of Samael was coated in red light as it seemed the sky above changed color.

" Stab and penetrate! Thrust and impale! Gáe Bolg Alternative!"


With the sound of nukes dropping, the world soon knew only the color red as everything surrounding Samael and Rin withered away leaving a barren wasteland that was once known as Fuyuki City.

When the color died down with no Scáthach in sight, Samael walked to Rin who fell down on her knees with tears running down her face.

Crouching down, Samael started smoothly patting her head as he whipped her tears away with his other hand.

" I'm not in the position to say this, but I don't think Scáthach would like seeing you cry. And-"


Without saying anything Rin jumped into his warm and safe embrace as she starts crying her eyes out repeating something over and over again.

" Why, why d-does it hurt s-so much! Even though she told me her w-wish b-b-beforehand was... And at that time I w-was perfectly OK with it, even though I thought it was an odd wish at that time. But after getting to know her I kind of know why what she wanted and why she wanted it. Because to be perfectly honest with you, I would go insane being alone for that long. As anybody would have... So just why does it hurt so-so much!?!"

Seeing and hearing this, Samael just ran his hand on her back smoothly as he hums a pleasant melody letting her hug him. Because he doesn't know another way to help. So he will just perform what his mom did for him when he was sad back in his childhood.

Furthermore, he's not some magical shounen protagonist that knows every question and answers to everything. No, he just a regular human that got himself killed trying to get superpowers from unknown nuclear waste and energy that is sometimes a crazy mad scientist when he gets too worked up about something.