
#4 From A Different Prospect

(Present Day, July 12th of year ****)

//From the perspective of the reincarnated Lady Vera but in a different body, memories, and time prospect//

I abruptly woke up after having a stupid dream of a woman dying.

I see the light shining blindly.

Realizing I had another weird dream, I groaned in annoyance and felt my head throbbing like crazy.

"Ouch. This pain is like a stairway down to Hell. It's bloody painful down to the core." I muttered under my breath.

"Vera! Get up! You're gonna be late for school!" my mother shouted.

Vera? Isn't that like the name of the girl in my dreams too? Are we sharing the same name?

"But Mum! My head is throbbing and spinning like a madman."

I'm indeed not feeling well, but I guess I went overboard with the exaggeration.

"Fine. I'll be there in a moment. I'm still fixing your dad's work attire."

I scanned around my room and it felt.. Not me. Although it's my taste, definitely not me. Or maybe I'm going weird because of a certain dream?

I continued to gawk a picturesque view in front of me.

Something caught my attention—an identification card.

I squinted my eyes as I read the words on it.

Venice Riondo Aurelius J. Smith

Eleventh Grade

Sebastian Johannes University

I was about to read further more, until I heard footsteps coming this way.

I hurriedly slipped into my bed without causing any noise just in time as the door creaked open.


My mum was flabbergasted at my sight.

"What the.. Vera? What happened to you? Why are your eyes glimmering in light blue? What happened to your hair? Why is it curly and in a bit dark shade of blue green?"


"Mum, why are you bombarding me with questions?" I asked her, confused.

"Your short and golden locks are now long and in a dark shade of blue green. You even got your bangs longer! Your black eyes are now light blue in color and are shimmering." she was trembling as she said those words.

"Huh?!" I screeched.

"Anyways, I'll probably go to school now, Mum. I'm feeling a bit better than earlier." I diverted the topic.

"Honey? I'll be going—" my dad stopped his words midway as he gawked at me.

"You looked like.. The person your grandfather once adored." he blurted.

"I don't look like grandmama." I insisted.

'Im not your grandmama, but you looked like me.' a voice whispered.

I mentally shook it off.

"Nevermind. I'll be waiting for you darling. Hurry up, I'll send you to school and fetch you later."

"Oh alright dad. I'll hurry up." I said as they went out of my room with a face I couldn't paint or get a hold of.

But I took that time to take a bath and stare at my reflection.

"Compared to my previous look, I look... different. Beyond than that."

I shook the thoughts out, then continued to dress up.

Bath and brushing? Done.

School uniform? Check.

Identification Card? Check.

My things and schedule? Check.

My glasses? Check.

Everything's fixed from head to toe? Done.

Pretty much, it took me 10 minutes.

Now all I need to do is eat.

So that's what I'm doing right now, eating—whilst they have a space to argue.

"—but Papa needs to know of this!"

"Oh my gosh, Prince! If your dad learns about this, he'll flip! And he'll have to change our surnames again, he'll change his surname again!"

"We cannot phantom what will happen to our daughter if Lady Vera gets ahold of her!"

"Lady Vera is long dead! My goodness, Prince! I am not a direct descendant of Lady Vera Wisteria, but considering my roots, I'm a Wisteria! You know that! And you know that you cannot just disgrace my Lady just like that!"

"Yeah, but considering now, I might have to take over Papa's throne! I can't lose a normal life! I just want to live a normal life, but look at our daughter, Venice! She's tracked down by Lady Vera, or worse, she's the reincarnation of Lady Vera and she'll have to fight Papa! The old man can't carry out a sword anymore. Nor even fight."

I'm already finished with my stuff, but here they are, still arguing.

"Arf arf, bark bark, meow meow. Like hello? Mum, Dad. Shut up. It's all in the past. You don't need to worry at least one bit. I'm me and I have a different battle to carry on with the d*mn Rebecca Frostwood. Also, I'll be running very late if you guys continue to argue."

"Fine, take care both of you. Looks like we'll have a story to tell when you two get back home later." Mum heaved a sigh before shooing us out.

My dad gave me a lift, and wanted to remind me about the sh*t head Rebecca Frostwood.

I pretty much turned on my phone recording, just in case. Cause it's pretty much 100% about the issue yesterday.

Well it goes like this, I got the highest score on exam, especially her subject. She accused me of stealing the key to correction sh*t and planted evidence against me, 'cause all I ever did was lazily stare at her during class discussion.

"Oh and by the way, darling. Tell your Professor Rebecca Frostwood, to suck it up. That's she's dumb and my darling is smart and sly.."

I lifted my eyebrow at him as I waved my phone in front of him.

"Well, yeah. Wait, you're recording?"

"Yeah dad, I don't want to go to school jail or get expelled. Lol." I rolled my eyes at him.

He grinned.

"My princess is indeed sly. But you wouldn't worry getting expelled. And well since you're recording it, let her hear it and the whole class too, maybe put it on speaker. Who cares. She's not even Aphrodite, nor any Deity that could make me or your mum bend to her will. You ain't getting a bad mark, nor getting expelled. I'll have to expose her before that happens. Off you go now and tell her to shut up." he sneered as he handed me a portable on-the-go speaker.

"Okay dad! Thanks."

I flaunted my new look whilst walking down the hallway, towards my first class, well no one's gonna gawk at me since everyone is in their class now.

Rebecca was already lecturing when I stood outside the closed door.

I fished out the small on-the-go speaker and connected my phone to it.

I opened the door with a loud bang, and it revealed me with a demonic grin.

"Oh here comes the cheater! Oh my! She changed the way she looked!" Rebecca sneered.

The whole class giggled.

"Why don't you suck it up Rebecca? Wanna hear something too? Oh my! I should play it already!" I imitated her.

And boy, she was fuming mad whilst the class roared with laughter.

[Oh and by the way, darling. Tell your Professor Rebecca Frostwood, to suck it up. That's she's dumb and my darling is smart and sly..]

[Well, yeah. Wait, you're recording?"

"Yeah dad, I don't want to go to school jail or get expelled. Lol.]

[My princess is indeed sly. But you wouldn't worry getting expelled. And well since you're recording it, let her hear it and the whole class too, maybe put it on speaker. Who cares. She's not even Aphrodite, nor any Deity that could make me or your mum bend to her will. You ain't getting a bad mark, nor getting expelled. I'll have to expose her before that happens. Off you go now and tell her to shut up.]

The whole class went wild after hearing the recording.

"How dare you—" Rebecca said, fuming mad.

She's doing her worst at containing her anger and trying not to slap me.

"Nah, how dare you Rebecca. I think I regretted that I talked with my parents instead of my grandfather, Sebastian Johannes." I said, dropping a bombarding news, an ace card.

The whole classroom went silent as I took my seat in the front.

Guess it blew them up? Lol.

"That's what you get from messing with my peaceful life. Don't you ever mess with the Alpha. I'm a natural born fighter, Rebecca."

Wait.. That's not me! That's not my voice!

I can't feel my eyes, but my vision is getting bloody and blurry. I could feel energy surging through my veins.

I ,or should I say whoever is controlling my body, went up close to Rebecca and whispered words that shocked the both of us.

"This is Lady Vera Wisteria talking, Rebecca Frostwood. Me and my vessel welcomes you to the kingdom of Hell."

And after that... All I ever felt was the world is spinning before blacking out.