

It all started the day I was with my friend preye, he is from the same village with me, fair in complexion, tall and a bit skinny. His father is Rich but before he got rich we were attending the same primary school back in our community in Delta State, Warri south west, gbaramatu kingdom, okerenkoko.And the name of our school is ''Okerenkoko primary school, though it was a village school but we had good teachers so everything was going well.

Before I forget, let me introduce myself, I'm Tamaralayefa born into the okiri idumu of okerenkoko, gbaramatu kingdom and I live with my parents in my home town, my parents were not very rich but at least we don't beg to eat. I'm the first born in my family and I have two other siblings, Nanayei and Ebidenwei. They have their English names but I'll just focus on the tribal ones.

Back to what I was saying, after our common entrance examination Preye left for the city because his father just got a contract, worth millions of naria and he cannot allow his only Son stay in the village, it was really heart breaking that Preye will be leaving for the city Soon but what can I do, just have to accept my fate.

The day came when Preye will be traveling I woke very early that morning to help him with his luggages since he was not staying close to the waterside, because we live in a riverine area, Good morning preye' good morning` he replied so where is your luggage I asked let me help you,thank you he said as he smiles and gave me the luggage.

Having some thought going on, in my mind, Will I ever travel and leave this environment. Because since I was a Child I've been here and everything looks the same, I do watch movies but I'll love to see the outside world and see how it will look like.

There's should be a change for everyone, I pray to be favored someday and I'll go to the city on my own accord. Without Any disturbance from anyone.

I want to be a lawyer, When I grow up, But I still haven't figured it out why I'm always seeing myself being a lawyer. Having an understanding why you should go for a course is very important.

My teacher will look at me amazed asking me how the hell did you get all these information, you re really brilliant. You don't look like one who has stayed in the village all his life.

I believe so much that there are so many students in the city that can never beat your intelligence. I'm still staring at preye, My best friend, I'm still wondering if he will still be my best friend. When he goes to the city I believe he'll have another best friend and forget about me.

All the same, Legends days, True friendship never dies and Distance is never to barrier when it comes to true friendship. But do preye Loves and Cherish me the same as I do?

I'm a Boy, Maybe I'm overreacting, He maybe missing me more than I do? But From Facial expressions he looks very happy I'm leaving the same, Poor me still staying here with my parents from One creek hole to another.

I feel worthless, Why was I even born into a poor family, Why is it that The nature of an African home is Poverty. Is it a mentality or a curse.

So Many things going on right now in my head, Trying to figure which of them is true. I wish Preye's father was my dad, But asking myself this question. Does money solve every problem. Then why do rich people die. Maybe I'm too young to ask questions to This.

When I grow older I believe I'm get all the answers that I ever wanted. But who is going to tell me. Is it my parents or The society or my experience. Experience they say is the best teacher, So I believe experience will teach better.

God have mercy on Me, I'm being thinking alot these days I don't know if I've offended God with my thought. Because the bible says we Should guide our Thought, As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

I'm a christian, yes jesus has paid my dept and my future is secured in his hands so I have no reason to be afraid.