
The Creators Indeed

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The Beginning

Before the aspect that we call creation ever came into fruition, there were 3 beings that reigned supreme over nothing, they had no names, no gender, nor objectives, not even goals.

The only thing they had was power, endless rushing power which seemed to come from their sole existence and nothing else, even the thing we know as time never existed, all they did was stare into endless darkness, the same darkness that we seem to relate to the aspect of evil, but at some point, all that changed, those thoughtless, dumb beings started to gain their own will and from will came thought and then came ideas and then the creation, of course, they didn't first create life, that would be laughable, they were like newborn babies.

They first sought individualism, they sought to separate themselves and give themselves Meaning and so that is what they first created, they separated from each other and started thinking of what gave them each Meaning.

The first being looked into the endless darkness, it knew that they were the only beings that pervaded over nothing and something at the same time, and so it thought about what if could take that thing, the same thing we call life now, and so it dedicated its power in taking away life, and the embodiment of {Death} was born.

The second sought to create more beings create beings like themselves, beings brimming with the same type of power that it had, and so the embodiment of {Life }was born.

The third being was strangely different, it was strange indeed, how and why it decided on its individualism was basically on instinct, it sensed that its existence could be threatened and might cease to exist, so not by thought nor will did it decide that it never wanted to die,

but by instinct, the embodiment of {Immortality} was born.

As long as it never perished.

Now see these three embodiments could oppose each other, {Death} takes {Life} away while {Immortality} keeps {Death} away, but why would they do that, they don't even know the effect of their newfound enlightenment, and so they started working together.

And so {Life} pervaded over the vast darkness and created things that could hold life, those things would be what we know as planets now, and created beings that seemed to move and naturally interact with each other with intent, see {Life} didn't care about their shape or how they looked, the fact those things beings merely existed satisfied it, but what seemed to frustrate {Life} was the fact that every action of those beings was always erased, there was no start or finish, {Life} kept abandoning and creating until it gave them <Meaning> and with that, it gave them power, and to support Meaning it gave them, Time, a start and a finish.

After that, {Death} seemed to find things easy, it could take the lives of the beings that {Life} created at the beginning, the middle, or at the end of their lives, what it really sought to do was to give meaning to what happened after the event of {Death} and so it created the system of (Reward) and (Punishments), it was tied to the actions those beings that {Life} created, what happens in those systems is unknown.

Now {Immortality} was different, what it sought was to give them eternal life, and so he used the Meanings that both {Death} and {Life} gave those beings as a basis. It added its own <Meaning>, it used the ( Reward) system of {Death} and created(Reincarnation), which was also tied to the actions of those creations, and last, of all, it used {Lifes's} Meaning to also give them power, in hopes that they could have long lives or possibly reach (immortality).

Why could he not just give {Immortality} like it chose to be? , that would vastly go against {Death}.

Their creations were successful, they lived and died, and some almost gained immortality.

But {Death}, {Life} and {Immortatlity) seemed not to feel a connection to their creations and so they created Faith and made all their creations praise them, but these were the last they would create.

They changed their power, which was nothing into something and gave them Meaning, they created and took away the lives of those creations, The three looked into the once before Darkness which is now filled with light and creation and they faded just like that, even {Immortality} faded.

Turned out their power was not endless, of course, that wasn't the end, there was another being that never used power, all it did was stare at those 3 beings, as they created and destroyed at will, filled it up with creation, it copied them as they found individualism, but never created, it found that its sole purpose was to destroy, it simply wanted destruction.

Of course, I'm talking about the {Darkness}

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