
The physical test

Rue departed from the guild almost immediately as she wanted to win the bet badly.

It would be good if someone was nice enough to let her win to boost her morale.

But it's a bet, and I can't back off now. I'll show her how powerful I am.

And with that, I also departed from the guild and went to the inn to use my teleport with peace of mind. And as there wasn't anyone I didn't have the fear of someone seeing my abilities, and I could talk to Pod freely.

I started the teleportation spell but at that time Pod hit me on the head with his spherical body.

"What was that?"

"Master are you really stupid? You have your ID recorded by the guards if you want to exit the town or enter it. Why are you ready to teleport to the forest?"

"But I can just teleport back!!" I replied, but Pod tilted his body as if disappointed and spoke,

"Master wouldn't the people sooner or later be suspicious that how he is never recorded after one time by guards and is still finishing quests!!"

Oh shit, I had completely forgotten about that.

Now I'm in a disadvantageous position. Rue should have already arrived at the forest while I'm still here. Fuck.

I left running from the inn and headed straight towards the city's gate.

"Oh, hey Daichi. Going on a quest again?" One of the guards greeted me as soon as I got there.

"Yep, somehow I gotta make money."

"Heh, I feel you. By the way, I heard that you got promoted, congratulations." He gave me a thumbs up,

"Ah, thanks," I replied while scratching my head.

"Here you go." He said and handed over my ID card.

I thanked him and got out of the city's gate.

As soon as they closed it I bent down before focusing my consciousness on my legs not too fast that I will push the ground back and not too slow,

That was the best thing I could do at the moment as I couldn't use the teleport because there were guards on the city's walls surveilling the area.

Thus as soon as I had adjusted my mind and soul for running I started running towards the forest at a speed of at least one hundred kilometers per hour.

Needless to say, I arrived there within a few seconds this body really is the best.

But there weren't any direwolves around me, thus it was time for trying another one of my super senses,

"Master, isn't it just cheating to use God stats when you said you wouldn't use magic….. what's the difference?" why does he sound so ashamed,

"See pod it is still me checking the capabilities of my physical body without magic!!"

"If that is what you like to call cheating" Man being on the planet sure is bringing out worse in him, I closed my eyes and felt the surroundings with my ears hearing everything and focusing on the voices I was looking for,

And with that, I managed to locate fifteen dire wolves in this forest. Some of them were eating, some resting, and others hiding to attack their future prey.

Too bad for them that the one who came won't be their prey, but their hunter.

I'm sure that by now Rue should have killed every goblin she needed for the quest, thus I have to hurry up or else I'll lose.

I rushed towards the beast barehanded suppressing any aura and mana I was emitting to look like a weak human,

A wolf jumped towards me and I punched right through its flesh and skin,

"Man, it looks like gore!!" I complained even though I did it but then I hurriedly turned to another wolf, suddenly a few wolves jumped on top of me thinking they'll get me with number of strength,

"Wtf!!" I roared and jumped up coming down punching right through them and then further into the ground, damn being God doesn't mean I don't get surprised!!,

I turned back to look at the crater I ended up making in-ground,

'This will be messy if someone saw this'

"Pod, come here. You got work to do."

Pod disabled the invisibility mode and said "Let me guess, it's something that you carelessly did and now you want me to fix it?"

"Now, why would you say that?"

"Because looking around I see nothing but a crater in the middle of a forest, which I'm pretty sure isn't normal."

"How do you know that? Maybe a meteorite fell here."

"I remember that we removed the asteroid belt from our solar system."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter how the crater was made or who is at fault here."

"Yea, that's favorable for you master, isn't it?"

"Will you keep talking back to me or listen to what I want to say?"

"I don't need to, you want me to make the forest as it was."

"Indeed, it seems that you can think at last."

"I'll need the administrator perk to do that."

"What do you mean? You already have it."

"I don't, you took it away from me after the 68th farce I made to you."

"Ah, right. I'll give it back, but if you dare to do anything like those things again I'll send you to Jesus."

"Whatever you say, master. Though he isn't as boring as you."

"Get to your job and stop speaking all the time you fucking iron sphere," I said kicking him into the hole.

All right then, time for me to leave. I wasted a lot of time here.

I ran back towards the city with all my might so I won't lose to Rue.

After showing my ID card to another pair of guards who were doing their night shift I went straight to the guild.

Good thing that when I entered I didn't see Rue anywhere there.

Great, that means that I must have won the bet.

But, why does she take so much time to finish? They were mere goblins, nothing major. Well in the worst-case scenario I'll just have to save her once again.

I went to the receptionist and showed the dire wolves fur that I had previously spawned in my storage ring as I couldn't gather from the dead dire wolves back then as I obliterated them.

I feel like I just wasted my time though. I did all that while I could just wait for a bit and then come back here by spawning the furs.

"You're indeed a stupid master." I heard Pod's voice in my head.

"You could indeed just spawn them, but that would have been meaningless for the normal life you want to live." He continued.

Honestly, I can't deny it, sometimes his thinking surpasses mine, for better or worse.

But one thing's for sure, Rue's not back yet and I'm starting to get worried. Did something happen to her? She was up against goblins, so there is no way for her to mess up.

I take some seconds to rethink my last phrase.

Now that I think about it, she has a high chance of messing up the quest.

Aah, I guess I'll have to find out where she is.

"Pod, come here partner."

"What can I do for you, partner?"

"It wouldn't be cheating… if I just ask if Rue is okay or not right? Considering If I don't even use my omniscience to check that"

Pod moved around for a bit looking in deep thought and then replied,

"She is fine master!! She is fighting something awesome though!!"

"What thing?" I asked curiously, but Pod tilted and I could imagine a question mark appearing above him,

"Didn't you just say we are not going to cheat?"

"But it is not my omniscience!!" I reasoned and he replied,

"She is fighting a Goblin Highlord, who just birthed recently"

"Wtf!! Didn't I set this village to be the safest in the world?" I was surprised because according to the way I made this world a Goblin Highlord isn't supposed to appear around this village,

"Our world has something going on inside it Master remember"

"I guess so….. well in either case keep an eye on Rue if her fight is going well all and good, but if she is near death or something teleport me there right away!!"

Pod hovered near my head and asked,

"Master why would you break the rule for just a demi dwarf?" I take a deep sigh as I remember he is not wrong people are dying here and there I could not save them all or the balance would crumble but the thing is,

"she is at my party so I am responsible for her…. And I can't let her suffer for my play human game" like those other damn gods I spoke under my breathe and Pod seemed to snicker,

"You really are weird master!!"

"Not more than you partner" I smiled, there is an unexplainable understanding I had developed with pod over the billions of years.

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