
The Creator's Return

"Would you like to use your creator's privilege?" "No" "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Creator's demand accepted. You may use the privilege whenever you want. Just say 'creator' in your thoughts and a screen will pop out to help you on this journey. Now, best of luck to you and may you survive until the end". This time, I will definitely survive. In my past life I abused and constantly use my privilege power until I encountered that guy. The hidden male lead, which I thought on a whim to make my favourite character shine. With my power, I can make everyone fall for me and thus I avoided my downfall...or so I thought. I became so hang up on why he doesn't fall for me despite this power. Thus, I who was once the heroine of my own novel, became a villain because of this. I committed several sins, became worse than the villain I wrote and became selfish. Until said hidden male lead, had enough and killed me. But now that I have once again returned, I will make sure not to be hung up on him! Better yet, I will ignore his existence! Yet, why does he always show up when I least expect him?!

snowvalerio · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

On a sunny afternoon, there sat a woman on her 20's, with long brown luscious hair as soft as silk and a beauty like an angel. She has been continuously stressed out because the deadline for her novel is near. She barely get any sleep, barely eat and barely go out with her friends anymore. For her, the novel she writes is her life as she is able to connect with thousands of people who both have the interest as her. But why does she look incredibly shocked?


"Now, Sky Violet Blaise, I shall announce the crimes you have committed"

Ah.. yes.. this is where I finally die..

Of all the things I did for him to notice me, in the end I will die by his own hands.

I can't say I don't regret it, because I know I'm also at fault, but this is just too painful.

I don't want to die yet!

"You harassed several people whom I treasure as friends, yet you even disabled them so they cannot talk to me! Second, even though you've hurt them severely, they still wanted to forgive you and you still took their kindess for granted! One of them had been severely injured, yet, here you are you look all proud and mighty"

"No wait" I said.

He doesn't know what I'm feeling, but I am sure in hell not proud and mighty. Heck, I am really scared but what can I do? I really did all those evil things because of my own selfishness for him to like me. At some point, I am ready to face my sins, but I still don't want to die!

"Please listen to me-" I bawled

"Shut up. You have done several evil things for me to still listen to you. You don't deserve any ounce of respect".


"As mentioned, you will pay for the sins you have committed. There are too many on the list, I'm sure you know what that is, that is why I'm going to proceed with your sentence".

Is this really the end?

Am I really going to die? But what of my body out there? If I die here, I won't be able to come back in my own world!

"I ______ the ____ of Flamiglia, sentence you death by becoming the food of the wolves! Guards, take her to the forest and make sure she really dies! I will have my _____ accompany you to make sure she is dead".

"NOOOOOOOOOO! Please, I'm begging you don't kill me. Please!" I screamed with urgent. I know I did terrible things, but I really don't want to die knowing I can't return to my original world. I am the one who made this novel, but why have I become like this?

Is it so bad that I wanted his affection? When did it start? The moment my privilege power didn't work on him?

Even so, I still want to live!

If I can only just turn back time, I will make sure not to become like this again. I will live differently and not become an evil person.

"What are you waiting for? Have her go to the forest immediately".

"Please! Please! I beg of you, don't kill me!" I shouted while being dragged away.

"You did this to yourself, now pay for it with your life." Before the door closes, he said those words that made me remember all the things I have done in the past which have made me become numb.


"Miss Sky, we're here"


"You think she finally lost it?"


"Yeah, I don't know why the victims still like her despite disabling their bodies"


"Well, at least one evil person will be gone"


"Okay, lets tie her up properly so she cannot withstand and try to run away"

"Hurry, the wolves are here! Dump her and we will wait on top of the tree to see if she's dead afterwards"

"Sure thing. I pity her, but she deserves this."


Is this really it? While I recalled the memories I've done to the male leads, supporting character and the villains, I really did become a despicable evil woman.

"Awoooooooo" howl by several wolves

"They're here, hurry and climb up the tree!"

Why is it that I became so focused on making him like me? Is it my pride as the creator of the novel or is there something else?

Even so, I cannot accept this death.

Even with the pain of being dragged around and scared of the wolves coming closer, I silently prayed.

"Please, if there is even a god, I wish to make up for the sins I have committed. I will gladly change and make sure I won't become evil".

"Awoooooooo!" The pack of wolves have come and I felt a shiver on my body. My death has come near and I terribly regret what I did. With my mouth covered, body tied with ropes and blood coming from my knees I still continued to pray despite being hurt.


*Urgh!* I groaned in pain. Its painful, really painful. Is this what the people I disabled felt when I hurt them? *chomp*

"do you think she's dead yet?"

"I don't know. We can check once the wolves goes away"

Look at them, just patiently waiting for my death to come. How I wish I'm the one who's alive.

*chomp* while the wolves continue eating my body, I slowly began to lose consciousness.

"Demand accepted. You shall now go back in time and begin this journey once again to when you are-"

A screen popped out suddenly, but I lost my consciousness before it finished what the system is saying.


"She's now dead and her body has become terribly disassembled your _______" said the guards.

"Indeed, I saw it by the help of my companion. You may now leave and make sure you tell the everyone that Sky Violet Blaise exist no more".

"Yes, I will make sure" the guard scurried off.

"Hah... Sky. You idiotic pitiful woman"

Updates every Friday.

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