
The creation of time

In the world where gods employ humans based on their soul weapon. Zac was born with a watch as his soul weapon. "No God wants someone who has a watch as his weapon" Zac thought to himself. After barely escaping his death, The God who saved him offers him a position in his army, but he had never heard of this God before. "What are you the God of again" he asked the God. "Time" the God replied.

Foxbot · Action
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2 Chs

Resonating Time

As I gradually regained consciousness, the voice of a girl around my age filled the air. "A new recruit!" she exclaimed with excitement. Slowly opening my eyes, I met her gaze. She had average features, with brown eyes and matching brown hair. Holding a glowing green chakram in each hand, her pride was evident.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized I was in a new place—an ethereal landscape suspended between reality and a dream. Glowing orbs pulsated in the air, and the ground beneath me felt both solid and otherworldly. The air buzzed with an indescribable energy.

Attempting to collect my thoughts, I scanned the surroundings. In the distance, a figure emerged—a man of unparalleled beauty. Describing him as extremely attractive would be an understatement. With white hair, glowing green eyes, and skin as white as snow, he possessed an aura that demanded attention.

"Zac," the man spoke, his voice resonating with power. "I offer you something you can't resist. Join my army, and everything you desire shall be yours." At least, that's what I hoped he would say. Instead, he declared, "Join my army, or I'll kill you." After collecting my thoughts, I managed to reply, "I don't really have much of a choice, do I?"

"Yeah," he replied, "pull out your soul weapon, and I will imbue it with energy." Summoning my watch, he stared at it before bursting into laughter. "NO WAY!" he exclaimed. "A WATCH."

"What's so funny?" I asked with a dead serious look on my face. "Well," the man started, "I don't think I introduced myself. I am Adrian, God Of Time," he said proudly. "And you have a watch as your soul weapon." He continued laughing, joined by the girl from earlier. "Well, let's get started," he said after he was finished laughing.

My watch floated in the air, changing color to green and glowing. After around three minutes, the watch returned to me, enveloped in green, gently laying itself on my wrist. "Try it out," Adrian said in a curious tone. "How?" I replied. "Well, try turning the dial," he said. As soon as I turned the dial, the world around me started to slow down.

Everything moved at 0.5 speed. After 10 seconds, the world returned back to normal. "HAHAHA, I knew you were special but I didn't know that you were that special" Adrian said, "your ability is personal time control." "Follow Katie," he instructed, gesturing to the girl who had been beside him.