
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
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14 Chs

4. Tea Time

Rory hooked her arm with Sawyer's and he lead her out to the garden where the gazebo was. There was a table in the center of it. Just a few minutes ago a duel was held here and now it's a tranquil setting for afternoon tea. Once they reached the table Sawyer pulled out a chair for Rory and gestured for her to sit. He took his place across from her. The butler on the sidelines picked up the teacup and poured some tea in both of their cups. There was a few snacks placed on the table.

"What do you think of this place so far?" Sawyer broke the silence, "You've only been here a few hours, but I'm sure you have some opinions."

Rory took a sip or her tea and set the saucer back down, "not opinions really, just thoughts... I know I'm never going to get bored here," She smiled as she picked up her tea cup once more and brought it to her lips.

"Well that's good to hear... you seem to be getting along with my sister just fine," Sawyer said as he picked up his own cup.

"Yeah... if I'm being completely honest, I haven't really had a friend like her... or many friends in general... I usually keep to myself... I prefer reading over socializing."

The Prince laughed. Rory was startled. What was funny?

"I feel the same way Rory," Sawyer explained, "I would rather read or occupy my time with my studies than talk to people, but as the future king of this country... that luxury is now a ticking time clock."

"I understand," Rory smiled and reached for his hand to hold to give him some comfort. This was something she had seen her mother do with her father many times when he was stressed.

When Sawyer felt Rory's hand on his he felt his cheeks get warm. He quickly pulled his hand away to hide his face.

"I'm sorry... did I over step?"

"No! Not at all..."

"Then what is it?"

"It's embarrassing."

"What is Sawyer?"

"I don't know... I'm just not used to getting any type of physical comfort from anyone other than my sister... when I'm upset she's the one I go to... when I'm anxious she calms me down... I'm just not used to anyone else doing so... it just startled me is all," He said as he put his hand down on his lap.

"I'm used to comforting people in that way... watching the way my mother assures my father that everything will be okay and then with my siblings I'm used to comforting them since they are all younger than I am... I'm sorry," Rory smiled at him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for... it was nice," Sawyer smiled as he felt the heat return to his cheeks.

"Are you sure I haven't over stepped?"

"Yes... I mean no... I mean yes I'm sure and no you haven't stepped over any boundaries... in fact I would like it if you did so again in the future... I mean I can't rely completely on my sister... she's going to venture off on her own one day and I need to learn to form relationships outside of our comfortable sibling cohabitation... I need a friend," Sawyer was not maintaining eye contact during this monolog, but he did however look her way when he suggested being friends. He needed to know what she thought.

Rory was surprised when she heard Sawyer say this. She has only known him a sum of a few hours and what she knows already is that he's shy, competitive, and has a kind heart. She's already formed a close bond with his twin over the span of a few days. Who's to say that a friendship with Sawyer wouldn't be the same?

"Are you asking to be my friend Sawyer?" Rory teased him.

"Well only if you would like to..." Sawyer instinctively scratched the back of his neck. He was nervously waiting for her answer. Every second that passed by he could feel the weight on his chest pile on and on.

"My answer is yes."

Sawyer heaved a long breath out as if he was holding his breath while waiting for her to make up his mind, anxious that anything he did would sway her opinion of him. He didn't quite understand why he cared so much about this girl and what she thought of him. All he knew was that everytime he was around her he got this feeling in his chest. It wasn't like the anxiety he felt talking to any other girls or boys for that matter. It was a calm feeling. A feeling of comfort. A feeling he only felt when talking to his twin. Why was Rory an exception to this? Why did talking to her feel so... right? So easy? All these thoughts were rampaging in his mind that he forgot to react to Rory's answer.

"Uhhh... Sawyer!"


"Nevermind," Rory giggled, "So now that we are friends..."


"I don't know!" Rory exclaimed, she was just as clueless as him, "I didn't really have many friends growing up."

"I didn't either... I really only had Stevie."

"I mean I had my five siblings, but thats different and I'm sure you get that... I'm just not really sure what friends do."

"We could read together?"

"Like out loud?"

"No I mean like read separate books or maybe the same one... but like in the same room? maybe our library?"

"Wait you have a library?" Rory's eyes lit up.

"I forgot... you haven't really had any time to settle in have you?"

"No not really... you and your sister have kept me on my toes all day!"

"Stevie tends to do that," Sawyer chuckled lightly, "I think I will escort you back to my sister and have her show you around and get you settled into your room."

"My room?"

"Yeah... as head maid you have your own room... its right between mine and Stevie's," Sawyer said as if it was apparent.

"Oh," Rory said as Sawyer stood up from his chair. He walked over to her and held out his hand, "You don't have to do that, I'm just a maid."

"You're my friend Rory... and it's called being nice," Sawyer smiled as he gave his first friend a bit of his signature attitude that she remembered Stevie ranting to her about one time.

"Fine," Rory huffed as she placed her hand in his.

Sawyer helped Rory out of her chair and lead her to his sister's room. He was surprised to see her on her bed reading. Normally she's practicing her sparring moves or improving her strength in some way.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"Hello brother and best friend of mine... how was tea?" She asked as she closed the book and tossed it aside. She sprang off the bed and walked toward them.

"Oh you know it was good... tea is tea," Sawyer smiled trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Nothing else to add?" Stevie got closer to her brother and poked his chest with her index finger causing him to nearly lose his balance.

"Not really... we talked about books," Sawyer said trying to lead her away from any of her sneaking suspicions or accusations he already knew his sister had.

"I did start reading Wuthering Heights and I must say it's not as boring as I thought it was going to be... but don't go thinking I'm going to be joining your little book club... I leave that to you guys to enjoy," Stevie smirked.

"Wait!" Sawyer declared, "You were spying on us weren't you?"

"Like I just said I was reading the book," Stevie replied.

"Then what page are you on?"

"Page forty-three,"

"Then what's going on now in the story?"

"I don't know I just got on to that page."

"Then how about before that then?"

"Okay fine... I wasn't reading," Stevie gave in, it was no use lying to her brother when he already figured it out, "I just wanted to make sure everything went okay."

"You're so nosey!" Sawyer shouted, "Why can't I ever do something on my own? Do you think I'm so incapable of making a friend?"

"No," Stevie looked apologetic.

"Well then what is it?"

Rory was standing in the middle of yet another sibling quarrel... and this was only her first day here. She wondered if this was always how it was between then. All Rory knew was that she wanted her two friends to get along.

"ENOUGH!" Rory shouted.

The Princess and Prince stopped their bickering and looked to their friend who cowered in the corner. Rory had over stepped and she was worried about their reaction.

"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-"

"No Rory you're right," Sawyer said as he went over to his friend to assure her.

"Yeah... thank you Rory," Stevie walked over to Rory and Sawyer and they both hugged her.

"We shouldn't be fighting like this in front of you... it's not fair to you."

Without realizing it she felt a tear fall down her face, "It's okay guys... I just want everyone to get along."

Stevie and Saywer backed up from Rory. When Sawyer realized Rory was crying he cupped her cheek with one hand and wiped her tears away with the other.

"You've had a long day... you should get some rest," Sawyer smiled.

"I'll show you to your room... Henry put your things in there earlier," Stevie said as she grabbed Rory's hand and guided her out of her room and to the room next door.