
The Crazy Princess

The Crazy Princess may be a misleading title because no, it is not about a Princess gone mentally insane, but about a Princess who broke the gender norms and embraces the name she had earned for herself by the people surrounding her that were not used to change. This story does not heavily revolve around her, but it is because of her that this story is possible.

Adena_Parker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

13. The Twins Fifteenth Birthday


The twins fifteenth birthday came faster than expected. Rory was consulted by the Queen to help get ideas for the twins party. Rory suggested that it be a small party just between the people within the palace. She also suggested that they made the twins favorite foods for dinner that day and then a special cake. The Queen agreed and thought Rory made excellent points.

Rory helped the Queen decorate the dining room of the palace. This was where most of the celebration would be held. Rory worked with the kitchen on making the cake and the Queen gave the kitchen a list of the twins favorite foods to prepare and Rory added one more thing to that list.

While the Queen and Rory were working on the celebration, Stevie and Sawyer were hanging out with Rory's family. Diane wasn't doing any better so they were trying to distract the younger children.

"Do you guys want to go for a horse ride?" Stevie suggested.

"And then can we have a picnic again?" Gregory asked Stevie.

"Of course and we can play tag with Henry again!" She announced.

"Yay!" they all danced around the twins.

They still hadn't discussed their fight, but since it was their birthday and with everything going on with Rory and her family they both decided it would be a good idea to put it behind them and work together on helping the family out to lessen the stress on their best friend.

While Stevie and Sawyer were out with Rory's siblings and Henry, the Queen and Rory were almost finished with the preparations. Meanwhile James was with Diane. He was taking care of his wife.


"Yes honey?"

"I'm not feeling well." Diane managed to choke out.

"I'll go get the physician!" James said as he ran out of the room.

He returned less than five minutes later with the physician.

"James..." the physician frowned.


"She's gone..."


"She's not in pain anymore."

"No! She can't be... dead," James cried.

The physician walked over to James and embraced him, "It's going to be okay."

The physician had a feeling that Diane hadn't made it so after James came to him he had a few palace staff members wait for him outside of the residence. He left James in the room with Diane's body and signaled the staff members to come in.

"James you should say goodbye..."

James just sobbed even harder upon hearing that. He grasped Diane's hand and held it.

"James we need to move her body before the children get back... they shouldn't have to witness this," The physician said, but just as he said that the children came running into the palace and toward the families accommodation.

"Mom! Dad! Stevie Sawyer and Henry took us on a horse ride and-" Gregory stopped in his tracks once he came upon the bedroom.

"Get them out of here!" The physician ordered Henry and the Twins.

Henry shared a look of concern with the twins. Stevie started corralling the children out of the room.

"Come on guys the fun isn't over yet," Stevie said trying to get their minds off of it.

Gregory broke away and ran back over to the bedroom.

"Mom!" He shouted with tears running down his face.

"Let them said goodbye to their mother," Stevie said to the physician and he sighed and agreed.

All of James children hovered around the bed where their mother laid, lifeless and pale.

"Someone go get Rory!" Delilah cried, "She needs to say goodbye!"

Henry and the twins looked at eachother to decide who should be the one to break the bad news to her.

"Sawyer you should go," Stevie grimaced.

Sawyer paused for a moment, but then he ran out of the room to find Rory. He looked in the kitchen first. He was aware that she was helping his mother with the party preparations so he figured he'd start there.

"Rory!" Sawyer shouted as he walked in the kitchen.

Rory was making the frosting for the cake when Sawyer walked in.

"Hey Sawyer... what are you doing here?" She asked.

"You need to come with me... its your mother," Sawyer frowned.

"What's wrong with my mother," She asked.

"Rory... please just come with me," Sawyer couldn't bring himself to say the words.

Rory dropped what she was doing and ran out of the kitchen. Sawyer ran after her. He wanted to be by her side when she found out but she was further ahead of him. As soon as Rory made it she stood at the doorway of the bedroom. She saw her father's tear stained face and she knew. Rory just stood there... frozen. She had prepared herself for this moment because it was inevitable, but nothing really can prepare you for the death of a parent no matter how hard you try. Sawyer walked in the room and over to Rory and hugged her. In that moment Rory broke. She started sobbing uncontrollably as Sawyer held her in his arms. Stevie and Henry stood off to the side not having anything to say. It's not that they didn't want to say anything it's that they thought it was best not to. Nothing they say will help their friend.

Stevie left the room to find her mother and father. She found her mother first. The Queen was in the dining hall.

"Happy birthday baby!" The Queen smiled as soon as she saw Stevie walk in. After greeting her she saw her daughters sad expression, "Sweetie, what's wrong?" the Queen asked as she came over to her daughter to give her a hug.

"Rory's mother is dead," Stevie said flatly.

"Oh my goodness... that poor family," She said as she comforted her daughter, "I'm going to find your father... go to your friend okay sweetie?"

Stevie nodded in response and she went back to the families residence. She walked in and nothing had changed. Rory was still crying, Sawyer was still holding her. James was crying as were his children. Stevie felt this horrible feeling that she never wanted to feel. She started running the scenario in her head. What would she do if her mother died?

Soon the King and Queen arrived. The Queen got the children out of the room and brought them to the dining hall. She brought them the cookies Rory had asked the kitchen to make for the twins birthday. She knew it was what their mother made them so she figured it might be a nice distraction. The King took James into his office to discuss the ways in which he would help him and his children out. Sawyer took Rory to the library. They just sat on the couch in there in silence.


"James I am sincerely sorry for your loss... my wife and I wanted to let you know that we will help you and your children out in any way we possibly can," The King said.

"I want to join the campaign I've been hearing about... the dragon thats been rampaging through the outskirts of the kingdom... I want to go," James spoke not making eye contact with the king.

"What about your children... they need their father and a campaign like this will not guarantee your safe arrival back home..."

"I will be no help to them here... I need to do this... please?"

"James are you sure?"

"Yes!" James stood up and shouted.

"Then you will leave tonight with the rest of the campaign..."

"Thank you."

James left the Kings office to get his stuff ready. The King sat at his desk feeling dejected. He did not think it was a good idea for James to go... but he knew he needed his skill. The King promised himself to make sure James children get taken care of. He was sure his twins would be a big help.


Later that night the Queen met up with Stevie. Who was taking care of Rory's siblings with Henry.

"How about we have some cake?" The Queen suggested.

"Mother I really don't feel like celebrating right now..." Stevie sighed.

"I understand... dinner has been prepared... its been a long day and the children need to eat... I'll have the staff bring the food in... please go find your brother and Rory," The Queen smiled lightly and left.

Stevie walked out of the dining hall and over to the Library. Rory and Sawyer were sitting in silence still.

"Hey guys... dinner is ready mother sent me to get you," Stevie announced.

Sawyer stood up from his seat and helped Rory up. The three of them walked in silence back to the dining hall.

"Happy Birthday," Rory was the one to break the silence.

"Thanks Rory," Stevie smiled.


Sawyer walked Rory to her room and tucked her into bed. As soon as Rory's head hit the pillow she passed out. He took this opportunity to leave her room and he headed over to Stevie's.

"Hey," he announced himself in the doorway.

"Hey," She greeted back.

"Worst birthday ever," He sighed as he sat down on her bed beside her.

Stevie sighed, "I feel horrible... because I don't even know how to be there for her right now."

"I feel the same, but all we really can do is be there for her and be a shoulder to cry on," Sawyer said.

"How is she?"

"She's sleeping... she's had a long day."

"Where are her siblings?"

"Probably still where they were living."

"I'm going to go get them... have them stay here with me... they shouldn't be alone."

"They have their father," Sawyer replied.

"No... father just told me that he's left to go on the dragon campaign..."


"Father said that James practically begged him... James is a mess without Diane."

"I suppose that's one way of dealing with the death of your soulmate... but still he's got children to look after."

"That's what father came to talk to me about... he asked me to help Rory out with her siblings for a while... while the wound is still fresh," Stevie said.

"Well if you need help I'm here for you," Sawyer smiled.

"Thanks... I'm going to go find them," Stevie said as she stood up to leave.