
The Crazy Angel

Follow the story of Alejandro Hernandez, a teenager blessed with a supernatural mind.

Chris_Rojas · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: New beginnings and unexpected surprises

Adam Faris got out of the taxi, took a deep breath of the fresh morning air in Melaka City. In front of him stood the majestic building of the Mara Professional College, the place where he would start his new career as a teacher. The building looks sturdy and modern, with elegant and clean architecture. The morning sunlight reflects off the beauty of the large glass windows that adorn the front of the building, adding to the optimistic atmosphere of a new day.

Adam walked with charisma and confidence, his steps were steady on the path leading to the entrance. His every move reflects the confidence of a man who knows his purpose in life. He wore a neat suit and a perfectly tucked collared shirt, adding a professional touch to his appearance.

As he walked, his mind drifted to the abstract concepts he had always loved. Education for him is more than just the transfer of knowledge. It is a process of forming a mindset and enriching the soul.

"Like a flowing river, education must adapt to the contours of the land it passes through. "A teacher's job is to be the architect of that flow, guiding each student to find their own path," thought Adam with a faint smile. "Each individual is a unique thread in the great canvas of life, and education is the tool we use to help them find their own color and shape."

He entered the main lobby, which was decorated with green plants and digital information boards. There was a calm yet active atmosphere all around, with students walking around carrying books and laptops, showing their dedication towards their studies.

"Every step they take carries unlimited potential," Adam muttered to himself. "The challenge is how to help them realize and develop that potential."

A smiling receptionist greeted him, "Good morning, Mr. Faris. Welcome to the Professional Mara college. Is there anything I can help?"

Adam returned the friendly smile. "Morning. I'm Adam Faris, the new teacher here. Today I am scheduled to meet with the department heads for orientation."

"Ah, of course, Mr Faris. "The department head is waiting for you on the second floor, room 205. I will direct you there," said the receptionist politely.

While following directions to the elevator, Adam mused about his teaching philosophy. "Education is not just about memorizing facts, it is also about inspiring the imagination and encouraging critical thinking. We must instill curiosity and a desire to continue learning throughout life."

Upon arrival in room 205, he was greeted by the Head of Department, a middle-aged man with a warm smile and a hopeful gaze.

"Welcome, Adam," he said, holding out his hand." We are very happy to have you join us. I am confident that with your background and vision, you will bring positive change here."

Adam shook his hand firmly. "Thank you sir. I am very excited to get started and share my views on education with the students here. I believe that we can shape a better future through meaningful and inspiring teaching."

The Head of Department, Mr. Ramli, smiled broadly at Adam's enthusiasm. "Your enthusiasm is very inspiring, Adam. I am sure you will be a great asset for us. Come on, I'll show you around to introduce you to some of the staff and facilities we have."

Adam nodded, following Mr. Ramli out of his room. They walked down the corridor which was busy with students and staff. "We have several classrooms equipped with the latest technology, well-equipped laboratories and a fairly large library. We strive to create a supportive environment for students to learn and grow."

"I really appreciate that, Mr. Ramli," said Adam while looking around. "In my opinion, a good learning environment is one of the key factors in inspiring students. They should feel comfortable and motivated to explore new ideas."

Mr. Ramli nodded in agreement. "So true. And I'm glad you have the same view. What about your own teaching philosophy? What approach do you use in class?"

Adam smiled, relishing the opportunity to share his thoughts. "I believe in active and participatory learning. I like to use discussion methods, group projects, and case studies to help students understand the material. I also want them to learn to think critically and analytically, not just memorize facts."

Mr. Ramli looked impressed. "That is a very good approach, Adam. I am sure students will be greatly helped by your method. We are always looking for ways to improve their learning experience, and your ideas align with our goals."

They arrived at a large classroom, where several teachers were preparing their materials. Mr. Ramli introduced Adam to them. "This is Adam Faris, our new teacher. He will be joining us starting today."

One of the teachers, a young woman named Mrs. Sarah, greeted him kindly. "Welcome, Mr. Adam. Nice to meet you. What is your area of ​​expertise?"

"I will teach education and psychology subjects," answered Adam. "I look forward to collaborating with all of you to create a dynamic and inspiring learning environment."

Mrs. Sarah smiled. "It's a very interesting field. We are happy to have you join our team."

Mr. Ramli continued the tour by taking Adam to the library. "This is our library, a place where students often spend their time studying and looking for references."

Adam scanned the bookshelves filled with various genres and topics. "The library is a very important place for me. I often encourage students to seek knowledge beyond textbooks and broaden their horizons."

Mr. Ramli agrees. "That's what we expect from a dedicated teacher. I think you'll feel very good here, Adam."

After the tour was finished, they returned to Mr. Ramli's office. "So, what do you think about this place so far?" Ask Mr Ramli.

"I am very impressed, Mr Ramli. The facilities are excellent and the staff are very friendly. I feel very excited to get started and make my contribution," Adam answered sincerely.

Mr. Ramli smiled with satisfaction. "We are also very happy to have you join us. If you need anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me."

"Thank you sir. I will remember that," said Adam as he shook hands with Mr. Ramli once again. "I am ready to start this new journey."

With strong determination and high enthusiasm, Adam left Mr. Ramli's office, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. He knows that this is the start of something big, and he is determined to make a positive impact on every student he teaches.

(Rembia, Melaka)

(Afternoon, 5:30)

Mia stood behind the minimarket cashier's desk, her eyes blank and her mind wandering away from her routine tasks. The atmosphere at the minimarket that afternoon was quite quiet, there were only a few customers passing by. The shelves filled with daily necessities were neatly arranged, while the bright neon lights created contrasting shadows with the gloomy expression on Mia's face.

He continued to ponder, questioning why everything changed so quickly. In just one day, her life changed drastically after meeting Alejandro. The man came to the minimarket around afternoon, with a cute and sweet face. He asked politely where the toilet was, and a blushing Mia told him. Alejandro smiled, a smile that immediately made Mia's heart flutter.

When Alejandro came out of the toilet, he approached Mia and asked her to talk. Alejandro sees a great desire in Mia, something that even Mia herself may not be fully aware of. In that short conversation, Alejandro listened attentively, making Mia feel appreciated and heard. When Alejandro was about to leave, Mia spontaneously stopped him and offered him a place to stay. Alejandro accepted the offer, and Mia felt happy to be able to give a little happiness to a man who seemed so kind and friendly.

That night, Mia took Alejandro to her house. He prepared a guest room for Alejandro, making sure the bed was comfortable. When there is the sound of a madman screaming outside the house, Alejandro comes out to take a look, showing courage and thoughtfulness that impresses Mia even more.

However, that beautiful moment turned into a nightmare when Detective Rozman and his team came and arrested Alejandro. Mia was shocked and confused, unable to believe that a man she had just met and believed to be a good person could be accused of murder.

Now, Mia returns to reality at the Minimarket, contemplating Detective Rozman's words which are still ringing in her ears. "I'm sorry, Alejandro was the perpetrator of the massacre that occurred in the mansion, he massacred around 50 people in the mansion."

She couldn't believe it. The Alejandro she knew was a kind man, who listened to her attentively, and who made her feel appreciated. How could such a kind and gentle man commit such cruelty?

Mia squeezed the handle of the cash register, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Why did all this happen?" He whispered, almost inaudible. "I'm sure Alejandro is not a murderer. He is a good person… there must be mistakes…"

The customer standing in front of the cashier's desk gave several items to pay for, interrupting Mia's thoughts. He wiped his tears quickly, trying to smile at the customer. But the smile didn't reach his eyes.

After serving the last customer, Mia fell into contemplation again. Detective Rozman's voice, the incident of his arrest, and Alejandro's last gaze before he was taken away continued to haunt his mind. He knew that he had to do something, but what? How can he prove that Alejandro is innocent?

Mia straightened up, surprised to see the figure of a man entering the minimarket wearing a black robe. Mia's heart beat fast, fear struck as she thought the man was a criminal who came to cause trouble. However, when the man approached her, Mia felt doubt overcome her.

The man pulled back his black hood, and Alejandro's face was revealed beneath it. Mia's eyes widened, not believing what she saw. "Alejandfo?" he whispered, his voice shaking.

Alejandro smiled gently, trying to calm Mia. "Yes, Mia. I came here to make sure you were okay."

Mia felt relieved, but also confused. "But… how… why are you wearing a black robe like that? I almost thought…"

Alejandro looked at Mia meaningfully. "I feel the need to change my appearance for a moment, so that I can approach you without arousing suspicion. I know this seems strange, but I want you to know that I didn't come here with malicious intent."

Mia looked at Alejandro worriedly, but her heart began to feel relieved. She found it hard not to trust this man, especially after all the sweet moments they shared together. "I… I believe you, Alejandro. But…why do you have to hide?"

Alejandro took a deep breath, trying to choose his words carefully. "Actually, Mia there is something I have to tell you. I'm not a completely honest person, but I want you to know that I escaped from prison."

Mia was surprised again. "What?! Escape from prison?!"

Alejandro nodded. "Yes, Mia. I know this may be hard to believe, but I want to talk to you because I believe in you. I did run away, but I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't sure that I was innocent."

Mia watched Alejandro's expression, looking for signs of lying. However, he found nothing but a genuine sense of honesty. He felt his heart melt as Alejandro continued.

"I wanted to know that I would like you to join me, Mia. I know this sounds crazy, but I have big plans and I need someone I can trust to be with me."

Mia felt touched by the trust Alejandro had given her. Even though he was still confused about everything that happened, he knew that he wanted to trust Alejandro. "I... I will be with you, Alejandro," he said firmly.

As the two of them talked, Alejandro felt satisfaction in his heart. "I did it," he thought to himself. "Everything I planned from the start has succeeded. Now, Mia has become part of my plans."